"Someone change to healer!"

>"Someone change to healer!"

what do they mean by this?

>Faggot picks Zenyatta immediately
>Bitches the entire time about how there's no other healer
>First point gets taken
>"This is a fucking waste of my time"
>Ragequits instead of switching to one of the good healers
>I switch to Lucio, team wins

i honestly have no idea
even if i did its wrong

>have perfect 2 tank, 2 heals, 2 dps set up
>some faggot retard in chat: DURR WE NEED MORE DPS

>guy instantlocks Genji for payload attack
>we lose
>"gg no tank no healer noob team"

If someone picks a tank and we need a support, I will support, and vice versa.

If entire team picks dps and says "we need tank and heals!", I just pick another dps. If we're going to lose, I may as well try to have fun.

The people who came over from league of legends.

>3 people go widomaker
>they argue on who to switch

Why should any of them switch?

My friends and I run three widowmakers and two tracers and we win 9.5/10 games.

They're smart enough to see what the team needs, but selfish enough to expect someone else to do it so they can play Widowmaker/McCree

>control point attack
>hanzo, widowmaker, two genji, one roadhog, me (lucio)
>actually capture first point relatively quickly
>second point
>genjis doing fucking nothing
>snipers doing fucking nothing
>welp it's up to me and this roadhog I guess
>roadhog quits halfway through
>lose miserably
>"good team comp"
>"fuck off"
>"you mad"

>absolutely WIPE the other team constantly
>they never fucking learn and just keep running right into the beartrap over and over
>just keep lobbing grenades down the hallway
>they never go another route but try to "organize" against me a few times
>play of the game is me destroying the entire team as they cram all of their members into the tiniest smallest area and die on my bear trap + grenades lobbed down there

So it's confirmed that Junkrat is the Soldier of Overwatch, right?


What did you people expect it's a blizzard games, and blizzard fans are a bunch of moronic fuckheads.

>That guy that complains about the rest of the team being shit while contributing the least and dying most
>He ragequits, someone else fills his spot, and we win easily

Why is this scenario so common

Stop being a worthless faggot and pick a healer.

>same thing happened to me
>the entire team then wants to go sniper

>Payload is almost at your base
>you have a gold medal with 1 elimination

I main Mercy. Never a PotG, thats always some junkrat/edgehead triple-kill, but I get epic commendations out the ass.

Clearly, your team needed you as a Lucio rather than whatever else you were playing. You should have switched in the first place.

>high skill ceiling

Only good Winston skin. How long until trading? Items won't have the same effect on the community and longevity of the game if you can't trade them and some real monetary value behind them. Hat Jews are the #1 reason CSGO and TF2 are still around, no amount of competitive esports autists will keep them afloat compared to the power of greed and capitalism.

>"we doing double Lucio?"
>"haha nah I'll get off"
>"nah it's all right, won as him last round, I'll go Mercy"
>"neat, thanks"
More people need to play support, switch characters, and/or just have fun.

>about to pick healer because we have none
>suddenly some dickhead has the fucking nerve to tell me how to play and who I should pick
>pick Genji out of spite

>get in game
>see some level 40+ dude insta-lock genji within half a second
>don't even need to look up his profile to know that he has 1000hours played of genji and 0 hours of any other character in the game

I always get stuck playing Support because nobody else does and I feel bad about it.
At the same time Lucio is fucking boring beyond wall riding and Zenyatta is rather situational and I don't enjoy Mercy or Symmetra.
Just shit my fuck up.

>damage boosting a 76 when hes full health and healing when not full
>starts bitching at me when he dies in 2 seconds to a lot of powerful attacks
why were the games before lvl 30 so fun and nice, but after, everyone is just a rude asshole

>get into game
>play bastion
>*activate troll mode*
>end of the game later 3 gold stars, two silvers.
>he shitposts chat then leaves

Best game of the day

>nearly 10 hours as Symmetra
>pick support and defense when there are none
I'm glad I don't mind being a bitch, cause solo queuing just makes me hate pubbies.

