le high noon man
I can't wait until they do and all the "flash, hammer, roll" faggots are going to get rekt.
They literally confirmed a few days ago that the first nerf will be for McCree.
Its already been confirmed so just wait
So who do you think will be claimed the next OP hero after mccree and widow are nerfed?
My bets on junkrat. I do so fucking well with him placing traps at health packs and doing 120 damage per direct hit. hes also great at getting behind reinhardt shields to blast the people behind it
dont look at the light
Doesn't matter, once widow is nerfed all will be well in the world.
She can two hit anyone and still rapes tanks
Its confirmed for a nerf.
Probably a Zen level nerf.
Her ult is literally game changing.
I'm not bothered as much by Junkrat because you need to aim well and be clever about your trap. Doing good damages requires being good.
HOWEVER, when we see this piece of shit of Reaper, we can see that his fucking shotguns have a way too long range and still kill me from afar when he's supposed to be a close range hitter. I'm so triggered when I see one closing the gap with his bullshit invincible ghost mod just to activate his ulti and get play of the game
>complaining about Mccree when a team of five 76s and one Reinhardt can destroy everything.
anyone else notice how boring this game is?
>attack on payload map
>defense team has two bastions and two torbjorns
>wanting him to be nerfed while mei exists
Her freeze ray should do zero damage. Let it freeze players normally. Her ice spike alt-fire should be removed. Also her ult needs to be nerfed by allowing players to shoot the drone before it freezes everyone.
Anyone notice this guys shitposting?
How do you want her to do damage if her freeze doesn't dps and she has no alternate fire ?
factually tracer since she already is op and without mccree around shes borderline unstoppable
You're getting the idea.
>having a different opinion is shitposting now
Where do you live
Just remove her from the game at that point.
Thank god you don't work for blizzard.
>wahhh please don't nerf my ez-win combo!!!
Play something that requires skill, like Genji.
Oh. Oh ! I'm getting it alright now
I hate playing mcREEEEEEEEEEE. He rapes everyone 1v1 but he is no fun in big teamfights
>like Genji
Enjoy getting frozen when you try to reflect the ice ray
You can just snipe tanks from afar why do you bother
Git gud
I would play mei if I wanted to snipe people from afar
>about to go into a building
>hear the jingle jangle of spurs
>my survive ability is on cooldown
I hope you break your fucking hand
>complaining about someone being overpowered when everyone is overpowered, ults included
isn't this the whole point of the game, literally every character is a game changer in the right hands.
>21 hrs total played
Casuals shouldnt be in threads about balance.
>le it's balanced because everyone is OP meme
There's a difference between nerfing a character and rendering it unplayable.
Mei is OP as fuck, invuln, slow, stun, and her ult can shit on a whole team with little chance to escape it.
McCree isn't really all that bad, he's the best counter to any tank where few others exist as viably. His stun has incredibly limited range, and Fan the Hammer isn't particularly devastating if you miss even one round. If anything tanks should have a damage resistance buff instead of just gobs of health with Roadhog being the exception.
Roadhog's chain needs to be dropped in length by 25% since he can reach approximately 30 feet with it.
Reinhardt's ult needs to be made consistent with the graphics displayed for it, and it should behave consistently on all escort cart models.
Hanzo's arrows should move slightly faster, shotgun arrow should be made more predictable.
Widowmaker is relatively well balanced, slightly slower fire rate while scoped.
Zenyatta needs an all around buff. I've never seen him played in a manner that can be considered effective. needs some more damage albeit only a slight increase, I feel bad repeatedly soloing them over and over.
Pharah's 'e' should do damage and a brief stun when targets or the player hits a wall.
Winston's ult should give a damage absorption buff to compound with the aforementioned tank DR buff and heal him 200% of health on activation up to 1000 health instead of giving him 1000 health from 1 tick remaining.
Reaper's wraith walk should be a 70% DR ability instead of an invuln.
I really dont get why people say he's OP. Just stay away from him and he's below average.
