Please don't turn this into console war bullshit, just trying to have a discussion

So right now the Xbone is
>cheaper ($299 vs $349 for a PS4)
>MUCH better backwards compatibility (you can just download BC 360 games you own digitally, and you can just insert the disc of a BC game and it'll automatically download the BC version of it. On the PS4, you have to buy your games again and stream them from PSNow, so it doesn't work as well as natively rendered 360 games on the Xbox One)
>most people would agree that Xbox Live's GwG gives you better games than PS+ (>inb4 hurr paid online. Most normies see a subscription service as a value add because they get more than $60 worth of games they actually play through them)
>is a better media box than the PS4
>has better integration with Windows than the PS4 (you can stream the output from an Xbone to any Windows computer, there's a few games that if you buy them digitally, you'll also own them on the PC (not that that matters though, the Xbox One has no exclusives so PC gamers have zero reason to own an Xbox One...), etc etc)

Is the Xbox One set to make a comeback if it starts getting better console exclusives than the PS4? I think it could if Microsoft plays their cards right because although the PS4 is more powerful, the Xbox One has more features and people don't buy consoles their processing power.

Other urls found in this thread:

Both have no games

Both exist to collect dust

Even the Wii U has more games and that's a complete and utter failure of a console

>Le no games
99% of people buy consoles for multiplats.

I can use any old core i5, stick RX 480 and I am done at the price of $200, cheaper than even regular ol' Xbone.

Japanese Games.

I like how you typed all that out and then decided to at a falseflag wojak pic to invalidate your entire post

You're missing the point and target audience of consoles. Console owners don't want to build a PC. it's too complicated (>inb4 the retarded Legos meme. It's only like Legos if you know what you're doing). It's not very common, but sometimes to get a game to work correctly on PC you have to download a third party mod or edit a .ini file or something. That scares normies away. Little Timmy sees a box that's $300, a subscription service that gets him more than $60 worth of games for $60, and is brain dead easy to operate. Stop comparing consoles to PC, you just cannot. You are not the target audience for consoles if you don't get the point of them.

How? It's the only Xbox One related meme on my phone I had. I'm sorry it's not 110% fitting for this thread.

>please don't turn this into console war bullshit
>makes thread with console war image

Kill yourself.

>on my phone

Oh look ANOTHER shitposting phonefag. who would have guessed.

that's a win for xbox
>backwards compatibility
the 360 has hardly any games to itself, everything went to either PS3 or PC.
And of its actual exclusives, you still have to wait for them to be enabled.
Still a win because it's free.
>>most people would agree that Xbox Live's GwG gives you better games than PS+ (>inb4 hurr paid online. Most normies see a subscription service as a value add because they get more than $60 worth of games they actually play through them)
It's still forcing you to pay to play online.
Diluting the deal by adding some digital games you don't even get to choose doesn't change that.
>is a better media box than the PS4
both of them are bad media boxes that get outmatched by any smart TV or android tv box.
Does it even support h.265 without transcoding?
>>has better integration with Windows than the PS4 (you can stream the output from an Xbone to any Windows computer, there's a few games that if you buy them digitally, you'll also own them on the PC (not that that matters though, the Xbox One has no exclusives so PC gamers have zero reason to own an Xbox One...), etc etc)
isn't PS4 getting streaming to PC too?
Call back when xbone can stream games FROM a PC.

Xbone needs a killer exclusive to make a comeback, right now it's just an inferior PS4.

>not just having a pc and [console of your choice]

But you have destroyed any semblance if 'easy to use' the moment you want to do VR over a console. You need to do roomscale calibration to make that setup work, and the VR headset has to be strapped on after you enabled VR mode even if on a console. You don't have seamless transition from VR to normal mode at all.

Therefore, I don't see the point of Scorpio if that VR is the point to it.

>please don't turn this into console war bullshit
>posts console war bait
>posts console war bait image

gee u sur r dumb der op u fuckin faggot

>an expensive gimmick being hypothetically harder to set up on a console we know nothing about invalidates the regular Xbox One

Goddamn it Hiro please kill mobile phone posting.

Ok mods just delete the image in my OP. I had no idea Sup Forums was so sensitive.

>just trying to have a discussion
Xbone dabbing meme wojak image with neogaf pc master race face with gay and other insult images in a hat, greentexting a whole bunch of bullshit about ps4

I have never sent this and meant it more than I have now, if you aren't mentally retarded, you are the supidest fucking person on this board right now are are also everything wrong with this board right now, I hope your fucking internet explodes and you can never post again, you utterly stupid shitposting cunt.