It's true though, anybody can play widowmaker with all her mechanics in mind, but the actual limit is as good as your aim and reactions are.

Lucio has the be the funnest healer.

>Get PotG with Lucio
>On Ilios, see Reaper's smoke cloud teleporting in
>With his back to the sheer drop
>Wait, blast him off
>Run inside, kill Tracer and someone else by skating back and forth and shooting erratically
>Cap point

Lucio's rad as hell, man

Nobody wants Overwatch to turn into the cancer that is TF2 trading faggotry.

Play Zenyatta as DPS

Blizzard does

>Be Mercy
>Notice my team has two widowmakers and a hanzo for some reason
>Pull out my pistol and don't bother healing anyone the rest of the match
>They all cry for heals

Then it'll be dead before the year is up.

>>*activate troll mode*
Fuck off

You're someone.

Nah, that's my soldier who just decimates other teams. Especially "Fiyer in tha hole!" Rocket to nonexistent tire.

Soldier is the soldier of Overwatch.

Hat jews also ruined TF2 and any integrity it once had, so no.

They mean that you'll probably lose. If this you see this phrase or something about telling people to change hero in chat, you'll lose.
I guarantee it.

No, Robin Walker ruined TF2 and any integrity it once had. Hat Jews just took advantage of it.


Things that never happen for $400 Alex

I play alot of support, what irks me is the one guy that spams need healing when I am nowhere near them, they are behind enemy lines and then complains about getting no healing.

When I'm playing Mercy on your team and you are not getting healing/buffs then it's because I don't think you are as effective as other team members.

Give your support a reason to to support you.

It means they themselves don't want to be a healer and insist on someone else taking the burden.

>"what do you mean no? you was doing a good job last time. just pick the healer already."
>now i'm expected to be healer nearly everytime
>they'll drop me if i refuse and go find someone else

don't fall for it.

don't be me.

Sounds like they aren't really your friends

What is the story behind this image?

>Robin Walker

Did i trigger you fuccboi?

I just wanted to work with Reinhardt to break the first point, btw, left that out.

>tfw your Reinhardt compliments your healing

>enter game
>three idiots choose genji
>since i already know we're gonna lose the game I might as well have fun
>pick torb

>guy on my team is constantly cursing and saying that everybody is shit and useless
>he's playing Hanzo
>can't aim, keeps getting kills by the enemy team Hanzo
>literally everybody in the game is laughing at him

>get bored of the same old comps every match
>pick torb every time regardless of the map or team comp
>"torb please switch"
>"torb can you go tank"
>"torb can you go healer"
>never switch
>have fun

I'm not going to pay attention to the 'trinity' in this game until they had more tanks and supports or make more of the current ones viable

As it is now reinhardt is the only real tank and lucio and mercy are the only real supports. All 3 are boring as fuck to me so I have no intention of playing those roles

It sounds like a douche thing to do but submitting to the meta is only going to make other players more likely to submit to it as well which is not healthy for this game. Does anyone really want to limit themselves to a small pool of meta heroes because that's what the pros/community consider to be the best picks?

That said, torb is fun as fuck, I can't tell you how many flanks I've ruined because a turret I left behind caught someone off guard, and if there's tons of carnage around you you can keep your team alive by constantly throwing armor at them.

Fuck off.

In pugs theres a delicate balance between 3 forces.

1. People who play a certain role often enough to usualy be useful with that role, but will switch if they need to .
2. People who don't wanna switch, regardless of if they're good or not.
3. People trying to improve an least-played character to get more versatile.

Overwatch it at its best when you have a 6 man and can start to learn to adapt to the enemy team. Cus if you get shit on there's no excuse.

Might as well AFK, you're just as bad as them.

Fight to your last breath and 1v4 if you have to. Show dominance.

People who are playing for fun, who haven't hit a higher level yet. Then people who are playing because MUH COMPETITIVE GAME UHH GOTTA WIN BIG MONEY BIG PRIZES!

i thought what killed TF2 was vavle just adding in every single hat with no oversight on file limits that made the game run like ass even on good rigs

>entire team chooses widowmaker
Oops, you guys misspelled bastion and the dwarf. It's the only 2 heroes anyone ever chooses and you're lying if you say otherwise. (junkrat is also broken so is chosen a lot)

Awwah, did i trigger you again senfam?