>it's not evening yet
>mcREEE can delete 600 hp roadhogs in a second at close range
>baguette lady can delete 150 hp heroes instantly and anything below 300 in 2 shots
>bastion + reinhard shield + mercy buff can delete entire teams and every time someone asks for a nerf the devs just respond with 'use genji :)'
> can't even kill a fucking zenyatta
>winston's ult counters itself
who thought this was a good idea
There are several as it is, McCree leaving the spotlight will make other people realize how obnoxious the others are.
Don't even need to explain, everyone knows.
Her blinks need more of a cooldown, having not 1, not 2, but fucking 3 of them is just ridiculous and it maybe takes about 5 seconds for all 3 of them to recharge. Her alt can recharge fast as shit too, on top of her guns being sprayable and reloading fast as shit. A character this fucking squisy should not be able to solo Tanks.
Bitch faggot homo character. Set up turrets that kill enemies across the map, then get an easy ult that increases your firepower, health, and the strength of your overpowered toys. Oh, and you can buff all your boyfriends on the team with your ebin armor powerups! Literally kill yourself if you consider this character your "main."
I want overwatch fags to go to /vg/
I want overwatch fags to go to /vg/
I want overwatch fags to go to /vg/
What if they give her 75HP?
Everything you mentioned is based around casual solo play. In the high ranked team games, Mei is the least played hero and Mcree is vital team comp.
Sniper heroes should be listed as 'wildcards' since they can be effective as defensive or offensive characters.
Map rotation should take precedence over matchmaking, constantly shuffling the rotation nets frequent map loops rather than allowing a player to play on all maps.
Lootboxes should be rewarded for all achievements.
Per character reticles should be implemented.
it's a new game, it will end up there eventually. This happens with every new hype storm. Just hide the threads. It's better than e-celeb shitposting.
>he's the best counter to any tank
He's not intended as a counter for tanks you asshat only fast flankers.
That still wouldn't matter because she's near impossible to hit with most characters and she can literally run laps around you. The problem is her Blinks. She has too many and they recharge too quickly.
>high ranked team games
>it's a mei is OP episode
Pretty sure given his efficacy and damage output it can be construed that his intended purpose was indeed as a counter to tanks.
> Running away from McCree
> He throws a flashbang that explodes a distance behind my back
> Get stunned
>enemy team can't even hear you talk
>Lootboxes should be rewarded for all achievements.
This will literally never happen. The entire loot box system has been designed to prey on people who are dumb enough to buy the boxes through the microtransactions.
>the flashbang even does damage
If I can take her out as Handjob then your point is irrelevant.
He seriously needs to be able to survive more than one Widow bodyshot
per character reticles are already fucking in you casual
Both teams hear it so...
Why the fuck does Bastion have a self heal
>He can't deal with Torbjorn
Oh jesus how bad can you be at video games.
Because bastion is fucking garbage that only literal morons end up dying to
>Mei is OP as fuck
Dude you're so fucking bad at overwatch holy shit
No they aren't you nasty little pleb, there are the shitty on Blizzard arbitrarily threw on characters and there are custom ones which override all of those, annoyingly.
Who? Hanzo? Good for you, master bowman, but not everyone is as l33t as you are. Getting melted by a Tracer when you're a roadhog on the front lines is just obnoxious.
>B-but just chain her!
You make it sound so easy.
From what i can tell they aren't gutting mcree. He'll still keep tracer in check, but he won't be able to melt tanks anymore, which he shouldn't be able to on his own.
>Zenyatta needs an all around buff. I've never seen him played in a manner that can be considered effective.
Been playing a bit with him and consistently get gold for either eliminations or damage done. If you figure out his orbs travel speed he deals a fuckton of damage.
But because he's built out of paper mache you do also need to know the maps well and where enemies can pop out from to fuck your shit up.
Not according to the developers.
It's not that I die to Mei, it's her ice block bullshit. Don't get me started on friendly walls getting in the way of my killshots.
>Calls me bad
>doesn't provide any explicit evidence he's not
I didn't say I can't deal with him. I play Junkrat, I'm pretty much made to deal with him. But the range on his turrets is just unnecessary. Ever play against a team of 3 or more Torbs on defense? It's not fun.
