Is Guldan the main character of Warcraft? It seems that he is a pivot point in everything he's in.
Is Guldan the main character of Warcraft? It seems that he is a pivot point in everything he's in
i shit out of my ass hole.
That's kind of hot
Yes, he is always causing a ruckus because he got cucked.
I wish HotS was getting Guldan instead of Medieve.
>Sup Forums circle jerking over Gul'dan.
I swear, every warcraft thread i see ends up being about Gul'dan.
I don't mind, he has always been my favorite, but holy shit...
is it all because of the movie?
No, he's just tied to the opening of the dark portal which is the pivot plot point in the entire series.
nah, i'd say that would be illidan. illidan has been alive since the first invasion of the burning legion, guldan has been alive since the 2nd.
if anything, guldan is the 2nd biggest antagonist because he's the legion's direct influence to life on azaroth. the big boss daddy sargeras himself is #1 antagonist.
illidan is more likely to be the main protagonist considering his journey across just about every major story in the game. also his big redemption planned for legion is a big influence.
Eventually guldan is gonna consume the soul of sargeras, destroy the void lords, and become the ultimate evil of warcraft. His power creep will be unstoppable, and his mighty orc cock will simply spray cum randomly onto the countryside impregnating all the races with his super children.
Are you saying you don't like Sup Forums circlejerk Guldan threads?
Doubt it, isn't the the final boss in one of the starting raids in Legion?
Everything Sup Forums touches gets ruined.
Gul'dan is my favorite character, so no.
i don't like that shit.
Yeah, the final boss of legion maybe. Who will turn out to just be a janitor at power creep inc that has become warcraft.
>Sup Forums is the Guldan of Sup Forums
>everything Sup Forums touches dies
which board is Durotan and Ogrim, we must make it stop
we need Sup Forums for this one
You always were a kidder Steve
>illidan is more likely to be the main protagonist
Already confirmed to be Anduin Wrynn and a Horde character.
Anduin is prophesied to be the greatest paladin ever. He is the vision Velen had that convinced him to reject Sargeras' offer, and he is the Naaru's endgame plan against the Legion. All we know about the prophecy so far is that Varian's death is one of the signs of its arrival, and that Anduin will become a warrior of the light with no equal, and he will bring peace between the Horde and Alliance in order to fight the Legion.
As for the Horde character who serves as their main character alongside Anduin, who knows?
There's a book that builds up a friendship between Anduin and Baine Bloodhoof, but I doubt it's him. Other options are Sylvanas and Thrall, who both seem unlikely. IIRC Thrall is dying in Legion actually, and Sylvanas is an evil cunt and every time she shows up she edges closer and closer to "I'm so evil that I'm going to be the next 'surprise' raidboss!" so unless the retcon her entire character starting with vanilla wow, she is not going to be a protagonist.
c-can i shit out of your asshole?
I think Gul'dan is the only antagonist in WoW who isn't just evil because he's corrupted by Void Lords directly or indirectly. He's just a huge asshole, that's why the Legion liked him more than Ner'zhul.
He is coming soon
It's because gul'dan was the only good character in warlords of draenor. And a good character stands out in a sea of shit