Well yes, because we know that Kinect2 wouldn't be able to handle the sensor telemetry needed by itself, and you know that you have to pay $100 for that sensor alone. Regular Xbone wouldn't be able to run the VR hardware on top of that.

Calm down, it's just the internet.

>not just having a pc and
[nintendo console]

fuck you OP, I love neogaf

that is an interesting animal...

but why is it trying to eat itself?

>implying I would ever miss out on Project Diva Future Tone by not owning a PS4

I love that picture. It looks like the sonygger is hating on the xfag, but his dab too stronk.

> Japanese Games.
Some crossgen games? So far I only see Star Ocean 5 is worth to buy a PS4. But SO5 is also a crossgen game, it is OK to play it on PS3. I don't care about more or less grass on the screen, but only PS4 version is translated.

Let's have an xbawcks history lesson, shall we?

>Microsoft kills several PC-oriented game studios and countless PC franchises and investiments, to start developing a console because Bill Gates wanted to have a gateway to every living room
>Original Xbox comes out
>no exclusives
>all western dogshit multiplats from PC
>Made you pay for P2P
>brought in brodudes with no taste in games to play
>The few japanese games it had wouldn't even qualify in a list of top 100 ps2/gc/dc games
>forces you to buy a DVD playback kit to watch movies
>Started the concept of DLC

>Xbox 360 comes out
>Proprietary HDDs costing over $110
>Play and charge kits
>Charges for P2P online
>$100 wifi dongle
>Regional pricing on Live games
>Almost instant drop of the first Xbox after launch
>Lies to XBLA developers and charges for menial things such as patches
>Xbox Live jumping up to 60 a year
>Exclusives drying up the last 3 years
>Adds more ads to the dashboard while increasing the price of live
>disc drive scratched $60 discs making them coasters
>because MS wanted to save $70 million in manufacturing costs by not adding foam bumpers to the drives, which are standard in every commercial cd or dvd drive since the 90s
>Guaranteed to eat disc if console is nudged while on, small chance to eat disc randomly if not touched (happened me)
>No refunds, no fixing broken drives
>MS offered to replace discs for $10 fee

You forgot the most american game ever was on the xbox and never released in america

>playing Project Diva on PS4

>Xbone comes out
>Inferior hardware still 100 bucks more expensive than competitor
>Still selling play and charge kits
>Non removable hard drive, removing it voids your warranty
>Every other service on the console requires live (netflix, online, tv services)
>Promoted services like netflix and ESPN don't work outside the US (ie. false advertising)
>Designed the Xbox One UI around advertising
>Ads still there
>Kinect 2
>Everything about the DRM
>backpedal on DRM due to massive backlash and low preorders, top executives go on record to say they're "bringing it back when the time is right"

>missing out on Future Tone
220+ songs dude

OP summed it up for me. The only PS4 exclusive I care about is Bloodborne, and only xbone exclusives are a few mediocre ones like Dead Rising 3, Sunset Overdrive, Scalebound, and Rare Replay.

When they are that close, I judge it based on extra features like backwards compatibility, which I'd definitely say the xbone is better. I honestly don't know how the PS4 pulled so far ahead, did the prerelease talk of DRM and shit really do that much damage?

My goodness, mixed it with Project DIVA X
Thanks user. Any news about release outside Japan?

No haven't heard anything yet
It's digital only in japan so i'm just going to buy it off jp psn.

Neogaf is a console?

are we ever gonna get more news of Sea of Thieves?
wasn't Recore suppose to come out in spring (though i didn't really expect it too)

im not a fan of the xbone's curremt ui

Despite having way more functionality, it feels like i have to struggle to do anything meanwhile PS4 ui just werks

Thats not to say PS4's ui is great or anything. For some reason console uis took a nosedive this gen

i cant really say im interested in either console. I seriously regret buying an xbone. Id regret the PS4 as well if i didnt play destiny on it or if the game was on pc

PC truly won this gen. And im not just saying that out of fanboyism, this gen has just been really weak. PC is just the lesser evil.

>Wii U has more games
It has like 5 worth playing, the rest are absolute shit. There are three 3D mario games on the Wii U and they're all garbage

xbox one owner here

i would not recommend the xbox one to a single living soul. not even a china man or a brazilian. please consider even the lowly ouji board as a superior alternative.

thank you.

Yes. But the Bone and PS4 are even worse.

Not really
You're just trying to fit in instead of actually forming your own opinion.

xbone has no useful features and m$ sucks at making games, die shill.

