How do I beat this guy? I have Gold Hemmed Black Robe Set and Black Knight Shield...

How do I beat this guy? I have Gold Hemmed Black Robe Set and Black Knight Shield, my HP bar covers more than half of the screen but he still kills me in 2-3 hits.

I can't parry.

The song that plays during this fight is amazing.

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Why can't you parry? That is literally the only way to beat curraazy Nippon swordy fighty timeu. I can't see anyone beating him any other way. It's like he is made of swords.

>Dark Souls
>good music

>your opinion

Sif's music is much better tbqh

His jump has a rather large parry window.

Try it out, you've got nothing to lose

Dark wood grain ring. Equip load

1.ditch that faggy cloth shit for Havels Armor
3.Put on your strongest weapon
4.Smack each other in the face
5.Drink when low
6.Kill him

I couldn't parry him either. Rather than learning I just did it in the lamest way possible

With Iron Flesh I cant escape from the grab attack

I had Sunbro as a distraction while I chucked magic beams at him.

advice for Nito? Playing a STR character wearing elite knight set and using zweihander

i just noticed that the profaned greatsword looks like gwyn's sword

You could most likely tank through it with a decent amount of HP. If not I'm pretty sure even with fat roll you could dodge backwards and avoid it. That attack has a pretty big startup animation to warn you when its coming from what I remember.

Fully upgraded pyromancy flame and great combustion, he'll try dodgeing all of them but still get hit. use the ring and hood that increase its power

Ironflesh doesn't even give fatroll, you just stumble forward as if you had maximum weight

>I can't parry.
Yes you can you just have to believe in yourself

Would Flash Sweat work?

Just learn to parry, it's easy on him

Wait what boss is this? I thought I beat the game but I don't remember this faggot.

Also OP just time your rolls.
>git gud

I never bothered with parrying bosses, I just had him run into one of those stalagmites on the floor and two-handed the Black Knight Halberd on him.

It's the final boss of DS1, you assplougher.

just stand in his crotch and do your r1. you and nito will kill all of his skeletons real easy while you're fighting him. Just use the crest shield and back up when he goes to aoe.

also, wait for him to come to you when you enter his boss fight so you can avoid the giant skeletons altogether.

boom, easy boss.

get a shield. block the first swing of his slash combo, parry the second. congrats, you've won

I'm a fucking retard. Didn't even fucking notice. Kill me now.

>never parried once in the game
>only way to beat final boss is parrying

good thing I played Bloodborne first

defend and attack, faggot.

parrying is just the bitch easy way to do it. My first time through I wasn't good enough at parrying and had to tank him by kiting around the environment.

now I parry him every time because I'm lazy af

He kills me in two hits so it was the only way as far as I could see

I did and I still refuse to parry. He is the tightest boss of the vanilla game.
Doon't be greedy and don't heal before he either misses his grab or his kick. they are the main windows letting you do shit. Be patient. You can also get through his attacks with poise

After dodging an attack with windup (e.g. the grab or the big two handed swing), strafe around to his back. He'll do this really slow turnaround and won't attack so you have time to get in a hit or two guaranteed. That's really the only tip other than parrying. It's a very straightforward fight.

if he kills you in two just don't get hit twice you double dragon.

It is a fun, decently challenging boss who will push your shit in if you don't use the exploit.

>Getting hit
Just par-

>I can't parry
Lube up.

You guys doing global restart thing?

Just get the Greatshield of Artorias and laugh as he can't do shit to you.

If you don't mind being a bit cheesy, theres some tiny pillars in the arena. You can't get him stuck on it, but you can get him to goof his running animation a bit around it, buying you time to estus. I didn't know he could be parried because I didn't think any boss could be parried, but my first through I used that for some estus chug.