After replaying the game recently I've come to feel the "kill namatame" ending is the most sensible option that a group of confused adolescents would choose.
Despite him not being "the killer" he was indeed directly responsible for nanakos death and it makes perfect sense for the MC to want to kill him after the flurry of emotions resulting from her death. Despite being obvious to the player that the truth hasn't been revealed and key social links haven't been maxed Yu wouldn't be able to measure this and would have no reason to believe that namatame wasn't the killer given the circumstances
Even regarding an offhand statement saying he had an alibi during the first murder that happened months prior it would be more than understandable that Yu would overlook this or have just plain forgot due to the time lapse or from the stress of his current situation.
Had he indeed remembered it he still couldn't deny that namatame was responsible for nanakos death and the overwhelming suggestions to kill him from his friends could easily push him to do it.
It's obviously not the canon ending but it's the only ending that still resonates with me simply because of the fact that the good guys didn't live happily ever after and made everything perfect or fixed everything. It's the ending that feels the most realistic in terms of what a human being might do.
It's also the path I would have taken if this were a real life scenario.
What are your guys thoughts?
Jace Morgan
Why do weebs like bad endings so much?
Charles Martinez
It's not that I like bad endings so much I just hate the tropey happily ever after shit that's in literally 90% of media.
It's literally cause of "muh feels" happy endings just don't deliver anything impactful when you've seen them for the 1000th time
James Gomez
>it's best endning because it most resonates with me because I'm emotional and base my decisions on emotions
nice blog post
Andrew Nelson
I hope you cut yourself on that edge.
Josiah Ward
The bad ending of Persona 4 is supposed to feel like the realistic choice, however I wouldn't call it the best ending, or even say that the other endings (aside from Golden's epilogue) are happily ever afters.
Angel Evans
Edgy and contrarian
Landon Wood
Thomas Bell
Matthew Price
The Adachi bad end is better
Jace Williams
You know I always forget that exists, you might be right
Jonathan King
Wait up, so killing namatame is the bad ending? There's a "good" ending? Shit, now i have to dig out my PS2 from the basement
Carson Gutierrez
Not OP and while it's still a shit ending, it's still better than the other endings because they don't have Nanako being revived for literally no reason other than they wrote themselves into a corner.
Isaac Edwards
Shut the fuck up... you have to be joking.
Josiah Bell
Nanako was revived because there was simply no time in Persona 4 to fit a Nanako dying arc. Would you want another week of cutscenes detailing the funeral for a little girl?
James Brooks
This game would have been 100% better if it went through with a bad ending instead of the most retarded cop out imaginable.
Owen Gray
>Live in a world where magic is basically everywhere and with enough willpower you can literally do anything >NAH FUCK THAT SHIT KILL LITTLE CHILDREN AND POSTMEN Classic Adachi Posters In This Thread
John Sullivan
That would be better than her coming back to life for no reason.
If they couldn't fit a dying arc, just have her fall into a coma and come back once you clear the final dungeon because you cleared up the fog.
Mason Hall
This, the backpeddling is real.
Hudson Allen
>ripe scent what do they mean by this?
Gabriel Sanders
But their line of logic is correct. Why would he say that he saved people who wound up being rescued if his goal was to murder them? It's a contradiction. The only retarded thing is that the MC figures it out and not the prodigy detective.
Daniel Johnson
It's implied he's crazy plus when his shadow appears on tv while you're in his room it leads you to believe he was indeed killing them.
Michael Reed
>choosing to be a bitch pussy and get played by Adachi It's only better if you don't have a spine.
Jeremiah Allen
But he's your friend user! You had a social link with him and he shared so much with you!
Aaron Edwards
It's not so much much the want for a bad ending, it's the want for a sensible ending. A fitting ending. Most of the time, the "true" ending of a game feels like a tacked on, "le epic" sendoff that the devs felt obligated to do. It also happens in western movies, TV, and anime. The story reaches a really meaningful, appropriate stopping place, everything is just right for things to end on a note that doesn't magically fix everything.
The conflict is over, but the characters actually have to pick up the pieces. They've accomplished a good (or not), but they have to live with everything that was sacrificed to get to that point. It's why Empire Strikes back had a good ending. It ended on a "shit's fucked" note. Luke got away from Vader, but his hand was gone, and he has to come to terms with who's son he truly is. It's not the end of the saga by any means, nor could it be, as it leaves threads untied for the next film. However, I use it as my example because of how it seems to end on a "just right" note. It isn't horrifically tragic for the protagonists, nor it is magically perfect due to deux ex machina. They "won", or survived, really.
I guess it boils down to the fact that endings feel disingenuous if nothing was lost to arrive there. In Persona 4, you canonically don't lose anyone to Adachi, they all face their Personas, and anyone who gets a less than great ending isn't part of the main cast. Like when a friend told me I'd "fucked up" by losing Tali in Mass Effect 3. You can go through that game perfectly and lose nobody. I hadn't maxed Charm, so I fucked up somehow and she threw herself off a cliff. This moment of the game was more powerful than anything in that shitshow, and felt fitting. Like I actually had to make a choice that lost me something to gain what I needed, with no option to magically do everything right.
I'm not OP, and don't fully agree with his analysis of P4's endings, but he has a point.
Robert Powell
That's right, Adachi is the one true friend. Everyone else is just bitches and whores.
Ryder Cook
The fuck are you talking about. Ever since the 90s happy campiness has been replaced by edgy grim downers.
It's literally a statistically observed thing that 9/11 ruined happiness and made everything grittier. Take a look at early 90s and before in literally any medium. Movies are the perfect example with all the campy action hero jolliness.
If anything edgy tragic shit is oversaturated and a happy ending where everything is solved is the rare outlier.
