Do you think we need more video games that depict romantic relationships between blood-related siblings?
Perhaps as one romantic option available.
Do you think we need more video games that depict romantic relationships between blood-related siblings?
Perhaps as one romantic option available.
No, Bubba.
Why the hell not?
Fucking your brother or sister isn't really something you're supposed to do
What for? What would it add apart from fetish fuel?
Why would they, videogames are made for plebs, not royalty.
I feel it's okay when in video games.
Romance with serious circumstances and justified drama potential.
Fuck that shit.
>Romance with serious circumstances and justified drama potential
>video games
>doing drama well
you just want to fap to two anime girls who are sisters getting it on
>justified drama potential.
Incest drama has been done to death in eroge, It's mostly ignored now days because people are sick to death of it. Go back to 2010
Name 5 eroge that do it up to 2010.
Brother x sister, not two sisters.
ok, you want to see a brother and sister get it on so you can fap to it. Here's what you can do:
1. look up hentai
2. pretend the people fucking are brother and sister
3. cum
Yes, yes we do. A brother and sister fighting against a society that doesn't recognize their love is something we should see more of in all media.
No, why should I give you recommendations?
Being gay isn't really something you're supposed to do.
I don't think you can do it.
You just know YnS and that's all,
I can, I have no reason to do so though
Koihime has incest? Well, Sengoku Koihime X came out recently, so you know, not earlier than 2010.
Don't worry, bestiality is already legal in Canada, soon incest will be too.
If it isn't already that is.
We don't need more incest eroge for the sake of having more incest eroge.
If it has a good story then I'll read it regardless, even if it has a fetish I don't like ex. Euphoria.
YnS does have the best incest story out of any translated eroge, though.
>translated eroge
That's barely anything at all, hard to make any selections.
>Koihime has incest?
No. He wasn't providing you an example, presumably he's just showing he can read more than 1 language to prove he's capable of answering the question
>Not two sisters
What are you, gay?
And so am I, it's easy to go to EGS, check the "immoral eroge" tag for incest games and see which ones also have drama. I'm just saying there won't be too many and that the fag won't be able to name them anyway.
Those are twins, both girls even, they're pretty much the same person. It's like masturbation.
>I'm just saying there won't be too many
I doubt that for some reason.
Why would you need too many anyway? There's only one way to do that drama.
I like the shrine maiden childhood friend more, sorry.
>Perhaps as one romantic option available.
How about as 3 out of 7 options?
Perhaps read back to what the discussion is about.