I work at a language school where I teach english...

I work at a language school where I teach english. I sit in front of a computer while students take ages finishing tasks, or listening to the same audio recording for listening activities over and over.

What games can I download onto a USB that can be played easily, are discreet and don't require sound/steam installation? They don't need to be really quick games or whatever, as long as I can pause them every few minutes without causing problems it should be good. The computers are garbage, so nothing too intensive.

Dwarf Fortress came to mind that I have not learned to play it yet and I need a lot more time than I have now for such a task.

Any other ideas?


you can't go wrong with turn based games, and X-com is one of the few turn based strategy games that doesn't involve anime. You can pause it at any time and save at any time, so it may fit the bill. I can run it on my toaster, so it shouldn't be that bad.

>doesn't involve anime

fuckin dropped m8

bloody hell mate, if that's the issue then get a GBA emulator and play the Fire Emblem games. It's X-com without guns and with anime

But seriously though. Not a bad suggestion. Though I feel like it would require a lot of planning, and when you're getting interrupted constantly, shit can be annoying as fuck.

I'm not a big fan of turn based stuff, but I enjoyed frozen synapse, and I feel like if someone tried to constantly stop me while planning something, it would become pretty annoying.

Also, despite the occasional moments of downtime, I do still use a lot of energy teaching these guys, so a tactical game like that might be a bit too much for me.

jagged alliance 2, its basically xcom but better

Pretty much any roguelike.
Also, Battle for Wesnoth.

then play Fire Emblem for the GBA. It's much simpler, not as much strategy involved, and everything is faster. Anything can run the GBA emulator, so that will be just fine

And then they blame common core.

i'd avoid emulators. if any supervisor sees it then it can lead to uncomfortable questions.

if you can guarantee no one is going to see the screen then yeah, you could even run the emulator from a usb.

DF is a good one.

If I can run it from a USB, then it should be fine most of the time. But something I can shut down quickly and not get detected on would be great.

I don't care what anyone says, Blacklist was a great game and the multiplayer was fucking great as well.

emulators can be closed in an instant. Some games even auto save for you before it closes. Other games could take a few seconds to close off, so emulators might actually be your best bet.

I'm not getting out of bed to grab a usb stick and test running an emulator from it but I can't think of any registry files or traces it would leave on the computer.

I would test this and see if it can be run straight from a usb at home.

Like the other guy said most emulators have a quicksave key so shutting it down wouldn't be an issue. But honestly the students will eventually catch you on this one no matter how discrete.

Yeah, the sudden button presses every time someone comes up to the class would probably fuck me over.

Even dwarf fortress looks like a game to anyone who isn't max fucking normie tier.

I think your taste is ok__

I once got asked if I was hacking while playing it, but that was back when I was in high school and the person asking was black.

Maybe if you were playing zork or TIS-100 I would get it, but DF? really?

Shit still looks like a game.

Cave Story is always an option


Oh yes, it would be so hard to tell I'm playing a game as I'm constantly tapping the same shoot button over and over while my hands are franticly pressing the arrow keys.

Can that be played on a USB?

Not a bad suggestion, but I just really fucking despise luck based games, and FTL is partially luck based.

No ironside, no buy

and if you're name isn't Garret, any other stealth game can't hold a candle to Chaos Theory


Master of Orion




sorry, you are banned from Sup Forums

How can you tell they are russians?

I figured the same, but I can't put my finger on why. The clothes? The eyes? What is it?

Just watch some TV, m8.

They might raise a piss over a game because "hurr durr video games are bad ur not doing ur job!" but none of them will fucking bother if it's a movie.

Can't risk the headphones.

Plus, I can't enjoy a movie that I need to keep stopping ever 3 seconds and can only watch fully over a period of 3 days min.

grand strategy games

-can pause at any time
-small size
-not hardware intensive
-no need for sound
-can alt tab quickly
-looks like a map from a distance

Only problem is there is a steep learning curve


ever heard about these OP

Man, I'll be honest, I really do appreciate people giving me these answers, really... it's just, it's just that...

Well, I fucking hate these genres.

this totally looks cool though.

I would get in just as much trouble.

The point is I'm supposed to be working, not doing other things.

Veck Special Edition


Are these all from one guy?

Brainpipe, though the audio is a big part of it.

If you're talking about the posts, yes I posted
If you're talking game creator, I don't think so.


I actually really fucking like brainpipe, but yeah, it really is an audio thing. One of my favourite games even though I don't play it much.

Maybe you should work then

Crimsonland, though again, the music & sound effects are a big part of the joy.

There's no work I need to fucking do though. As long as I teach the students, I'm golden, but as soon as they see me doing something else, I get fickity fucked.

I do well enough, but the long stretches of silence while they do work are a mind killer.

Forgot pic.

I played it constantly for the longest time when I first got it.

