New From/Sony Japan Studio Collaboration(s)

Just how accurate do you see this being? This Verendus guy seems to have gotten quite a bit of stuff right (Azure Revolution, FFVII remake and World of Final Fantasy, FFXII remaster, TLG and Nioh being revived, Ni no Kuni sequel) but also some colossally wrong things (A bunch of Dragon Quest shit that never came to anything, MGS HD collection being ported to Steam, new Shadow Hearts, Xenosaga HD).


His opinion is worthless by default.

I'd like it to be true, but I'm in two minds whether or not it is. As you say, he's "leaked" enough stuff that was right to at least seriously consider it (Plus Sony couldn't stop beaming over how happy they were with how BB performed, so them snapping up From for another two exclusives doesn't sound far-fetched at all), the most recent of which was the PS4 port of Tokyo Xanadu and the additional content that isn't on the Vita version, all of which he called months ago, but then there's bizarre stuff like him saying a while back that a PS4 MonHun was coming out.

Neoagf is a horrible place but Verendus has proven to be reliable with his leaks. If he said it's happening chances are it might be

How much salt would it cause here?

so much salt you cant even talk about the game till it comes out like bb

Yeah, but like, would a (presumably) new IP upset people as much as not-Souls?

probably not, honestly

A Chinese forum that leaked Horizon Zero Dawn, and concept art of it, 3 years ago also put out that Japan Studio has an open world game to show.

Are you sure that it's not Gravity Rush 2?

Nah they aren't putting alot of time for that, its going to have a trailer and that is it.

The big takeaways from the post was
>Spider-man by INSOMNIAC
>Dead Don't Ride by Sony Bend, open world, western-apocalypse theme, motorcycles, undead
>*Indecipherable chinese title* - Japan Studio, Action RPG, Fantasy aesthetic, "open world"
>Crash Bandicoot by yet unnamed SIE Studio with Naughty Dog 'supervising'
and the one I don't think is believable

>God of War IV - Sony Santa Monica, White skin, black hair female protag alongside Kratos, more Zelda-esque

GoW4 is happening, but swapping the formula from what it is to Darksiders/Zelda is not happening and we already saw concept art of Norse Sorta-Kratos. Nothing about a female protagonist

Wasn't there also talk of a new Tokyo Jungle not too long ago as well?

Nice try, faggot. Neogaf has leaked more than anyone ever have so you're wrong


Did anything listed regarding the Chinese-titled Japan Studio RPG pertain to ex-Square personnel? Some user who claims to be the same guy who leaked those Gravity Rush 2 documents last year has been saying for months now that they're working on an internal JRPG that's directed by an ex-Square guy.

Verendus is one of those guys who considers any RPG-ish game that just happens to be from Japan a "JRPG".

Yes, its an RPG made in Japan. It is a JRPG.

yeah and zelda is a JRPG too

It doesn't stop being a jrpg if you like the game user

It is you fucking moron

>It doesn't stop being a jrpg
for that it would need to be an RPG to begin with
it's not, it's an action game
and your sentence makes no sense

>it is you
it is me what?
can you form a coherent sentence?

This isn't ENG 101 faggot

no zelda is an action adventure
final fantasy, breath of fire, those games are JRPGs
if zelda is a JRPG then so is Metal Gear Solid

He's right to criticize though.
You should still be able to type somewhat properly.
You're not a damn child.

But didn't we already know that From was supposed to make a second exclusive game for Sony ? It was clear since the start, but I don't think it will be a Blooborne 2.

Verendus said Japan Studio has two large scale JRPGs in the works. If they fail, Sony will never make another JRPG ever again.

>JRPG Game

>Japanese role playing game game

The only thing that's OFFICIALLY known is that From are doing a PSVR project at some point.

Stop announcing games fucking sonyggers

One day I won't be able to use the no gaems meme.

It's late, suck my cock




I would really like to see a new Crash Bandicoot by ND and a new Tokyo Jungle would be neat as well. The only thing TJ lacked was a online mp mode because playing with two people on one screen was nearly impossible. :)

Never ever, boy.

>Released in North America half a year after its Japanese release, in the middle of 2003, Otogi: Myth of Demons was loved by critics. It won EDGE's 2003 Game Awards as the Graphical Achievement of the Year, and many heaped praise on its musical score. Like many critically acclaimed niche titles, however, it didn't sell very well, and moved around 130,000 copies, 80,000 of those North American. This same pattern was repeated with the release of its sequel in North America almost a year after the Japanese release, with love from critics but a lukewarm reception in the market, a paltry 40,000 North American copies. One man even sent a letter to Electronic Gaming Monthly, curious on how short EGM's review of the game was, and received a response from the editor-in-chief at the time, Dan Hsu: "As good of a game Otogi 2 is, we still have to acknowledge that relatively few people want to read about it."


I would buy a PS4 for a non-shit Armored Core 6.

4D Dot Game Heroes

>Then fucking Bloodborne arrived in all its splendor

What kind of a name is Indecipherable chinese title? Someone needs to get fired.

Japan studio/sony needs to reach out to more third party developers to make more games for sony consoles.

this is one of the best advantages consoles have over PC, the fact that they can do all this stuff, create big budget games and work with other developers

There's been a whole lot of speculation and hints over the past year or so that a new Wild Arms is in development.

>Indecipherable chinese title
this is golden

Verendus is a known shitposting troll you dumb cunts