Video Card Help

I'm doing my first upgrade on my PC. I've heard good things about this card, and wanted to know if it's worth it. Not looking to spend more than $200, but if there is something better than this tell me please. 4gb card

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Wait for the RX 480 being released later this month, it's $200 and offers 390x/980 level performance

find a 770 for cheap instead

No. Wait for the gtx 1060. No point in buying a last gen 28nm card now.

Wait for the rx480 reviews. Unless you're dead set on nivdia or something.

Even then I'd just hold off and save up an extra $150 or so for the 1070.

>it's $200 and offers 390x/980 level performance
>980 performance


That's an artificial benchmark. For a long time, AMD has looked better on paper but performed worse in a lot of games. It's also a pre release leaked benchmark. A lot could change in the drivers since then. It's just too early to make a judgement on the 480.

If that 3dmark score is true, the 480 is easily as powerful as the 980. An 18k graphics score puts it within spitting distance of a Fury, which decisively beats a 980 in most games.

It really wouldn't be surprising to me.

I mean the 980 is almost 2 years old. The fact that it is still viewed as such powerful card shows how much things have slowed down.

Imagine if back in 2006 people were laughing at the thought of a cheaper card being able to compete with a high end card from 2004.

Will I be able to play Doom at 1920x1200 with highest presets with a RX 480?

We have no idea. There aren't any benchmarks besides AotS out yet.

I have that card right now. It's shit. Pls wait for a better solution.

I can do it on my 390 at 1920 x 1080 so I'd say probably yes.

Dont buy a defunct card. Not worth buying whatsoever.
You are better off buying a 2nd hand 970

Someone buy me 970 gtx, pls.

I had this piece of shit as an "upgrade" to my 6850

It's awful

Dad found me a used 780 for under 100, so I'm using that, but I'm gonna buy two rx480s to crossfire probably - just waiting on rz 490 annoucement

Get a RX 480 or wait for the 1060 to be announced. You'd be a fool to by a last generation Nvidia GPU given their habit of gimping older cards.

They don't gimp their cards. If they did, you could just circumvent it by installing an older version of the driver, and Nvidia would lose a ton of customers in the process. It's retarded to think they actually do that, given that there's so much evidence against it.
The whole gimping meme exists because of bugs that were eventually patched, or the fact that AMD takes a long time to optimize their drivers so if you assume that the AMD cards have a constant level of performance, then the Nvidia cards appear to be getting worse over time. But that's not true, Nvidia cards perform as well as on the day you bought them.

>If that 3dmark score is true, the 480 is easily as powerful as the 980.
Well naturally since it's competing with a 3 year old card.

Trying to buy a non FE GTX 1080 has been the most annoying fucking thing, niggers get like 2 in stock and they are gone in under a minute, I'd go for a 1070 but how much of a performance hit is it compared to a 1080?

The 980 isn't even 2 years old.

The 1070 is comparable to the Titan X and the 1080 is twice as powerful as the Titan X.

That's under best conditions and not true for every game before some one says something.

>980 level performance

Kekest of keks. How deluded readeon poorfags could be?

It's about 20% less powerful.