Stranger of Sword City luv

y'all Strangaz better plan your class change routes because you don't want to hit level 13 like I did and then have no idea and have to do all this reading about which classes are good combos.

Seems to me like for a normal human, you do not want to class change more than once with a character because the grinding just gets too immense.

Other urls found in this thread:!5VIGnSoQ!xo4ughtPE1bGun4PHna8HNxfjUwQTk4S9-4uYq6LCp4!EFAQAQRZ!6stog1MKgbPcHK5sw5i_8enLsusDLW9y-gvJI2Ugwck

Post custom portrait pack man

My hatred for people's portrait autism is immense

r8 my tittie Ranger

Back pain/10

Is she from the taimanin mobage?

What else is this game for?


Strange game, the only way to win is not to change class

Class optimization autism

Can you beat the game without it? I'd rather prefer not to have to gain back 7 levels. I'd almost rather keep back up chars in the party and then class change them rather than my real chars


Those are some good portraits user.

What a meme team

>that giant on the right

why Homu so big?


It's not at all necessary but a Fighter that can spam Genocide every turn or a Ranger that can mow down large mobs with Slash 2/3 are alot more useful than their base classes.

Also in NG+ you get a stat point for every level-up (no need to reach old level before reclassing).


Resolution being a bitch, still trying to fix it tho

I am getting oneshoted in the "tutorial" with the schoolgirl uniform, is that normal?

Also, how do i custom?

just defend and let her kill everything, especially if your MC is a non-frontline unit like wizard, cleric or dancer.

Getting kinda bored of my Knight portrait already.
Probably gonna change him to something else.

I'm bad at math.

Is there a way to evenly distribute blood crystals between vessals? Heluga tsundere.

man, this game's voice acting is so bad
it's like doujin game-tier

Game is bigger pile of shit than dt2 anyway
We have black spire, no reason to waste money on this weeb trash

black spire is fucking fantastic, too bad I'm horrible at it.
I got my friend into it and saw that he was ridiculously far into the game and super high level. Realized later that he used cheats...fucking faggot

Adol, I know you like being the protagonist and the center of attention, but this is too much

How can you tell? It's Japanese

because I can speak Japanese

what's black spire precious?

Some kinda shitty DS game
Good if you looking for a masochistic challenge, but I couldn't ever get the horrible graphics.

Hey, that was my work! Thanks.

Whoops apparently I meant Dark Spire. Not sure if the original user I was replying to did or not.
It's a 3ds dungeon crawler, its pretty fun desu senpai

lol same video and everything, amazing

That hivemind


Did someone save the link of the Monstergirl ones?

Should I bother going into the underground at such a low level? I keep running into level 18/17s which keep wiping my party.
Where s a good place to grind until I'm able to take them on?

I'm tired of making chars only to have them get wiped as soon as I run into an absurdly strong mob

Do ambush (hide) runs until you're geared.

I think it's theoretically possible but the last +1 is there to force you to make a choice incase of a draw

Any other case you can only give it to the one with most crystals

running away is an option for a reason user. If you run away and go into the same mob on the map, it'll reroll the encounter so you won't get insta raped at low levels. Always keep at least 5 divinity so you can run away like a little bitch with 100% success rate if need be.

Not sure if this is it but they're pretty good.!5VIGnSoQ!xo4ughtPE1bGun4PHna8HNxfjUwQTk4S9-4uYq6LCp4

wait what really? So I can't just choose whatever moves I want, I have to put the most points into the waifu of my choice?

And even if you run out of morale, you can use your wizard's wand. If you're using the starter one, it functions as a smoke bomb when used as an item. It can get cursed though, but it gets fixed when you go to town

You can give crystals to whomever, but there's a point down the road where you have to make a final choice. I was asking anons if you could somehow end up with an even distribution between all three waifus.

Good moves are more important, but yes, it changes a final boss and the ending

Oh, some looks pretty new, but this works. Thanks!

Okay wait, so is it just a 1 point spend at the end? So for example could I spend all of my points on Alm and then at the end decide I want to go with Riu? Or do I have to invest the most points in the waifu I want to choose?

Which one of the second set of dungeons is the easiest?

The forest probably. I think Kyo (or one of the NPCs cant remember) refers to it as the easiest of the three as well.


If Alm has more points at the end, you are forced to give her the last 1 (the other two will refuse)
If Alm and Riu have equal amount of crystals, you can pick between the two, but only then

Thank you for your clear and concise answer, user.

Another tip

The penultimate ability is Light and Dark veil, both of which are extremely useful skills despite the misleading description, while Riu's is useless. They are pretty much necessary to beat the game even on easy.
So if you wanna go for Riu, take that difference into account

are ninjas ok in the back row?

You missed the spot in Adol's arm.

That other guy had the right link, I redid them all and posted the new version last thread. I replaced a few due to them being low-res (Alice) or too wide (Will'o). In general I cleaned up and improved all the portraits.
Only thing I can't figure out is a decent way in photoshop to apply a transparency to the sides of the battle portraits, but here's a version of Gazer that won't totally cover up her allies.

