If any Smash players care, Grimmie just passed away. Fuck, guys

If any Smash players care, Grimmie just passed away. Fuck, guys

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Good another melee autist gone

literally who


she looks like a discount Lights
sad that she passed away though, why did she get shot?

literally what did she have to do with smash?

I don't know who that is, but that's like 5% of the remaining melee fanbase dead

Where was grimmie from? I'm not familiar with them, but my condolences

>a literally who died

When you said "Grimmie" I thought you were saying some dumb pet name for your grandmother. Now that I know it's a real person I care less

>Christina Grimmie sang on the Voice
>And played Smash



Im not sure. Guy just walks up to her and shoots her and then shoots himself. No other news than that.
Grimmie, she was a big vocal artist that was also a member of the smash community as a Ness main. I know FoW was really close with her. If you follow any smash players on twitter youll see it.

by "real person" I mean "not your grandmother"

just to clarify


>no mention of race
Yep, its a black guy

>Sky's questioning why life is so cruel
Such a naive child. That is harsh reality and the sooner he accepts it, the better


>tfw Orlando
Was she a smash 4 player or something? Never heard about her.

>This guy played videogames
>This guy ghost composed one videogame...maybe
>This person's great neice played videogames
>This isn't gossip it's ontopic mods

Any excuse

Why the fuck would anyone fucking care? Fuck off.

Yeah she was a Smash 4 player.

but it was a grill

>Ness main
>braindead grilgamer
And nothing of value was lost.

>hey guys my friends died let's make a thread about it

>gurl gamer streamer
hopefully more follow suit

Literally never heard of her, fuck off.

>a Smash 4 player
>ness main
>literally whoGRRRRRLLLL
Glad she's gone.

Remember that time Dunkey beat Sky's wife?

>getting shot
what a shitty death desu

Who the fuck dies from getting shot?

What a pussy

Play Project M

>be american
>get shot
That said I feel specially for her brother. He saw her die with his own eyes and when he tackled the shooter and wrestled him the guy shot himself.
I have a sister I love with all my heart and I can only imagine what he's going through right now.
To die at 22. Fuck man


Who cares, used goods are worthless anyway

>be a slut

Is that a smash character?

You guys are some edgy motherf***ers

So who shot her?

>Sup Forums being supreme gentlemen
Never change, virgins.

All the edgelords in this thread rejoicing about this are the ones who really deserved to die like this. Never even knew of this person until this thread and I still think it's shitty that it happened.

The black guy she friendzoned.


Can someone x-ray some tiddies for me? She kinda cute


Man it is sad when the young die.

>article doesn't mention race
Gee, I wonder.

>got shot because she didn't want to get BLACKED
what a failure of a nigger

Wow, you are such a good boy, what made you come to 4chin?

>22 hag

>Grimmie just passed away. Fuck, guys

I was hoping you meant GimR or Gimpyfish because I had no idea who that is. What a shame.

Why hate Gimpyfish? He plays boozer, mad respect.

>smash gamer gurl die
>Sup Forums has thread about it
>literally threads about video games being deleted by SJW mods
Neo-Sup Forums hurts my soul.

>getting shot

>All the edgelords in this thread rejoicing about this are the ones who really deserved to die like this

Edgelord calling the kettle black

Go to/b/ you retard.

This. I'm 28 and if I died at 22 I'd still at least be somewhat happy and good.

What are you talking about? That's a nice death. Unless you mean it's not very dramatic.

Because he's a massive fucking tool.

>Hi I'm Christina Grimmie. I Pray games, Sing, pray instruments. I am a ferrow Christian! I am from Marlton, NJ but moved to LA for my music career.

>Games you Like: Regend Of Zelda, Reague of Regend, Earthbound series, and Super Smash Bros

>What computer do I use? Mac and Asus
I can respect a community feeling bad when a highly skill player goes away but its literally some quirky gurl gamer with pleb tastes that would fawnt her tits on streams.

more like sword calling the knife edgy

nothing nice about getting shot by some punk though

Gimpy only plays Bowser because he's not good enough to really compete

If it were a white guy they'd declare a WHITE MALE committed a murder, this is what MURDERERS LOOK LIKE.

So naturally the psycho was just another typical nigger

Do you go to funerals and say the same shit?

"Why do you cry, he was just an old fart who sat in a chair all day"

I think they're something wrong with your keyboard

I'm a Bowser main myself. I play bowser because I love Grappler and Melee has none of that.
He's shit but I manage somewhat.
Unless I have to face a Cap Falcon, then I just use Sheik.

>cute grill gets shot and dies young

I'm sad now

Too many niggers in the FGC this is what happens

haha girl dying is epic yeah, SUCK IT tr4sh lmao!

>Sky's questioning why life is so cruel.

Yeah it's pretty fucking terrible that someone hasn't gone out and shot that fucking faggot too.

Bigpappa did it.

Wheres the video games

If they're celebrating the death of an innocent person they deserve it.

she didnt play melee

>last tweets are hyping up the Orlando event

Man, that's sad. RIP.

is this nigga serious?

You wouldn't even be aware of this if you didn't browse Sup Forums in the first place. This also has nothing to do with videogames since yet again this is all e-celeb or celebrity shit.

With his BO Bigpappa would kill anybody.
ayy CFL melee

Leave that bitch to me.

i guess she is really in skyloft now

>not GimR


You can cop a feel in the morgue

Cant wait till Gook puts I.D's on Sup Forums

>be one of the 5 white girls on earth that can play video games competitively

>get shot by an African American



Way to go FGC.

Dudes chill though. Cflsmackdown is cool outside of facing a fucking killer first round.

this honestly

the ID system is LITERALLY chemo.

Yeah I love BigPappa but damn, he needs to slather a whole bar of deodorant, man.
He has a death aura hanging around him.

I don't know in what insane anti-universe you guys live in where people hesitate to talk about black killers. Yeah, the media really avoids talking about thugs and gangsters.

Even if he is white, nobody is going to start pushing laws to punish white males specifically, or have society ostractize white males, they'll just say he was a crazy son of a bitch and call it a fucking day.
If he's black, we'll never hear the end of TYPICAL NIGNOG BEHAVIOUR. THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TRUST A NIGGER. They'll be no talk of his mental health, just that BLACK CULTURE raised a criminal darkie and set him to punish whitey.

Go to yahoo.com right now and show me how many articles don't hesitate to post the mugshot of a black person right on the article. If he's black, you'll hear about it really fucking soon.

If anything, I was thinking of Mark David Chapman, and how musicians always draw crazies towards them that want to kill them, than EVIL WHITE GUY, but if you guys want to be victims in this, then go right ahead.

I have friends posting about this, but then it turned into 'this is why we need more gun laws guys'. like fuck, don't try to use someone's death to push your political agenda this soon.

more like
>be american
>get shot

it's the way of life

are you seriously defending the gun situation in the US?

this is literally every single false flag/gun related crime ever.


You going Monday?

Im a Melee player and I have no idea who Grimmie is

Maybe. Fucking Colin cancelling last Smackdown.

He'll be fine

read the thread

No i don't go to funerals and shit on the dead but I also don't go to the mall an expect randoms to care

>gurrrrrrrrrl gaymurr
>Ness main
>smash 4 player
I feel nothing


I take back my previous statement, this isn't sad at all.