This was surprisingly good

This was surprisingly good.

I don't believe you.
I'm gonna go see it expecting shit and hope to be pleasantly surprised.

The guy that plays Lothar is cute

Medivh turning into he Avatar of Sargeras was cool as fuck

That is a good plan. That's what I did.

Sequel when?

The actor for Llane looks like his life literally depends on taking huge black cocks up his supple boipussy round the clock.

soon hopefully
>tfw they show Gul'dan creating the death knights

Don't you mean brown cock?

Which originally happened on Draenor. Which isnt one of the worst of some of the weird rewrites.

After the inevitable Overwatch film

i expected shit, but i didnt that

The movie was okay, corny as fuck though, some scenes were just lame, that ending scene with baby thrall made me cringe, reminded me more of narnia movies than lotr

Probably the best video game movie out though, but to be fair this bar was VERY low

Couldve been better if it was longer, and hopefully it does well so we can see some movies about arthas/illidan one day

>Which originally happened on Draenor.
I don't think they ever say where it happens, and using the bodies of the knights of Stormwind implies he did it somewhere on Azeroth

hows the cgi?

people posting webms here and it looks bad

>that ending scene with baby thrall

Saw it yesterday.

Went better than expected considering I expected shit from a video game movie + Blizzard.

But it turned out ok. Some dumb parts in the movie like

>we gonna follow him anyway and just grunt about it

Orks are pussies.

I agree. This movie needed maybe 30 minutes more of Draenor alone.

the cg is good, but the non-cg places look like shit.
this movie should have been 100% orc and none lothar

I still havent seen X-Men and TMNT.

I want to fall asleep on that chest.


This movie should've been dragged out more.. like 1 hour+

The death of soldiers shouldnt be as "Light" as it was.
Fucking stupid
LoL, died by a funny hammer swing

But here comes some semi important character... and dies... now its all sad ;_; buuhuu..

Fucking corny
Fucking stupid

orc half breed was hot doh.

I heard the director's cut is supposed to be 40 more mins long

You act as though orcs haven't always been a race of dumbfuck sheep.
>they actually hold a grudge for the internment camps when the alternative was being executed for unprovoked attempted genocide
>still fuck with the Legion after all the times they've been burned
>Garrosh who was smart enough to condemn the Legion just turned to old gods instead like they are somehow different

Everyone looks like they don't want to be there

This. That scene pissed me off so much and could have led down a very different route with the Frostwolves surviving and helping fight the fel horde. It made no sense even for orcs.

They should've gone 100% CG though

Wow that looks like shit, is that really from the film?

That scene is literally a split-second-visible scene near the end of the movie and it immediately changes to a better angle. It really isn't that bad on a movie screen, but we'll see about dvd release. It's be no means perfect though.

>The death of soldiers shouldnt be as "Light" as it was.
>Fucking stupid
>LoL, died by a funny hammer swing
>But here comes some semi important character... and dies... now its all sad ;_; buuhuu..
That's been a problem with Warcraft as a whole for a very very long time.
It escalated 1000 times in Cata where they started killing quest characters for shitty jokes and had your character sit around and do nothing.
Was the most annoying part of WoD too, everyone dying for no reason gets boing fast.

TMNT 2 is better than the first but its still shit, feels alot more cartoony and silly thats for sure and there's some neat action scenes

If you enjoyed first class and days of future past you probably won't enjoy apocalypse, good quicksilver and alkali lake scene though

Bullshit Lothar was one of the best parts. The having a son storyline seemed a little forced.

No it wasn't. You have poor taste.

his character was such an annoying piece of shit, and the performance of that actor was almost equallly shit

Am I the only one who thinks the actor who played Medivh was very good?

>Character suddenly changes how they act/acts hypocritical
>In a Blizzard franchise

You really shouldn't be surprised.

most of the actors were pretty decent, Medivh and Gul'dan were the best

probably more interesting than capeshit

I watched it earlier tonight and your full of shit.

Aside from pretty much rewriting everything that isn't 'orcs invade azeorth and fight humans', the movie probably spends as much time changing scenes as it does showing you anything worth note.

The funny thing is, half the problems by splitting the movie into two movies: Orc Side and Human side. They could have started with the human side and made it more relatable for people who don't know what's going on, and actually would have had time to make characters interesting. They could have then gone with the Orc side, and wrapped up things nicely with the razing of Stormwind while giving Orcs some character.

