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Doll a qt


Because of Maria, right?

Whaddaya mean?

Nah because the doll is a great one that managed to not lose its child. Read the paleblood hunt.

Paleblood Hunt fucked my shit up so much senpai
The only ending where it seems like you've defied fate and it turns out you've been played harder than ever before

I guess I'll replay and actually read the descriptions, I didn't that the first time.


What is it? Do you mean the shiny notes found in-game?
Because what youre describing is totally not familiar to anything I played at all.
And I played BB ALOT

It's not something you'd figure out unless you make some extrapolations about things.
Attacking the Doll makes her bleed completely white blood, even whiter than what kin like the celestials and other various alien enemies bleed.
Which means she's got some kind of crazy cosmic entity inside her.

A lot of her dialogue also suggests she's seen tons and tons of hunters in the dream when it's shown only a very select few actually get to become dream hunters, so she's been at this whole "watching over hunters working for the Moon Presence" thing a long time.

And the way she very caringly watches over the newly-transformed hunter after the Moon Presence fight implies a motherly relationship, and we know Great Ones want more than anything to have children.

Basically, she/it was exploiting the entire situation for most likely thousands upon thousands of years waiting for the one person who could ascend to being a full-on Great One and be a surrogate child of her/its own.

You can also read this if you REALLY want to know everything, subjectively of course

Does she has the blood of Kos invigorating her?

See the link in:
The information I'm specifically referencing is in the final chapter/last few pages, but somewhat references the other information throughout

Too bad the fact that she constantly prays for you to wake up from the dream safe and sound automatically denies that head canon shit.

she could set up my dick

to go into her
if you know what i mean

>someone who is playing you from the start is going to be up front and completely honest with you the whole time

Keep pretending your headcanon is real I guess. You're no better than the faggots that though the cleric beast was Ludwig because MUH BADGE.

The doll also completely forgets who you are if you kill her and let her respawn, as well as forgetting what she was even doing/saying if interrupted while praying at a grave.

She even reacts to being given Maria's old hair ornament, meaning she's not straight up the physical incarnation of a cosmic entity. More like just a living vessel for it to accomplish its goals combined with Gehrman's desires, considering it's his dream.

If you're gonna say one or two voice lines that can easily be argued against make a theory with shitloads of reason behind it invalid then you can just throw out 90% of the game's lore with it and say the game had no story.

Yes, you're making shit up that you want to fit. It's headcanon. It isn't canon. Stop pushing it like it is because 90% of the time you're also throwing variables out to make your stupid view work.

Tell me the answer then.
Why does she have pure white blood?
Tell me your amazing theory that makes more sense.
Because if you don't have one, or a significant counter argument against the commonly agreed on one, you're talking shit for no reason other than to be contrarian.

>pure white blood
It's semen, she's a sex doll.

The reason her blood is white is that she's full of hunter cum. Absolutely full to bursting.

> commonly agreed on one
It was also commonly agreed that the Cleric Beast was Ludwig, then they all agreed that it was actually the mad man in the chalice dungeons.

I don't make up dumb shit theories about lore because they're all fucking retarded fanfiction that people desperately want to be real. Just take the shit they give you, be like "oh that's cool," and move the fuck on. Even Miyazaki told you that he leaves shit vague so people can make up their own personal connections.

But in your desperation for a "canon" story you all flock to one faggot that makes some shit up, writes a thesis, gets blown the fuck out by further content additions, then rewrites to be like, "nah bro I saw it coming."

>take what evidence you have and make theories
>new evidence comes forward
>rewriting theories based on new evidence is a bad thing somehow

Until the DLC came out there was no significant reason to shit on the idea that Cleric Beast was Ludwig
It wasn't the strongest connection in the world but you act like it was fucking ludicrous nonsense, which you're only saying because you have the magical gift of hindsight now that the DLC is out

See, this is what you people always do. You pretend you were half right and then dismiss anything else, but the fact remains, every theory you parrot was made up by people who, in the past, were 100% wrong.

My fetish is people getting trolled.

Wanna have cyber sex

Well, I'm convinced.

Doll/MP = buzz buzz
Mergo = Giygas
The good hunter = Ness

Bloodborne is an elaborate remake of Earthbound