how much are you spending on gamer streamer subs and donations each month Sup Forums?
How much are you spending on gamer streamer subs and donations each month Sup Forums?
I would never pay anyone to play video games, no matter how entertaining it may be.
I would pay 5 dollars to see OP livestream his suicide
Louise is cute
$200 a month. I can't help it, they need my money.
I hope this is a troll thread
Nothing, I'm the one that gets the donations.
I greatly regret watching zero no tsukaima after the first season.
not much, just 20 bucks to that one girl I like in hopes we will someday date
I usually don't donate to streams, but right now I'm donating to 7 different stream girls ($20 each) every month, and they say my name~~. I would donate more, but I already blow my monthly entertainment budget on them.
too obvious
lol that pocket is hanging as much as his tiddies
Not a fucking dime. Fuck my worthless generation they can't even be bothered to play games anymore just watch others play them.
>donating to streamer scum
the only man i would ever consider forking some shekels towards
>how much are you spending on gamer streamer subs and donations each month Sup Forums?
Only desperate rich retards who aren't actually gamers would pay for that shit. Real gamers don't got money or time to spend on streamers. Real gamers spend all their money on games and time playing those games.
>paying people for content that's not theirs
Alright, I give $1-2 a month for Botchamania.
I play video games, why aren't people sending me money?
Shittiest girl, both of her sisters are way better.
>Krip has all of his casting money
>Firebat gets jobs in HS casting and has his World Championship money
>Kibler has all of his MTG money
>Dyrus and QTPie are former LCS and still have paychecks saved up
>Gooteks has his job, Mike Ross is already getting paid by Twitch
>Scrote-Team Pill has his shill money and thousands from kids wanting to make secretary say some sick meme to get in a video
Why the fuck would you watch anybody else?
Besides Vinesauce, and they all say wait until the charity drive to donate money.
teach me, senpai.
Easily 50 or more bucks
Just one. 5$
$0.00 and never a cent more because I'm not a loser virgin 11 year old with my mom's credit card.
I greatly regret reading it. Doesn't help that best girl basically fucking vanishes for most of the story.