Describe this man without using the word "cuck"

describe this man without using the word "cuck"

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That's no man, lad. That's a specific higher vampire. Called the cuckold maximus.

He enjoys watching other men have sexual relations with his wife or girlfriend; i.e. an open relationship

Count Cuckula. Cuck the Implier.

Jackie chan


Elliot Rodger
Vampire Max Payne

But he wasn't a cuck, worst girl wasn't fucking other dudes when she was taking that vampire dick.

How did a loser like him manage to get so many vampire followers to destroy a city?

Higher vampires all have a unique special ability. Controlling hordes of lower vampires was his.

He controlled their minds, I think Regis mentioned that when Dettlaf had his tantrum.

At this point, Cuck is on the same level as Autist and Beta; commonly used as punchline.

Because he's incredibly powerful.



>not best
Nice meme

Borderline sociopath with Narcissistic world views coupled with violent behavior disorders and horrific impulse control.

That's be a decent description if he was human.

>gets used by a woman and throws a temper tantrum that destroys the city because of "heightened emotions"

Doesn't matter if he's mister happy sunshine of the vampire world, he's a freakin' nut.

because cdpr literally made it up as they went along

>well you see he's special vampire that can bend others to his will
>he can turn into a giant demon thing
>oh he can also do this and that. and this too.
>oh btw geralt you can't kill him lmao sorry but only another vampire can "truly" kill him

He apparently just wanted to go fuck off somewhere and have a haram of alps and bruxa, Regis was the one who pushed him to interact with humans and develop humanish emotions.
The entire DLC is Regis' fault because he just wouldn't let Detlaff be a vampire neet

And Geralt can somehow beat him in a one on one fight.

Because reasons.

Regis wants to see good in everyone.

Even if it isn't there.

Ultimately, Regis wants to believe that all Higher Vampires aren't slavering monsters that can't interact with humans. Actually, many vampires seem able to interact with humans extremely well, although that may be atypical...

The only thing they made up was that Higher Vampires can be harmed by silver.

When did you realise that Syanna is bestgirl and needs to be saved?

Geralt is the luckiest motherfucker in the entire universe.
Him beating a higher vamp 1v1 is the equviliant of someone fighting a bear with a toothpick but somehow killing it.

>saving that vindictive, sociopathic cunt
shiggery diggery doo

>willing to meet Dettlaff even though she knows she'll be putting herself in a ton of risk to save the lives of innocent people


>saving moonborn wenches
>not getting thrown in jail just to let Dandelion break you out

i would have been happy if the story was just the assassination plot with maybe regis showing up to help you with some stuff. its funny that the game tells you vampires just live in the shadows and don't really care about humans, but then local man ruins everything because he somehow gets attached to a human.

Because he's an autist and she showed him a tiny bit of attention.

KEK---- shit.

That's actually an amazing summation of the plot.

"Local Vampire loves human. Ruins everything."

>even though she knows she'll be putting herself in a ton of risk
She didn't actually think that. She thought her ability to manipulate Detlaff would keep her safe.


She was indeed convinced that she'd just manipulate him again. Unfortunately for her, he had enough of her bullshit.

The best part of the DLC was how people weren't raging assholes.

That really got to me.

of course it's the woman who's an unfaithful piece of shit manipulating a "pure" and "innocent" man who loved everyone and everything (especially that "kid who gave him an apple" part was cringeworthy)

I'm tired of your shit, CDPR, sexism has its boundaries and you've tip-toed across them just one time too many

Actually, it's usually the other way around in the Witcher series. Seeing a woman drive the plot as the villain was a refreshing change from the usual Witcher fare.


hide the goddamn "break your own news" text


lol saved

yeah, except you forgot the Bloody Baron storyline, with Strenger being just a poor old PTSD-driven old bean who couldn't deal with his own family BUT MEANT WELL!

disgusting "deconstruction" of ordinary domestic abuse, I'm surprised they weren't sued


oh God isn't it like Eastern European timezone or something

I'm so sorry for you

Why? We don't have niggers, faggots or terrorists here and our internet speeds are beyond anything Burgerstan will have for the next two decades. Refugees didn't want to come here either.
Place is boring in a comfy way.

Dude, he let his alcoholism take hold of him. He'd often come home drunken and insensate and was a frankly horrible husband ruined by drink.

The wife felt trapped in a broken relationship and grew to hate him so much that she would often become violent, and had attempted to kill Strenger more than once.