>i bet you were the sperglord in the game, huh? I doubt it but shit, that would be funny.

More like valve only focusing on hats and really bad unfun gamemodes focused around hats.

>"Reinhardt is the only tank"

>play mvm
>it's just red humans vs. blu robots

that too. I remember quitting tf2 for good in 2012 when they wanted me to buy a jew pass in order to play a PVE mode

Roadhog spotted.

>trading in an FPS

Fuck no that shit ruins games

Is this game literally turrets vs. turrets?

>acting condescending to hide the fact you'll be thinking of this encounter all night

Whatever, kid.

Zarya and D.va actually

LOL sike. You mean everyone chooses torb so 1 person wants to have fun and chooses genji.

I think you're lying there buddy.

Can gengi reflect turret bullets? Never seen it so im going with no.

He cant reflect winstons gun which is absolutely halarious.

>everyone expects D.Va to tank the same way as Reinhardt

Reinhardt is the only tank, Zarya is a heavy DPS/Support combo and D.va is just an annoying piece of shit that falls somewhere inbetween the role of Roadhog and Winston and doesn't actually do much.

At skills levels above extremely shit almost nobody picks them because it's ridiculously easy to kill them with snipers, pharah, genji, coordinated fire or just good play.

Fun with the most broken and op hero? k, yeah have "fun" being like everyone else.

How much practice with Widowmaker do I need to git gud? I miss so badly at times while all the other Snipers are no-scoping me.

Lvl 97, people still only choosing torb and bastion, which lvl do they stop?

She's 1 of the heroes that takes a lot of skill, practice hitting moving targets, I got good at it.

Level is not a skill indicator, the point he was making is that Torb and Bastion are utterly useless against good players.


Torb is actually much more useful than Bastion because his own primary gun is really good. The turret is much more for distracting fire.

>Gibraltar defense
>go reinhardt
>rest of team consists of snipers and a zenyatta
>enemy team just has to kill me and has unopposed payload movement for the entirety of the game

>can't aim
>can't make snap decisions
>0 reaction time
>play as lucio and still average 3 gold medals a game

thank god for support

You are an asshole. zenyatta is an off support, you are SUPPOSED to have him with another support like lucio. Why do people even play this game if they can't into basic comp

Thanks fampai.

He's just fun overall.

Does any other Lucio player skate the central point in Lillian Tower like I do?

user blizzard didnt even put trading option is Hearthstone. That's right, a CARD GAME. And since lootbox here function like card packs (same rarity system) just forget about trading. Hell, even in Diablo 3 you cant trade. What the fuck blizzard, what the fuck.

>First pick Zenyatta

Everyone can go fuck themselves.

>Any defensive side without a Mercy

Not even worth staying in the game, back to the queue.

That you are an idiot.

>2 widows on attack
>They keep running into enemy lines
>Die over and over
>Bitch about lack of heals in chat
>Ask one of them to swap to another hero
>"Widowmaker is my main"
Being Mercy is suffering.

And now for the finale jeopardy: This hero isn't as good as you think they are.

What is Mercy?

zenyatta is a waste of a slot. the match was better off without him


My CoD trained skills of ambushing and running around mean nothing if her shotguns just shoot confetti, even at point blank.

Had a painful game earlier. Our team on a payload attack map:

>Be me, Lucio

The match consisted of me and rein hopelessly trying to push the cart while the rest of the team "flanked". We lost so hard.

How so? Im genuinely curious.

symmetra is actually better on defense.

I have seen decent bastions do well. His scout mode is suprisingly good. He directly counters rhienheart.

>just a minute ago
>hollywood offense
>30 seconds remaining
>2 widows on our team
>me as pharah and mercy announce ults and push
>we wipe their team just the two of us
>cant hold the point alone for the 2nd wave and die
>we lose in overtime
>one widow says "shit team"
When will widow get nerfed so shitters stop playing her?