Seriously guys

What video games help you feel like you're not so lonely

Other urls found in this thread:


Reading articles how somebody got fucked up by divorce or reading relationship failure statistics.

None, get over your loneliness by stopping being a faggot, then play some videogames

not talking about girls
just anybody


katawa shoujo

So what manga is this girl from

Good choice but I've played that
and pic related.
Im still thinking more along the lines of making friends not so much as filling the void of no woman

Where did I mention girls? All people are shit until proven otherwise.

MMO - joined a Sup Forums Guild and had a blast playing with people who feel the same way as I do. Also we can call each other niggers and not have SJW faggots in chat complain.

I come talk to my friends on Sup Forums

I like talking with you fags too
But I miss playing games with my friends

I suppose youre right

>Animal Crossing
>Harvest Moon
>Joining a low pop guild in an mmo

I just play video games like Overwatch and fightan with my online friends


You are no friend of mine

I want to play games with my friends again
I got nobody to couch coop EDF with anymore or play fighting games with
I want it back

Animal Crossing especially was a good one for me. During the end times of my NEET days the villagers almost felt like they were my friends. That's when I realized how pathetic my life was.

this game is pretty funny

Play fallout new vegas with the unlimited companions mod

Let's find a game to play together, Sup Forums!

Artificial Academy 2

You will get over it, I havent have a real friend in over a decade, stop being a pussy

Don't be that way user

I'm ok with that
Last time I tried that though there was one of "those" guys that just got pissy like a faggot if you werent playing good enough. Nobody I could just laugh with

Play any SMT

Dragon Age Inquisition. It hurts that pic related will never be my lover in real life, though.

I dont want to get over it, its not fair, they were taken from me, I can never get over it

Persona 4 if you're weaby.
>inb4 Persona 4 is shit

I honestly prefer P3FES, but Persona 4's cast is definitely more friendly.

They were faggots anyways and you know it, embrace the loneliness

I play Nothing fills the void
I had friends and they all left me. I'm afraid of being hurt so I stay inside my shell, unable to trust anyone. My only friend that's left refuses to meet in real life, saying that he's allergic to grass or some other reason like that. All I want is to be around someone but I don't want it at the same time

I'm sorry user.

>if youre weeby
cmon man I thought I made it obvious when I posted on Sup Forums

Why is every picture of this girl I've seen sad?

They were my faggots.... I cant defend the earth alone...

What do you want to play, friend?

Stop it fruit cake I dont want to feel
Dont make me feel

>have like one friend I see once a month

>play MMOs
>don't talk to anyone
>play online shooters
>mute all
>play any online game in general
>do not communicate in any meaningful way

>get most of my kicks from SP games
I do not understand you people

Play healer in a MMO and stretch your anus for your tank buddy.

I cant help it man
I'm drunk I cant help it, I'm sad. I'm so sad. I should be watching anime and playing games all night with my best buddy

Watch moeshit anime while drunk, that always makes me feel better.

I want to play something free.

I just scored a dvd of cromartie highschool today that I found. I could watch that.
I dont usually watch Moe stuff though, Monster Musume is kinda moe I guess

Lets play the boipussy game, you bend over and I do the rest

Why dont we all try play something we already have or maybe if you free you have HoTs?

Video games aren't gonna help with that.

I dont have many free games user
I got PSO on my computer, thats free, anything you got in mind?

I've succesfully blocked myself out of any human emotion, I'm dead inside so I don't feel happiness or sorrow.

wait a minute
are you trying to tell me playing video games isnt gonna help me forget my best friend died

I have this game that I've never learned to play. I could send it to you.

Okay it might help with that.

Did you do it?

You sound about as cowardly as me user
Dont worry, itll catch up to you

That's not free, user. You have to pay me to play that.

I don't have Heroes of the Storm but I can download it

TERA looks fun. It has cute girls.

I would love to play that with you, user. I would have to make a Steam account though.

prisma illya 3rei

I can only hope
idk what TERA is

Make a steam account and post it here. I will add you, friend.

It's an MMO!

I did it

At least if you go neutral in IV you can save Japan with best SMT girl Burroughs.

No, it wont.

>Find a group of fellow autists be it from Sup Forums or some other place
>make friends
>get a voip to hang in
>make an effort to get new people in regularly
Bang, lonelyness gone. I've had a good core of friends through games and Sup Forums for years, some I've known as long as 6 years now with new people in and out rather frequently. It's not hard.

City builders are always rather nice and comfortable. Doesn't deal with loneliness but rather just distracts you.

You're just a bit more insular and shy. I know every tom dick and harry on the internet will try and romanticize and make chic being an introvert but it's not fun and isn't the romantic lone wolf but more a lonely and bitter existence. I'm not sure if there is any fixing it - evidently my grandfather was the same way till the day he died and hated having to do business hob-nobbing and socializing for dupont.

I was lucky and freshman year at university landed in a group of 'normies' who were chill, welcoming and great people but I still felt out of place and often distanced myself inadvertently (expecting an invitation instead of just heading over there myself. Same shit in highschool with someone telling me senior year they wondered what happened to me because it was like I disappeared off the face of the earth). And once I transferred universities I lost touch and felt like they didn't want me around when I came by to visit.

Hearing about the kind of camaraderie and platonic love that develops between brothers in arms has always really touched me and made my heart ache. It seems so sweet and selfless and noble that while I feel sad I will never experience it myself I am also really glad and touched that some can find such affinity for one another that transcends mere physical affection and yet has such fidelity and support to one another like almost nothing short of fairytale romance or the kind of selfless love of the best father/mother child relationship possible could hope to possess.