Both of them were at fault, but both of them had sympathetic reasoning and it was good because Strenger wasn't a two dimensional wife beater but a ruined shell of a man with believable feelings and desires, and his wife was someone who reacted in flawed but believable ways to her drunkard of a husband away for years at a time.

This isn't Sup Forums. Stop the baiting.


this is how eastern europeans communicate

instead of "good morning" they say "gas the jews"

Fuck me that's brilliant.

What armor is that?

looks like an angrier geralt

Sounds sweet

As opposed to westerners who instead of "good morning" say "your country is a shithole".

grandmaster feline

Can confirm.

t. a pole


>defending moon children

did you guys kill the rare griffin?
even though there was overwhelming evidence the merchant carts were rigged with bait and sent though the owner's "sanctuary" on purpose?

>hurr durr I'm evil better fucking blame everyone else for it while also holding the belief that I am a monster as well

Nah, bitch can't have her cake and eat it

Edgy manchild.

I honestly liked the expansion but the story was not that good.

>wants to get revenge on people who just followed orders and didn't even do anything mindbreaking to her
>the revenge consists of killing them
>and manipulating a fucking higher vampire to do so
>also wants to get her sister assassinated

She's a retard. I'm glad that in my ending Dettlaff killed her.

you mean basilisk

Dr. Avallach, I'm Wolf School

should've made it an Aerondight fight only

Uh, you don't get to bring White Frost

>wants to get revenge on people who just followed orders and didn't even do anything mindbreaking to her
Except for the part where they tortured, beat, starved, and raped her during their journey into exiling her

Book Geralt would have gotten his ass ripped apart.

Shit, he even told Regis in the books that he shits bricks at the idea of fighting an higher vampire.

One dude beat her. She never mentioned anything about rape. She was just left in a forest, they didn't refuse her food directly.

Tell me about Eredin, why does he wear the helmet?

I tought the where kind of stupid looking with the long fingernails and sharp buck tooths.

But man when regis was fighitng dedlaff and they started doing that *sharps claws* thing it was fucking creepy

sweet user so pure and innocent

when the time of the white frost comes do not eat the yellow snow

Don't forget to admire Geralt's equipment

That time won't come anymore, user

You're pretty dense.

Really the best ending for everyone except Geralt. Even Regis is better off for it.

Prove that she was raped and then we can talk.


Go replay Beyond the Hill and Dale quest and listen this time, user.

It's heavily implied through her dialogue but if you think the stuff that was explicitly stated isn't enough to condemn the knights as horrible people, it's not really worth me having this argument with you. You're not gonna get it.


>horrible people for just following orders
Sure thing bro. And I'm 100% sure Syanna was just that innocent girl who never did anything wrong, right? Oh, don't mind that one time she made a guy kill himself

Just go and replay the quest, user.
This reminds me of the time an autist on Youtube was arguing that you lose Aerondight and Moonblade to Saskia in the beginning of The Witcher 2 because he was a retard who threw away Aerondight and didn't want to accept that he's retarded.

Give me the exact lines instead of just going "dude find it yourself lmao"

They weren't ordered to leave her in the middle of bandit infested woods with no food or drink.

Also "just following orders" has always been a shit excuse.

>It's heavily implied through her dialogue
It isn't even remotely implied.
The only reason you think it was is because you assume that a bunch of assholes in charge of a defenseless girl would definitely rape her.
Also, remember that this information was relayed to you by a known manipulator. She would have no qualms about lying to Geralt to get his sympathy.


>believing Anna "I kill people for selling my wine" Henrietta

At the point she tells you this stuff, she no longer has anything to gain from you.

i swear i dont know anything, and uhhh... watch out, wolves!!!

She said that one of the knights "beat and abused" her.

>12 minutes
>doesn't even give the moment the rape is implied

She mentions nothing about rape.

Wrong. She even later admits that she only offered to have sex with Geralt to get in his good graces.

Well it's true that in that dialogue she says a knight "abused her" (exact words), but it's kinda weird since afterwards she says she was afraid bandits would rape her, so she could've used the word rape with the knights anyways but she didn't. It was kinda confusing

Yeah, not like she can get Geralt to protect her from Detty.

She's a manipulative bitch, just like Anna. Both of them are shit. Dettlaff dindu nuffin wrong

What do you think "abuse" means, my man? Because if it was just beatings, she'd say it was a beating. Also, just copy/paste the link, you autist. Can't you see that it's linking to a specific part of the video? It's not my fault Sup Forums's embed feature ignores timelinks.