Wow, Sup Forums sure is triggered by this. I simply asked if it can make a comeback, which implies the console is doing something wrong as of now. Would a shill shit on their own product?

Again, I'm not advocating buying an Xbone in its current state.

Forza series is actually killer app tier, of course Sup Forums is not interested in racing games so "no games".

M$hill shitpost and shill like this every pre E3 and Black Friday. I also noticed it happen in Sup Forums with W10, I bet they would post bundles when E3 is over.

Can tell english isn't their first language either because their grammar and sentence structure is always fucking awful.

99% of people are stupid.

Not really.
This gen is garbage and whoever can use his own brain realized it already.

Upvoted PC master race

t. Pcuck

This right here.

Microsoft fucked the industry a whole lot more than Nintendo, Sony or Steam ever have.

The whole Phil Spencer meme is stupid too. The guy didn't do shit to make Xbox better. All he did was make things worse like Tomb Raider exclusivity and other dirty tactics.

I'm an idort, and I've never enjoyed an Xbox console. I don't even see the point in getting a xbox one when I have a PC that plays most of the games that come out for it anyway.

Also Halo was always shit.

All I did was ask if the Xbox One had potential to make a comeback. I'm not even telling anyone to buy anything. How does that make me a paid shill?

If they could get some amazing exclusives announced they could get the leg up. Problem is Spencer cares more about Microsoft Games brand, not Xbox exclusively. As long as it's Windows 10 exclusive, he'll have it go to PC because his bottom line is more people buying their games.

>Is the Xbox One set to make a comeback if it starts getting better console exclusives

No because most people who play video games don't actually give a shit about exclusives, good example of this is Bloodborne sales versus the number of PS4 consoles bought.

Most people who play video games are CoD, Fallout and other triple A multiplat playing casuals. Compare the sales of multiplat games on Xbone vs PS4 and then compare them to 360 vs PS3, most casuals moved to PS4 and will continue doing so especially since Activision has a deal with Sony on exclusive stuff for CoD and Destiny.

Plus Sony still has marketing out of the ass for PS4 and marketing works on 99% of people in the world.

People underestimate how fucked the Xbox One launch was. I'd say that it was more damaging for the brand than the launch of the PS3 was for the Sony brand.
Microsoft tipped their hand with how they view their console consumers, and it bit them in the ass, and it continuing to bite them.
Xbox COULD get an image turnaround, much like Sony did, but it seems unlikely, especially with the merging of the PC and Xbox platforms, giving most even less of a reason to own an Xbox.
Right now they only thing they have going for them is the backward compatibility thing. That shit's alright.

>halo was always shit

Way to invalidate your post

You have to be 18 to post here child.

People who played Halo when they were 10 are 25 now.

>still shilling this meme

go fuck yourself, friend

Kill yourself fucking SHILL

>Console war thread
>Grown men arguing over who has the best toy

Play and charge kits are nice.

You're only proving your own immaturity

Sup Forums is full of underage.

Worst part is Microsoft shot themselves in the foot with the Xbone. Sony barely did anything. This was unlike the 360 which had a year headstart and had marketing hardcore against the PS3.

I've gotten at least $100 worth of Bing rewards points from shilling on a Tibetan tooth carving forum. Why should I kill myself when I'm living in luxury from it?

>don't turn this into a console war

I play my PS4 everyday and I haven't touched my xbone in months

Nah, Halo was the Call of Duty of its time. Complete shit with terrible lore that would make Blizzard blush.

I don't really see Xbox coming anywhere near PS4 in the future. Sony has a lot more good exclusives locked down, FF7R might not hit bone, From is working on two games exclusive for sony, Kojima is making games exclusively for sony, TLG, Horizon, gravity rush 2, nier automata, P5, NMS, KH2.8. There's pretty much no possible way xbone could pull through in figures or in my eyes. I could not care less about anything else.

>Sony barely did anything.
Except to immediately exploit the fuckup. I can't blame them.
Fairly certain that Yoshida straight up said on a GiantBomb panel that this was recorded backstage at E3 once word got out.

Why would you need an Xbone if you have a PC?
Why would you choose an Xbone over a PC?
Why would you not supplement your PC library with a Sony or Nintendo console?

ps3 had much better exc games compare to x360. people still know PlayStation platforms gonna have better exc games.

and yes exc still matters .

people know they will get uncharted,god of war, gran turismo , whatever comes from Sony studios.

MStudios are joke . All they pump are halo,geow,forza.

The Xbox One is objectively cheaper and it's hard to argue that BC is worse on the Xbox One. The rest are features, you just don't use them.