I also played a ton of N when I first found it (just search N Ninja game or N+)

Cool stuff. I completely forgot about this.

general bleakness?

I always figured they looked dead eyed.

Bleakness works as well.


FTL would be my suggestion. There should be a drm free version somewhere,, google it


If you have access to kongregate.com there are nifty games there, though you'd have to sift through a lot to find a little worth playing.

is a good one.


There was this one 2D game where you press a button to slow time in a circle around you, then point in a direction & release to blink-jump in that direction. The game itself is just level after level of challenging obstacles you have to get through using this mechanic. Can't remember its name for the life of me.

Stardew Valley

Not a bad choice at all.

I could swear I heard of this before.

Then you sit and you stare at empty space until one of the little shits comes up to you and asks a question. Or grade papers.

Found it. It's called Focus & made by Venbrux.

cool beans bruv looks sweet

Well, nice list of freeware/shareware games in this thread. Too bad I'm not near my PC so I can't find any more that would suit you OP.

Hotline Miami

They won't learn like this imo

I fucking hate this gif. It clearly says detected in the fucking gif in big red bold letters. Blacklist was a fantastic game.


OP you can get Typing of the Dead & it'll sound like you're actually working.

Get DesMuMe and emulate some story intensive DS game, like Ghost Trick or 999.

Dungeon crawl stone soup

And other roguelikes

This person needs to spread his seed.

Mount and Blade
Good, singleplayer, a shitton of mods, can pause whenever

>other roguelikes
DoomRL might be casual enough but very engaging to suit OP's classroom environment.

He kinda needs sound to know if the enemies are coming from the left or right.

The wall paint user and the fact it's hentai.

Cave story is a great game, and can run on pretty much everything.
And if you're an oldfag, get DOSBox and put all of your favourite DOS games on it.
Or pretty much any other emulator. They don't take up much space and can be run on pretty much anything.

Halo CE
Requires installation, not to mention steam

Are you fucking retarded?

I have a portable installation of Halo CE, and it can be run on anything made after 2003, so go fuck yourself.

Factorio. It does stuff by itself.


...how does that mean its russia?

terminal games like roguelikes (dungeon crawler stone soup, unnethack, sil, etc) and dwarf fortress are great ideas because their inputs cover the whole keyboard and to the untrained eye it just looks like a bunch of text.

also typing games maybe. if you got caught you could play it off as learning to type better in a fun way. like mario type, or type of the dead.

tbs games like master of magic and civilizations are great ideas as they can be paused and even if you didn't pause the game wouldn't proceed without you

consider getting wireless headset pieces. i don't know if they exist but if they do you could keep one in. i know how shit a job like that probably is for someone used to it

Half life.

1: You can run it from a usb

2: It requires no more than a potato.

3: its fun

4: you can easily pause it

5: its really long, specially with its dlc's (that aren't shit)

6: its the best game ever made.

Only problem is, its REALLY fast paced.
You won't be able to rest your cheek on your fist.
And there be constant clicking and mouse movements which might give you off.

This is fantastic advice.

Stuff where the whole keyboard is used is great.

Quick question about dwarf fortress though. What's more complex, the regular game mode, or the adventure game mode?

Pokemon on emulator

If you were planning for Dwarf Fortress, you'll probably like chill, relaxed comfy building games, right? If so, try Banished.

Kill yourself, retarded teachers like you, are the very reason most kids end up not caring and dumb as fuck.

Do your job and teach our valuable youth, for they are the future.


I literally teach them just fucking fine and they learn well enough.

When I have to listen to the same 3 minute audio recording 5 fucking times in a row while the try to answer simple fucking multiple choice questions like "WHAT COUNTRY IS JOHN FROM: A AMERICA B AUSTRALIA C NARNIA D CHINA", I don't think me playing a game is going to impact anything.

HoMM 3, have fun.

>Shit teacher ever admitting they are shit
You shouldn´t even respond to those posts if you believed that mate.


Nigga I got asked if I was programming while playing DCSS on my phone.
I gave the guy an annoyed stare and asked him if he was retarded.
Now we're best friends.

you are stupid, responding to an accusation doesn't mean they believe it to be true

people will commonly guess what something is based on whats currently popular. they see test scrolling on a black background and think "oh shit, hes hacking the matrix!". im that ugly dude in the corner who spoke to nobody and this was three years ago senior year. playing quake 3 online from a usb stick in the library. black guy walked up to me and asked if it was minecraft. he then said he could beat me in the game and i never took him up on it and regret that everyday as i could have made a friend if i wasn't a sperg

The binding of isaac??

>opening CMD to look cool infront of school friends

i fucking hate these people

>during every assignment on the computers in middle school
>always open the commandline to look mysterious
>only managed to look mysteriously retarded

"Mysteriously retarded"

made me laugh user. Thanks.