I guess just that some people were just meant to be alone in their lives. They can have relationships, even have friends, but something in them is hollow and broken that would facilitate connecting with people, so they end up feeling as if they are just passing through like a ghost with flesh and bone.

Have some fat fox tats for my pontificating.

Mount and Blade: Warband

Katawa Shoujo

idk about mmos
I like something more fun and involving.
Something where silly shit can happen and make everyone burst out laughing

Fuck tinder

99% of the girls are robots and the other 1% want me to buy them shit on amazon

I actually had fun with Sup Forums's /a3g/ when it was around. When the drama reached too high a volume to actually inhibit any kind of gameplay it was a fun "Generation kill" simulator. There were some annoying people and weird ones but a lot of average joes wanting to have fun. Fond memories of the banter and bullshit of an army simulator almost more so than actual fighting - old man snafu ragging on me for calling rabbits I saw on the infareds bunny wabbits, someone else ragging on him for being the grandpa of the group, the hulkmana guy (Quizno I think), this godawful clusterfuck convoy mission where under mortar attack we're trying to figure out where the fuck the enemy is where the fuck our guys are where the fuck -we- are. Going Leeroy Jenkins through a mine field.

But yeah, what you said is true and recommend it for anyone feeling lonely.

I even met one of the players later in another general thread and he helped me out with some animation issues hi maggot.

someone already said that
Im still doing my best
for all of them
mostly for Hanako

Does such a free game even exist in this world??

not free unfortunately
but id pay anything to have that back again

Spoiler for blogpost
I've always been a quiet person, but I had multiple people in middle school repeatedly tell me that everything I said was worthless. I started believing it after a while, which makes approaching people hard. Any time I try to be friendly I feel like they don't care about me, and distance myself again. I got a new job a couple months ago and I like everyone there, but I don't know how they feel about me. I've been trying to force myself to be more social there, but I feel exhausted afterwards. All I want is someone to cuddle and play videogames with. Just one person is all I need, and the one person who fit that managed to screw me up even more. First and only gf was abusive in every way, and ended up cheating on me

Then download it brosef

Persona 3 and 4 are entirely built around the idea of having you pretend you have friends. They do a pretty good job at it too.

Animal crossing

This world is cruel huh

I'm doing it right now!

No clue who maggot is, my group plays MMOs, fighting games, Dota 2(I dont partake in this one personally), Monhun, WC3 custom games, Tabletop simulator and whatever else we roll into the at the time. It's really nice honestly, we haven't had any real drama in months at this point, we're all autistic, but most everyone is cool with eachother's autism and bantz. We all met on a vanilla wow private server called Emerald Dream a long ass time ago and have been buds since with new people in and out fairly often.

It's okay, after a while you'll end up like me and the defiance will consume you and soon enough the idea of being alone your entire life and getting to flip off the whole world with both hands and say "I fucking told you I didn't need anyone else" will sound better than any personal relationship possibly could

Any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games.

I've played those already though
they are my friends

>Get Call of Chernobyl
>Go cheeki breeki'ing around with your bandit party of merry men

>this kind of a situation
>even the autistic nerds start drifting and getting lifes
Do not trust anyone, not even yourself.

>Start drifting
He said Sup Forums not /o/

Most of us have lives at this point thought. Almost everyone is 21+. We have a couple old ass neets, but Most of us are working or in school and we even have a dad among us, but we stick together pretty well. A lot of us have even met up in real life this point. Maybe I'm just lucky, but even the wagecucks find time to stop in at least a bit.

I do this but they end up either being too normal or they get bored or somebody invites a girl in and suddenly everyone's trying to one-up the other or for some reason they suddenly decide the VoIP program we're using isn't as good as Skype or something else and it all just falls apart.

I have 10 Steam friends and I only play games with a couple of them every once in a while.

I just want a comfy little Mumble or TeamSpeak to hang out in with people that aren't retarded meme-spewing newfags, kids, women, normalfags, or anyone else that gets on my nerves. Just a bunch of lonely losers getting comfy, playing games together, and being pals.

That's apparently too much to ask so I've started playing more single-player games recently.

Well I would invite you, but we've evolved from being rather neutral on memes to embracing the memes in the recent years. Most of us are pretty autistic to some degree and the only female in the whole mumble is never in our channel, but there are definitely memes.

I don't mind memes but the last TeamSpeak I was in had someone who would use the nickname 'M E M E C H I L D' and it made me want to kill myself. That's what I dislike.

Also the fact that women are allowed in there make me not want to join. Thanks anyway, cutie!

>Make some online friends, have a good time
>Years go by
>All your friends go to college and get good jobs and make good money and have lives
>You graduate high school and become a worthless gay NEET and not getting out anytime soon

Up to you man, but I'm happy to have new people in whenever. Anyone in this thread who wants to chill on a mumble during american hours can hit me up on steam, I go by Lemondo.

gays get out

cromartie high always gets me throught the hard times

You will die alone, user.

>being this insecure

itll always be there for me
I should watch anime while drunk more often

I wouldn't mind playing some overwatch with some of you on ps4?

>play FFXIV
>don't really have any friends on there
>never really talk or interact with anyone willingly, unless spoken to first
>sub ends
>feel extremely lonely

I guess it depends on which country you use it. It's working fine for me.

well could it hurry up then?

that happens to me in every mmo

>Mfw literally playing it right now.
I've been putting off the Rin route for 4 years and now I'm plowing through it. While rereading Sisterhood on the side.