How come such evil sounding music plays whenever Nilfgaard is on screen?

How come such evil sounding music plays whenever Nilfgaard is on screen?

They really don't seem like such bad guys tbqhwy fampais.

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Yeh... the games toned them down from the books big time.

In the game, Nilfgaard is a nation that is scientifically progressive, relatively tolerant of non humans, and reasonably cosmopolitan and practical.

In the books, they're basically Nazi Germany, and were based off of the Polish experiences during Nazi Occupation.

What? No they're not. If anything, that'd be the Redanians.

I said relatively. Every government and government representative by our modern standard is complete ass.

Except for Vernon Roche who is Bro Tier.

they probably changed a bunch under Yen's influence and knowing what Ciri is

>evil sounding

it sounds more 'dignified' and 'regal' than evil

if youwant evil sounding music go visit the crones

who'd win in a bro-off
Vernon Roche or Regis? I'm gonna have to go with Zoltan desu

>That Pic

Roche and Zoltan in the same room as your friends?

That would create the ultimate of Bros; Broseidon! King of the Brocean!


Geralt would never do this.

Geralt is cool.

Anything Geralt does in cool.

Therefore, Controllers are cool.

Maybe that shitty controller is why Geralt is so pissed?

yeah he would, dude. He's basically an alpha jock who doesn't really give a shit. He'd own an xbox one and buy the latest Cod Equivalent of the Witcherverse every year. He doesn't care about gay nerd shit

don't you see the expression in his face and body language? - This is PC. How can she play this with a controller? Controls and response are bullshit.

yen - Geralt eat your food and pass me the controller. Let me show you how it is done.

Ciri: what the fuck are you all doing in my room?

Most of the views on Nilfgaardians in the books come from scared commoners and Northerners, half of it is propaganda. It's not like they're the only ones committing rapes and massacres, it's just how war is waged in the time.
Also the games are much better than the books anyway.

And yet Geralt can identify famous paintings, knows his culinary tastes, and has attended Oxford University not once, but multiple times as not just as a student but as a lecturer.

Not exactly... Alpha Jock...

>They really don't seem like such bad guys tbqhwy fampais.
>hang nuns from monasteries because "Nordling superstition"

Yeah nah.

fuck off nerd


The heretics must be converted or driven out you fool before they bring doom upon us all

CD project red just filed for a standalone gwent game a couple days ago, would you play and if so what deck?

Northern realms myself cuz i have good taste

I think it's more menacing than anything, which they are.

I always support Nilfgard in quests when I can, but still they're basically a stronger Rome with darker themes and armors.

Northers are pretty solid as a deck because they can adapt to nearly everything.

Do you use a Dummy build or a Multiplier build?

>not playing Nilfgaard
Enjoy losing

i assume the new game will be sort of like hearthstone, which means that they would need to nerf things like scorch and spies since it feels like witcher 3 specifically made it so that geralds deck is op as fuck by the end of the game, but that said salute to you for northern realm bruv.

Nilfgaard is difficult to play because it relies on the draw more than any other deck.

Should you master it, you'd crush your opponents. Socatiel is garbage.

It was rare, though. They generally leave them alone and hell, Toussaint is a Nilfgaardian province too (Anna Henrietta is Emhyr's cousin). Not exactly a Nazi hellhole, is it?

>it's a "Dwarf plays Scoia'tael" episode
I've literally never lost to a dwarf.

Why do all dwarfs play Scoia'tael? It's a shit deck.

They're butthurt about the human domination.

Yeah, Dwarves got a shit deal there.

Fuck the Elves though, bad as they get treated if they'd had their way back when they first started their campaign of racial cleansing against humans we'd be extinct.

I mean they are waging an unprovoked war of conquest that has cost thousands of lives. Also the Emperor is a real cunt in the books and there is a reason Geralt doesn't like him.

>Noob friendly easy mode deck
>Good taste

Pick one.

>easy mode deck
>not Nilfgaard

Ok senpai

Nilfgaard at least requires a bit of thinking on the players part. There is a reason Northern Realms is the first deck you get.


Daily reminder that the Elves exterminated the Vrans, the original inhabitants of the world.

>Most of the views on Nilfgaardians in the books come from scared commoners and Northerners, half of it is propaganda
>half of it is propaganda
>not remembering that sweet memoir of some high-ranked Nilfgaard officer who described attacking on refugees camp as "honorable act of doing a soldier's duty"
Fucking nazis, that what they are.