Also why the fuck did you spend almost $1000 on both consoles when the exclusives this gen are shit?

>people don't buy consoles their processing power.
I'm sorry, but you are wrong. Today's kid want the most powerful plastic box to play their video games. Also "muh power", "muh grafix", "muh framerate" are standard console warrior babbies bullets.

Friends? If I had a lot of extra money I'd probably buy an xbone just to play some normie games with my pals but I don't.

You don't, because PC gamers are not the target audience for consoles. The top selling games on consoles are all multiplats. Theres almost no overlap between these two demographics (PC and console). Microsoft is bringing their exclusives to PC because they've realized that and want more money from games sales.

What advantage does it have over a £2 usb cable? Why is an £18 detachable battery pack even necessary?

yes, but for one thing I'm pretty sure it's hard to find a PS4 for $349. You can definitely get them cheaper. And paying more for more processing power seems fair.
>Backwards compatibility
fair enough, but people who are serious about this will surely still have their old systems
>GwG gives better games
arguably, but both services are still a joke. You have to pay the ferryman if you wanna play online whatever console you choose.
>Streaming to windows
you can already do this on PS4, as well as streaming to Vita or mobile.

>Two pound USB cable
Damn, that's fucking heavy for a cable. It must be like 100 feet.

If you played Halo at 10 then your opinion is shit by definition.

People who played it at 25 are 40 now. Happy? I was just using the average age of people on here to show how young they were when Halo came out.

And if someone played it at 25 and thought that it was a good game then he should probably just kill himself.

I'm just saying that Halo is an irredeemable trash game which is propelled in it's popularity only because it's the first fps for a lot of console kiddies.

Fuck off Halo 1-2 have great campaigns and multiplayer.

Microsoft is trying to get back the market Sony got from them, better free games, backwards compatiblity and reduced price for the console is a good way to regain trust. But if they are going to release all the Xbox One exclusives on PC eventually they are fucked.

>>has better integration with Windows than the PS4 (you can stream the output from an Xbone to any Windows computer, there's a few games that if you buy them digitally, you'll also own them on the PC (not that that matters though, the Xbox One has no exclusives so PC gamers have zero reason to own an Xbox One...), etc etc)
This is your problem

PC has all the xbone games, PC plays them better and with more options. The PS4 at least has some exclusives

No, they aren't fucked. PC gamers rarely buy consoles, and if they do they get Nintendo hardware.

I don't get all the complaints about Microsoft bringing their exclusives to PC. For the longest time, PC gamers have said that exclusives are a cancer killing the industry. So now Microsoft brings their exclusives to PC, and people aren't happy about that?

That was the exact moment when Sony won this generation.

I got one the moment they announced backwards compatibility.

I had over than 250 Xbox 360 games and many ended up being on the backwards list.

I only care about which one runs multiplats better and the PS4 does so I bought that.

>people still attempt to shill for the xbox one

My boss saw that image while at work, it's NOT safe for work ffs. I'm now fired thanks to you!!!


>>cheaper ($299 vs $349 for a PS4)

yeah because it's floping even harder than wii u

You forgot the most important point OP

>No fucking games

I investigated this the xbone bc is shit it works with like 2 games

The fact that rare replay is the only interesting exclusive should tell you something

>3D world
How to spot a shitposter. Maybe you can claim it's not a 'true 3D Mario' but it's good

> the Xbox One set to make a comeback if it starts getting better console exclusives than the PS4?

I don't see this coming ever though,PS4 exclusive titles are actually being released

Nobody gives a shit about the all in one media though, there are better and cheaper alternatives for that, the Xbox One should be gaming media and it's failing at that

I don't see a comeback from Microsoft this gen at all , better luck next gen though

It's an Armadillo Lizard. It bites its tail to curl into protect himself.

>All he did was make things worse like Tomb Raider exclusivity and other dirty tactics.

>Tomb Raider's console exclusivity was stolen by Sony from Sega and the Saturn and N64 versions of TR2 were cancelled
>The Dreamcast versions of TLR and Chronicles sold better on DC as they were 480P 60FPS and Sega regained marketing
>Sony paid $50 million just to have Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness be PS2 exclusive because they were mad as hell Sega was trying to take back a game they helped fund

All my fukken keks. Sony invented the concept of the "Money hat". No wonder everyone hates Sonyfags. They are so fucking retarded they try ignore history and twist it to make it suit them when PS2 was the console that brought in the bro dudes. Then blame other consoles.

Sonyfags will forever be the worst fanbase