John Ortiz
What always bothered me is that there's literally no way you would suspect Adachi when they give you all those names to choose who the killer is.
Levi King
Persona isn't meant to be grimdark user.
Charles Evans
Yah. Like how he runs off at the beginning and throws up after seeing the reporters body. If he was so bent on murder and shit why would that shock him?
The only reason you would suspect him is because he was ALWAYS there to conveniently say something and he's the only other person who could have delivered the letters without suspicion.
Even then the jump to that conclusion is kind of farfetched
Wyatt Gray
ITT stupid people
Grayson Roberts
So that's why a failed social link leads to a girl committing suicide?
Austin Rogers
What, really? I'm not the brightest bulb, but I kind of felt like it would be him, and when given the list, that was just kind of the "click" moment when I realized he'd be the villain.
It's not even that something in the story tipped me off, it's just a storytelling thing. Like when you're watching a movie and you can just feel how it's going to end, or feel out a twist just based on how everything is set up. It's like that kind of human intuition thing that makes you wary when something "seems off".
James Wilson
Well that shit is easy to say he was faking.
My point is that typically a murder mystery like this leads you to the conclusion. But in this case there was literally no line of reasoning to Adachi. Knowing nothing about P4 you would be throwing out a blind guess because idk who else could it be?
Ayden Garcia
There were several things about Adachi that felt off to me. The game makes you feel really bad for him, like life is fucking him over at every turn. It's not that big of a jump that you can go from there to suspecting him.
Jaxon Rogers
There are story-based hints that would lead you to suspect Adachi like him being a character with a portrait but no S. Link, or even in Golden where he does have an S. Link but that only made him more suspicious because of his Arcana. Other than that he's a joke character which is meant to throw you off, but there's a moment when he's drunk where his voice actor delivers a line relating to the case in an unusually serious way. This hint is very subtle, but it's there.
Though you can guess that Adachi is the villain by the way they handled the story, the "evidence" that points toward him wouldn't hold any weight in a court of law. That's why P4 isn't a very good detective game, if you can call it one at all. The magic TV powers make it extremely difficult to find a connection between Adachi and the murders.
Adam Campbell
Kou x Chie is OTP
William Williams
What the fuck, who?
Andrew Perez
That's basically what I mean. In something like Layton or PW there'd be a trail however esoteric it may be. In P4 it's basically just guesswork because up until that point Adachi is just comic relief. Realistically Yu has no reason to suspect Adachi.
Zachary White
Bitch-chan. The one who makes you ditch school. Honestly the best social link in the game.
Ryder White
So when does the anime become shit? I'm on episode 6 and I'm liking it allot so far.
Blake Wood
Golden is shit. The original animation is fucking great.
Landon Cooper
Oh okay. Was wondering what people were bitching about, didn't realize there were two
Alexander Hughes
>It's also the path I would have taken if this were a real life scenario.
That's great for you, not everybody has a huge vengeance boner
Levi Cox
> Persona 4s bad ending was the best ending. Fuck this happily ever after shit.
pffff... casual edgy faggot.
I bet OP never played Golden and gotten the Adachi ending.
Jayden Campbell
Adachi ending best ending.
Though it would of been better if it wasn't just an "ending", but rather more a route, where you just go around throwing people into televisions.
Isaiah Edwards
>guy kills who is basically your little sister >is going to get off scot free >"lol okay I guess that's that" I mean I'm not saying it's right but really? You wouldn't do anything?
Kayden Green
Man I remember debating the story beats and getting banned because I was spoiling P4.
Like, last year.
Anyway if you follow the dialogue there was one very important clue to Adachi. It basically came down to, who would Nanako open the door for (because the culprit left that note which became the final evidence piece)? They state that Nanako would only open the door for either the deliveryman (who's been ruled out by this point) or someone she knows personally, by having been introduced to. This could be:
A) You or her father, no shit that makes no sense
B) Any of your party members, which would be a cool twist but that also makes no sense
C) Adachi, who as part of the story Dogima bring back home and introduces to Nanako so she knows him as a friend of her father, and in Golden Adachi comes back to your place for S link ranks and Nanako is often there too.
So the answer is actually pretty obvious even if you don't go by the "he's the only guy with a portrait" or "his S link makes him suspicious in Golden" lines of logic.
Leo Cox
>meet Namatame, hear him out >absolve him throwing people into TVs because he wasn't of sound mind
>meet Adachi, eyeball emerges >'whatever that was, I don't think it would appear uninvited"
repeat after me: Tohru "Did Nothing Wrong" Adachi
Jason Harris
Bitches and ho's
William Thomas
You make a terrible detective.
Brody Martin
Look up the role and importance of confessions in Japanese courts of law. It's quite fucked up. Adachi's case would be a slam dunk.
Landon Myers
>summoning personas by shooting yourself in the head
yeah i'm sure the judge is going to eat up magic tv you can throw people in and somehow reappear dead
unless he makes up believable stories of how he did kill them in the real world but adachi wasn't going to confess either way, he though he was doing good
Alexander Ramirez
I think he means the fact that Japanese police often rig confessions because they have a law about confessions only being accepted if the suspect knew something only the guilty would know. So crooked cops manipulate that and fake confessions using something the suspect might not have actually known but will fly for a guilty verdict if it's in the fake confession.
Juan James
You know, OP, you do have a point and in practically in any other game I'd agree that Nanako backpedaling and the "happily ever after" hurt the story, but for P4G I was so emotionally invested in it that I was relieved as hell that Nanako lived.
It's like how in real life if your cousin who you love dearly was revived out of the blue you wouldn't go "WHY THE HELL DID YOU WAKE UP NOW MY SADNESS FROM WHEN YOU DIED HAS NO MEANING" but would go "THANK FUCK YOU'RE ALIVE".
Christian Bennett