Flooding your deck with spies and medics doesnt require all that much skill, i mean i hear what you're saying but between the two i would say nilfgaard is foolproof in W3, I'm sure they'll make major adjustments to both decks in the standalone though.

Vrans are still around though, just even more rare the Gnomes. And a plague did most of the job for the elves, a plague that Nilfgaard wants to weaponize.

That plague was already artificially engineered by the Elves and let loose upon the Vrans.

Can you cite a single instance of a nazi or group of nazis attacking an encampment of refugees during WW2?

>Polish game

Delete this!

Nilfgaard literally has siege units and archers that have 10 power. And the most spies out of any deck.

Notice the .ru in the URL


redpill yourself bro
nazis were the fucking good guys
don't belive the lies of kikes

Yes, but at surface value their spys and tight bond cards are worse the NR, and those 10 power cards are scorch bait if you are not careful with them.

Look both decks are overpowered, Im just saying that NR is literally meant to be the tutorial deck for noobs.

For the record my Geralt mains Monsters for fun.

>implying Nazis were the bad guys

Western Europe sure has prospered. So multicultral. So diverse. I can't wait to have my daughter and wife raped by Muslims so I can raise my wife's rapist Jihadi son.




Is this some Witcher meta lore going on?

After the Migration how did Humans just fucking forget about technology and shit? Is the year really 1281 or is that just how long they have been recording time. It seems like a large amount of time had to of passed between the conjunction of spheres and current time.

I wouldn't recommend making such base claims against huge swaths of people, especially when, considering you're posting on the worst board on Sup Forums, you're not exactly a paragon of civic virtue yourself, eh champ

>After the Migration how did Humans just fucking forget about technology and shit?

Nearly driven to extinction by monsters. Kind of a shitty excuse for forgetting about their tech entirly, but thats what the lore gives us.

Also its been approximately 1500 years since the conjunction, and humans arrived some time between that and when they started recording years.

I don't much like black 'uns.

>Adhere to a religion of violence and oppression
>Liberals defend this bloodcult built on conquest, hodge-podge dogma stolen from Judaism and Christianity even though literally every average Western liberal would be hanging from overpasses if the Muslims took over

Sure, if you just ignore that entire "kill or enslave all Slavs" thing.

>I-I know. I'll say he posts on 4ch. That'll show him!

Great come back, faggot.

Seems like a small amount of time for future humans to transport themselves to a new world. Get genocided by monsters, rebuilt everything from scratch, have various cultures sprout across the world, and somehow the memory of the migration has faded from known history.

I liked the Witcher lore a lot more before I found out about the Conjunction and migration shit.

how advanced were humans exactly before they lost their tech

Sepkowski put so little thought into the lore that there has never even been an official map of the Northern realms from him, and he thinks we are all nerds for caring about it.

Unknown, the whole high tech Humans thing comes from a single line in a lore book about how Elves say the Humans came to the Witcher world in Iron Ships.

>and he thinks we are all nerds for caring about it.

Sounds like the Polish version of George RR Martin.

Not all Muslims, goy

george rr martin has no right to think anything like that when he flat out said he wrote game of thrones because before it no one asked questions like "what were king aragorns taxation policies like?" before in the fantasy genre

All it takes is most

Yeah, 'only' 200-300 millions of them.

And meanwhile, the so-called 'moderates' allow it to happen.

t. cuck

But user empires are evil I would rather live in a shitty fractured continent filled with shitty kingdoms which keep killing eacohter than one stable and peaceful empire :D

>implying I wouldn't be a tolerant muslim governor of the europan sultanate

oh, well that makes sense, i guess thats why the usa is made of several smaller states and is the best country on earth while united countries like china and russia are so evil and hate democracy :D

G. R. R. Martin can go suck dicks. He is pretentious asshole and when I hear that he was talking shit about Tolkien in that way just sums it up. Tolkien didn't write about "aragorn taxations" because they weren't important for the story. Story is important for the story. And marin forgot about that. 3rd books was last interesting one and to many people it is where the series went to shit and after which nothing of great or significant importance is happening.

Instead of focusing on story he decided to do with "taxation" and think about every possible consequence and what every person has as a motive etc. etc. and it became a fucking logistic mess.

If I want to read about 100 years war I need only to read 1-2 books about it. I don't have to relieve 116 years day-by-day of it and listen about unimportant boring stuff.

