The gtx 1080 is so popular with PCucks that it's out of stock everywhere and scalpers are making a fortune off of the...

>the gtx 1080 is so popular with PCucks that it's out of stock everywhere and scalpers are making a fortune off of the demand for it
>they literally ONLY use it for DOTA and other games that run fine on integrated graphics

Nice console war thread shitlord

How much we talking?

it's not a limited run so nothing more than retail after second run. anyone who is so impatient they have to get one off ebay before restock is a retard.

Makes sense.Rich retards with too much time and money and shit taste play Dota 2. Who else would be able to fund a game going the way of HatFortress: Redux?

They'll buy unnecessary items simply for the prestige.

Non-reference cards are going for retail + $100-150 on average on eBay/Amazon

This Founders Edition bullshit is a fuck-up on the levels of Fermi temps, and people will ignore everything it represents because they absolutely MUST own the latest Nvidia product, just like how people with brand-new 8800's rushed to buy 9800's

Fermi was "normal" to operate at 105 C. The reference 1080 operates at the mid 80s C. The stock cooler is shitty, but it's not Fermi tier.

I bought a GTX780 near release ($600 or so) and for the first five months I only played Terraria on it.
Never again.

I am getting one just so I don't have to constantly worry about my specs being too shit to handle a game. Even if I play a lot of older titles, emulators and f2p games, I could give less of a shit.

I meant it more that the FE branding itself is just as retarded, Nvidia is releasing a REFERENCE card with jacked-up prices and a blower, stating that you're paying more for the privilege of using what's basically an early-access GPU, while also capitalizing on clueless fanboy hype to ensure they make a fuckton of direct sales before GPU manufacturers can, and once that happens, the reference blower you dumped extra on just to have it early has lost a quarter of it's value or more, not that people who opted-in for this shit care about money to begin with

The real winners this summer are the people who buy used 980ti's on eBay or wait for AMD's 400 cards

>Muh competitive edge
Is there any fan base more idort-tier than ASSFAGGOTS?

What performance do I get from a 450 GTS to a 1070

What's your resolution?

At the very soonest, I'm not buying a GTX 1080 until more water block options are available.

>early-access GPU
Do you think there will be scores of retards saying

>X is a shit game! It doesn't run on my million dollar GPU!

after this?


>not playing Dota 2 at 400fps


Dota (the only worthwhile game worth playing in the past several years) is arguably unplayable below 200 FPS

In all fairness, the 1080 isn't a BAD GPU, and will probably run whatever shit you throw at it, but it's certainly not worth paying full retail prices for - FE, AIB, or otherwise - considering that for the most part, it's really average gains compared to a 980ti, and it isn't even the 4k killer-app that was promised either, THAT's where the obligatory 1080ti comes in (for $1000+)

If you're married to your current monitor, just buy a cheap 970 or 980/980ti once they start flooding eBay, you'll be able to max anything at 1080p with any of those cards, same with AMD's upcoming cards, as they're baby Fury's with lower heat and power usage, and will be top-tier MadVR cards if you're into upscaled Chinese cartoons

So let me get this straight

The new cards are not only limited quality so you can't actually buy them, but they also have massive heat and cooling issues?

Good thing nvidia owns every single hardware site or this might actually be a big story!

>calling the 1080 a 'killer app'
What did you mean by this?

>In all fairness, the 1080 isn't a BAD GPU, and will probably run whatever shit you throw at it

as does the 970

At least I can understand AMD for putting out an extremely cheap card that destroys everything at 1080p

>GTX 1080 costs as much as a PS4 Neo
>Is 50x as powerful
>People are buying a PS4 Neo just to play Call of Duty which ran fine on their PS3s

The heating issues are pretty standard for reference coolers. Non reference cards mostly run at around the mid 70s C. And the low stock is not intentional, there's a low supply of GDDR5x to make the cards.

All pre-release hype for the 1080 was that this is the 4k card you've been waiting for, despite no benchmarks being around to verify this, and once benchmarks DID start coming in, it showcased that it starts throttling early when driving those resolutions, especially if you're maxing everything out. Custom coolers probably won't have this issue, but people who fell for the FE meme are gonna be pissed, assuming they play demanding hi-res shit in the first place

Enjoy your ban OP.

>buying Nvidia hardware

How is it an app, though?

It's not, and I use it the same way it was used in the 90's out of habit

>Buying AMjihaD

>Buying a meme card
This is why I'm glad I don't play current releases. My 760 is more then enough to play games a few years old at max.

>If you buy Nvidia you support Israel
>If you buy AMD you support muslims

Fug. Why can't we just have a "nuke both" company.

I pick Israel though every day of the week. Muslims need to be glassed.

760 is shit at this point user, I know, I have one.

Or, you know, people who are patient enough to wait until some of the hype dies down, the 1070 and 480 are out, and we get some info on the other pascal lineup cards.