>"The Kid was the big sheriff on the block now. Act up and he'd show ya no mercy. Huh...shoulda seen the look on his face when he was shown Mercy."
>you do also need to know the maps well and where enemies can pop out from to fuck your shit up
You mean everywhere?
>peek around a corner to use harmony/discord orb
>die to bodyshot Widowmaker/flanking Tracer/Reaper/stray Hanzo arrow/Reinhardt charge/etc.
If you did this with a DVA pick this would be an entirily different thread
de Facto tank elimination machine. He is the tank counter, period.
buff genji melee
Yeah, but everyone has counters. Mcree and Widow have posted counters in theory (like Genji or Winston for Widow). However in practice, the only thing that really beats them is another, better Mcree or Widow.
The support problem;
Lucio is hands down the best support option in the game. If you have one support it's Lucio. If you have two supports it's one+Lucio
Is Lucio too good? Are all the other supports lacking? or do they just need more supports as options?
Lucio is to supporting as Reinhardt is to tanking, but there are still situations that counter Reinhardt. There is currently no situation where any support is a better choice then Lucio, besides already having a Lucio.
Why do D Va players have such a persecution complex? Probably because they don't want to admit the kawaii little Japanese character is shit, right?
Wooooowiiiieeee, turns out you have to hit things to kill them! Well color me shocked Timmy, skilled play is rewarded????
Yesssss for fucks sake why would you design a melee character and shit all over his melee attack?
Also buff all melee attacks, shit does like 5 damage.
Mei is really easy to avoid not dying too, yeah her ice block is bullshit but so is Reaper's wraith form, but that's ok? She's not OP, just annoying. If she was overpowered, she'd be played more in higher teams.
I don't think Junkrat is OP but I do think his bombs having direct hit damage even after hitting the ground is silly.
I don't really care about the others but the range of Torbs turrets makes me beyond angry. Not to mention his pistol is OP as fuck. I don't know why he needs an almost infinite range turret (let's face it there are barely any levels where it can't shot anything in sight) and a similar pistol with pinpoint accuracy and tremendous close range damage. Pubs are infested with 3 Torbs on defend. Bastion can be defeated but those fucking turrets lock on everything in an instant.
>Kaplan says McCree will definitely be getting nerfed in the game’s first patch. While the team is happy with his performance against “squishy” heroes like Tracer or Hanzo, he’s a bit more effective against tanks than Blizzard intended. As a result, the studio will be dropping the damage on his Fan The Hammer ability, leaving it high enough to take out smaller characters while forcing McCree to adopt new strategies against the game’s biggest heroes.
I think it's largely because Lucio has an AOE heal. Just being near him heals you, and on top of that he can give the whole team a mobility bonus. No other healer has that, they have to focus on players 1 at a time.
Care to come up with an actual counterpoint instead of trying to use your cringeworthy Sup Forums humor to act condescending?
Mercy is bomb too, really so is a well played Indian bitch. Maybe your team comps are shit? Like a single Mercy res can change the entire game. Indian hoebag can do pretty decent damage and create a significant distraction while also allowing players to rapidly flank from the rear.
Why is Symmetra considered a support? She just gives 25 shields and that's it.
>Egregious balance issues have been a problem for over 5 months
>Still haven't implemented a patch to address them
I'm good, I'll wait a month or so until they patch it. Every game at my MMR ends up the same. Multiple Mcree's and widowmakers who CS:GO autist their way into forcing entire teams to react to them.
>reaper ghosts right in front of your face
>shoot too early will cause a delay in follow up shot or increase spread
>shoot too late and you're dead
>he starts attacking nearly instantly after ghosting
A well-played Zenyatta helps you to just melt through the enemy team.
50% extra damage is nothing to scoff at.
Should change her stupid shield thing to a health dispenser. Would match her theme and work better as a healer.
He's trolling his own teammates idiot. Nothing in the quote suggested the enemy team was who was freaking out.
de fac·to
ˌdā ˈfaktō/
adverb: de facto; adverb: defacto
in fact, or in effect, whether by right or not.
>more effective against tanks than intended
>insinuating the things you say are definitive truths
>nothing said to support it