Tolkien wasn't the best author but at least he could write a story from end to finish.

Cant be bro tier with a stupid hat like that

uncle sam's leviathan bureaucracy is a poor comparison to a loose alliance of kingdoms

martin just likes to pretend that he is more mature and sophisticated than silly "old white man in the trenches of ww2" tolkien because he writes about scat and fucking.

I was talking in a medieval sense though.

Russia has an incredibly similar set up to the USA, retard.

Wait what? Did Martin bitch about Tolkien not writing about taxes and such?

He didn't do that either for ASOIAF.

>implying that's a bad thing

Slavs ruin everything.

>saying Vernon BRoche has a stupid had.
Fuck you.

I went to have dinner. I come back and THIS.

This is why we can't have nice things.

yeah. there was a youtube video where he is talking about tolkien saying aragorn ruled 100 years as a good king but to Martin that doesn't mean anything.

Can't find a video where he is trying to be a witty cunt with the same premise

Also it is funny how he bitches about some problems but he also has many of those same problems and he neither explained them, how they came to be or why they are in current state.

What's wrong? We are having a civil discussion here.

And don't forget how bad he is at math (date of birth and age of characters) and geography.

Martin is a faggot who thinks that a "story" can only be good if half of the main characters die, while eating food and shitting on each others chests while sucking dick at the same time

He's literally 2edgy

>shit deck

I like using them against monsters so I don't have to worry about bitter freeze. all those elves can go to the archer line instead of melee line

plus it's not Spy vs Spy, which is always a breath of fresh air

Northern Realms and Nilfaard are totally overpowered, but only total plebs play only as them. Monsters and Squirrels are a lot of fun, and even the hard ai is shitty enough that you can win the Novigrad tournament with any deck.

>tfw got lucky in the Toussaint Gwent tournament and literally won some matches by one point in the last round
>tfw saving Cerys for the last round and seeing 0 shieldmaidens in my hand

>it relies on the draw more than any other deck.
I'm pretty sure that's monster
Nilfgaard is great no matter your draw, you just need one spy card to get the ball rolling
If you get a lot of helmet monsters in your initial draw as monsters you're fucked

Which is exactly why he'd play the witcher with a controller.

fuck off Sup Forums

Am I only fucking one who did side with Radovid? Fucking best leader and burned those heretic mages who fucking are nothing more than witcher world jews.

What exactly happens to Roche and all if you don't do the Radovid assassination quest?

>it's a Sup Forumsack

>invade northern kingdoms as world super power
>get rekt
>decide to destabilize north by hiring witcher to assasinate kings of the north in exchange for giving them their own school
>witchers complete the quest
>gives them the middle finger and puts baunty on them
>invades north without a casius belli
>not evil

>i have never been to europe and get all my opinions from breitbart articles

Radovids Madness is bullshit anyway. Prior to Witcher 3 he was the most capable living ruler in the north, and he has a pretty damn good reason to burn mages. Witcher 1 and 2's Radovid was cold, calculating, and maybe even a bit cruel, but not mad. There was no reason for Radovid to be mad other then the wierd pro-Nilfgaard narrative Witcher 3 is pushing.

It surprises me to this day that people have opinions like yours.

Do what you want with that information

He didn't even seem mad in Witcher 3 and compared to what those mages did to him he has every reason to hate and untrust all of them

Why did Mad Rad kill Kalkstein? I don't remember the explanation

>In the game, Nilfgaard is a nation that is scientifically progressive, relatively tolerant of non humans, and reasonably cosmopolitan and practical.
that sounds pretty much like nazi germany

Nilfgard brings stability, their take on civilization and peace to unruly lands.

At the same time they also bring soul-crushing bureaucracy, nobility with even more totalitarian powers than the nordlings and restriction of social mobility.

Life may be peaceful as a farmer in Nilfgard. Unless they decide that you are required for monster-infested mines with an 80% casualty ratio.

mass genocide must count for something.

That has nothing to do with Nazis losing ww2 and everything to do with Europe being afraid to stand on its own and losing their national and cultural identity because the thought of letting someone who has never even been in their country attempt to solve their social and financial problems seemed a good fucking idea to those chucklefucks. That and bigger loans. They brought this on themselves by okaying EU as well as not noping out of NATO and being US sockpuppets that are scared into US submission by the eternal threat of gommunism that doesn't even fucking exist in Russia anymore and the country itself has barely recovered since the crazy nineties. Well deserved, I'd say.