Oh, and the actors were apparently all ready to burst into tears. Probably because the movie was awful.

I thought it was a perfect Medivh.

>tfw this movie destroys all of Transformers records in China

Get ready for 3 more movies at least.

I agree, OP. I was afraid of it turning out to be some PG13 shit, but it was pretty brutal.
Aside from some minor changes to the lore and the awful, awful Garona I really enjoyed the movie. As a Warcraft fan I give it 8/10.... or should I say 9/11.

Durotan vs Gul'dan fisticuffs gave me a boner

Completely agree. There were some pretty dark moments to this movie. I was caught off guard.

>Blizzshills are now shilling for movies on Sup Forums

>Probably the best video game movie out though

Nah, that goes to Angry Birds

>Get ready for 3 more movies at least.

Good. The movie was a 7/10 at best, I don't what everyone was complaining.

I just wanna see fucking Arthas and Garithos already fucking shit. Warcraft 3 is too simple to fuck up.

I have to add that I watched it in IMAX 3D which can make an average movie look good, so there's that too.

I assume they didn't get Michael Bell.

Who did play him? Did Bell get a cameo or something at least?

The movie was really shitty.

Most of the acting was shit, only Khadgar was decent.

>oh look, a female savage
>let's let her walk around the throne room and just walk up to people and touch them without even binding her hands

The elves were just, what the fuck were they thinking? The makeup and effects for them was plain awful.

No mind-controlled Garona. just
>oh garona pls stab me so you can get honor from your people that know you betrayed them yet will somehow still like you for this


They got Ben Foster.

oh I forgot


also forced love story between garona and lothar. like what the fuck, it didn't even develop, it came out of nowhere.

>my son is dead

Wtf was all that Alodi bullshit? Completely unnecessary.


I missed that implication. Are you sure you're not reading into things too much?

Medivh literally tells her he went to another land, fell in love, had a kid, and left.

chinks and slavs

Medhiv felt off too me, but I think that might be in part due to how they made the actor look. Medhiv in the games had gray hair(from age) or black hair, and always with a short cut.

Long lighter colored hair looked weird as fuck, IMO.



>50min long thread
>noclip.webm hasn't been posted yet

Fake. Russia is poor.

>Gul'dan creating the OG DKs ie Teron Gorefiend
>Lothar vs Doomhammer at Blackrock
>Turalyon leading the Alliance after Lothar dies
>Alleria Windrunner
>Order of the Silver Hand

remember when so many retards were freaking out over, orcs din do nuffin, man I haven't seen the movie and I know they were full of shit.

Not only does he have a scene where he makes implications at being her father, but he's also supposed to father her child in modern WoW (comic?) lore or whatever, that shit Med'an.

I'd like to say that means he's probably been thrown out a window, but instead she'll probably have been impregnated from the three seconds she spent with Lothar.

I never knew how much I needed this.

sure it was

Duncan Jones is literally not an old white man in the trenches of World War One

We don't talk about Med'an and neither should you.

>Lothar's son looks like he's 13
>Killing full-sized orcs with ease

>mfw Khadgar's actor

Also fuck that Golem scene towards the end, what a joke

so good i re subbed

khadgar was perfect tho, literally a meme character both in the movie and in game

Seriously wtf was that golem. I thought it was supposed to somehow be like the mobs you fought in Kharazan reference but it looked nothing like one.

nah just edgy faggots trying to be cool

>Arthas is the human main character
>Good fights against undead, sweet holy magic effects
>Frame culling as the right thing to do so even normies would consider it right if sad
>Like he is killing niggas that are already undead
>Maybe close up of a tear as he keeps a grim face of determination
>Uther talks to the king about it
>Flashback to men, women, and children screaming and getting killed brutally as the city burns from magefire
I would maintain 5 subs to WoW for the rest of my life for a good culling of Stratholme
10 for Terenes getting killed shot for shot like the cinematic.

movie was fucking awful.

the worst part is nothing even really happens outside of what is established in the opening scene. then it's just 2 hours of humans finding out what we already know from when we saw it from the orcs perspective.

terrible characters, terrible pacing, terrible everything, but at least the spell casting effects were kind of ok

so uhh who fucked garona

The movie is good but if you never played WoW maybe you won't like it.