I've actually meant the set that comes after them. The mine, water palace and poison area.

Okay, then. Thanks, again.

The poison area is quite easy if you have a Wizard since all the undead are weak to fire, but there's that annoying map where everything is dark and poison. The lineages are also quite easy except for the 5* one of course.

The mines is a lot more straight forward and obviously everything firey is weak to water. It also gives you access to your first Butterfly ambush spot.

Can't really comment on water place since I did the previous two areas first and everything in here is now a pushover.

They're fine with throwing weapons. You could class change into Dancer so they can also punch a man 8 times in the back row.

Are you still adding more monster girls or are you finished now?

Just curious
So I know whether or not to stalk this thread

Nah, no reason to add more given that the game only allows 16 custom slots. I did just figure out a way to manage that transparency issue though so I'll fix up the battle portraits and then upload a new archive again.

That's it huh, I doubt I'll ever make that many but I figured the max would be a bit higher than that. You chose some pretty good girls though so I can't really complain. Thanks for seeing it through

>max would be a bit higher than that
Devs probably thought you wouldn't need more than 2 team's worth of replacements for your main party.

I still haven't kicked the 5 characters you get at the start.

Anyone have the 2hu pic pack?

These portraits took a while to get working

Here's the white mage I promised.

Oh man that's nice, a little cinnamon for my taste but still sexy af.

What are her 4 sizes?

I may need to rethink the Lich's placement.

Alright, you can now enjoy questing with your monster girls without having half of them totally obscured by the fat ones. I'm not totally happy with the Lich but it's the best I can think of for keeping her above the UI while not having an ugly straight cut-off for her cross.!EFAQAQRZ!6stog1MKgbPcHK5sw5i_8enLsusDLW9y-gvJI2Ugwck

Should probably scale them all down in size

Anyone know what Item Loss Rate is? It's an effect on some items. Does it make your equips have a chance to break or what?

I have them all scaled to roughly the same for each portrait, with the exceptions being the umbrella because she's an umbrella, the doll because she's small, and the lich because of her cross. The Lich is the only one that posed a problem so it'd be too big a task to redo everything for her.

I have a question: I rolled my MC to be a Wizard but I have no idea how to regen mana, any help?

I just started so I'm still with Riu.

When you leave the area itll automatically refill to full, just let her carry you through the first few fights, you'll be on your own soon


Okay but how do you regen it during normal gameplay?

Clerics have a ability to regen the party's MP while walking/fighting. That's about it for field regen besides typical items that do it.

To refill during a dungeon you gotta use items or abilities, some passives restore mana when you take steps and stuff too

Im not too far either dunno what all exists

>have a solid team
>ninja faggot gets wrecked by the first boss
>replace him with a reserve while he recovers
>replacement gets wrecked by the second boss
>replace him with another replacement because the original guy is still recovering his LP
>replacements keep dying because they're lower levels than the rest of the party
>so now I have a full party of professional motherfuckers and one rotating slot of weakass fuccbois

This is an abstract kind of cancer.

Okay cool, thanks anons.

You didn't have a solid team. Also never start with a ninja, only turn someone else who is already built into one

What am I supposed to class change my wizard into? Please help, I got him to level 14.


cleric to get mp restoring abilities. Then you swap the cleric to a wizard to gain spell enhance and shit

Oh interesting, thanks!

>not playing Hitler
>not using Genocide every turn

How are you supposed to deal with critical hits? These fuckers just keep oneshotting my guys constantly.

I personally didn't have much of a problem with those guys, but I guess 2/3rds of my front line were agi instead of vit at the time, so maybe that helped. The only advice I can give you is to not get hit (Agi), or to get lucky (Luc),

played over 20 hours and have never suffered a critical hit

where can I download this game

There are some others Japanese Drpg for PC?(Others than this and Mind Zero)Or only for Vita?

Elminage gothic on steam
PSP emulation is amazing on PC so PSP crawlers like elminage original or class of heroes 2
DS emulation is ok so Etrian Odyssey 1/2/3 and Strange Journey

Elminage Gothic is pretty bad though, Elminage Original on PSP is much better.

> You didn't have a solid team.

Considering they wreck everything even with one guy being dead weight, I'd say they're pretty damn solid.

Try having two dead weighters in a mage and cleric just for magic weapon and holy weapon ;)

clerics are far more useful than mages.
while neither really does dmg, buffing your whole team is more useful than only debuffing a specific enemy row.
and the cleric is way more efficient with his mp

I dunno man, high cast + elemental blast on the back row is pretty damn good.
Not as good as slash 2 but still.
All my cleric does is cast multi hit and then he has nothing to do because everything dies to my other guys.

I agree that a Cleric is generally more useful, but a Wizard wants to take plenty of Cleric levels and a Cleric wants to take plenty of Wizard levels so it's kind of a moot point which one is better since you'll be using both anyway.

can someone explain why there is such a circlejerk around this average jap wizardry clone?