Her master?

TFW you realize warlord of draenor killed wow literally

stop playing at early wotlk

Don't worry guys, ignore the fact she's half draenai and half orc, Medivh is totally her dad

>Tolkien was a fucking white male!

If the Uther and Arthas scene was recreated perfectly 1 by 1 in the movies Sup Forums and Sup Forums would throw a goddamn shitstorm.

Also, they better not fuck up Kel'thuzad's sexy voice and Tyrande's hot milf ass.

>Frame culling as the right thing to do so even normies would consider it right if sad
He did nothing wrong there. Uther was fucking piece of shit that could have saved Arthas if he didn't left.

It was mediocre.

Go see X-Men in theaters it and for TMNT 2 if you're a huge fan of the property go see it if not wait to pirate/ Dvd

Speaking of draenei, are any of them actually shown or are they just referred to?

Literally every orc who wanted to.
She was a soft half breed slave.
Probably didn't even count as sex to the orcs, just easing bloodlust between battles.

I was told it'd bomb. Did Sup Forums lie to me again?

>tfw we actually could see "glad you could make it, uther" being said on the big screen
yes the one in your pic begs Gul'Dan to free her son

i mean which one got her pregnant

You see a few captured in a cage for Gul'Dan.

The beginning you see alot of them, but then Gul'Dan kills them all to make the gate, and since the rest of the movie is in Azeroth you don't see them again

>are any of them actually shown or are they just referred to?

they show in the beginning of the film but get ORCED by Guldan

No it wasn't.

I think this movie would have been better if it was all animated. No human actors/Garona.

For normies, nigga.
If a woman cries they'd lose their shit.
All nuance needs to be tossed out for them.


>be normal guy
>go to the theaters for Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos
>arthas and uther meet
>oh boy
>"glad you could make it uther"
>laughter bursts out the seats, specifically the ones with overweight men and prepubescent teenagers, sometimes both

Oh Warcraft... so many different feelings about the movie. Tone was perfect. Orcs were great. Humans were alright. The young mage didn't fit the role. Medivh was really good. Garona and the romance aspect was completely unnecessary but I get why they needed to put her in there. CGI magic was on point. The movie expects knowledge of the viewers which is fine. Don't like dumbing down video game movie plots for the masses? None of that shit here. Don't know what the Kirin Tor, Dranei, Gold Shire and other people/places/things in warcraft are? Tough shit. Do your homework before you see the movie.

I feel it's sort of a reaction to people bitching about origin stories. None of that in here, when the movie starts its 0-60 in about 5 seconds. Battles were brutal, which was awesome, and as it should be. The movie itself was what it needed to do, since they are starting at Warcraft 1 story. So you aren't going to see Thrall or Arthas, Night Elves, Tauren, Orgimaar. None of that. Its Orcs and Humans along with very brief scenes of Dwarves, Elves and Dranei.

So even if the movie wasn't the best, I really hope it does well because I want to see the Warcraft 3 story on the big screen. I also think they could do wonders with their other IP.

/shrug... I admit I have pretty low movie standards. I usually enjoy what I go and see. I'd rather focus on things I enjoy than things I hate. So im a pretty happy movie goer. Things can be improved but I did honestly enjoy what I saw. It definitely wasn't just a cash in. It felt like they really wanted to put warcraft on the big screen but it was their first movie tackling this subject.

Cool, thanks. Kind of a bummer we won't see any of the other races for awhile.

>If you watch it as it's own story/route given the budget the worked with.
6/10 or 7/10
>If you watch it honestly expecting high quality budget and it being the same story as the one you were told

I want to have sex with Lady Vashj!

1) Forget everything you know if you played WC1. Apperantly there is a series of novels that completely retconned WC1 story and that is what the movies is based on.

2)If you have a problem with Mary Sues, don't watch. Every scene with Garona is cringe worthy. That is amplified by the fact that every human character wants to fuck her for some weird reason.

3)The big twist is the ultimate dindu, "orcs are not evil guys xD" moment ever. It is so dumb, even retcons the reconning books because a female character could NEVER EVER BE EVIL. The King literally asks Garona to kill him for 'the good of all of human and orc kind'.

4) Horrible, horrible pacing.

it wouldn't work you dumb fuck