>Hilary Clinton hates video games and is behind laws that have affected video games.
>Donald Trump thinks video games are ruining video games and has said he will try to get rid of them
We're fucked, aren't we?
>Hilary Clinton hates video games and is behind laws that have affected video games.
>Donald Trump thinks video games are ruining video games and has said he will try to get rid of them
We're fucked, aren't we?
Other urls found in this thread:
>evil power hungry girl
>evil power hungry girl
Obongo constantly said that kids need to put video games away.
None of them are going to do shit, they don't care.
I hope they will put video game industry out of its misery.
>video games are ruining video games
but video games are ruining video games
there's no way to get rid of videogames. they are digital and can be easily passed around
Considering video games industry pays taxes as well, no.
>video games are ruining video game
He's right
>video games are ruining video games
But he's right.
>he thinks the president has any actual power
>he unironically thinks that either of them have the power to take away video games from the second largest market
Video games used to be an acceptable target because they were only popular among kids. And after all, kids can't vote and something's always wrong with kids these days. Now that video games are far more popular, it's politically a nonstarter.
>video games are ruining video games
Just another reason to vote for him!
I thought American presidents do actually have some power and aren't merely glorified chief diplomats.
Can't do shit. It's a long ass process to even get anything fucking done.
Clinton is pro net-neutrality while Trump is anti net-neutrality. It's obvious who is the better candidate in terms of freedumbs.
Trump only made the video games comment as a reaction to some shooting and then eventually backpeddled on that comment and said "actually we should focus on mentally disabled people and preventing them from shooting people"
But Hillary fucking campaigned against video games and tried to shit on the first amendment for developers, which is just another bullet point on her rap sheet he can use against her
depends. trump would have no power because he's honest and doesn't care what other people think so our congress would shut him down. clinton on the other hand is the lying conniving type so all the retarded ass shit she wants to get done she could actually do.
>clinton is pro net-neutrality
>I thought American presidents do actually have some power and aren't merely glorified chief diplomats.
Their power is based solely on if the other two branches of government, Judicial and Legislative, are willing to work with them
Take for example right now, the Legislative branch is run by Republicans who will slap down 90% of the shit Obama tries to pull so he can't do anything
If Trump has to deal with a Legislative run by Democrats, it would be a similar scenario
>forgetting to mention the part where donald literally wanted to get bill gates to shut down the internet
>video games are ruining video games
Donald trump is Sup Forums?
Wow, what an amazing video games thread you have there user! NOT
also, the general public seems to be really brainwashed against Trump
Literally almost nothing they say is true about him
He has never said anything racist, homophobic, sexist or all the other "bigoted" shit, it literally materialized from thin air
How can you NOT vote for him instead of a politician for how many years that has ties with fucking terrorists?
Plus Trump is a BILLIONAIRE with a B. He's going to fix anything wrong with the economy since he clearly knows it through
You mean trying to make sure ISIS has no access to the internet and stops recruiting Muslim retards? Or are you just gonna keep taking shit out of context because you want to pretend you are right?
Yes, because both of them are retarded plutocrats, but not in regards to video games.
The supreme court ruled that video games are protected under the first amendment as art. There's literally nothing of importance they could do other then, like, put backdoors into consoles and shit for spying.
Literally the only limitations on art that we have in regards to artwork being illegal is with child pornography, and something running afoul of obscenity laws and the miller test.
It's complicated. They have some key powers, IIRC they have command over the miltitary/troops, but I know congress is also involved in that somehow.
They have a veto that they can use on federal lesilation to prevent it from going into action, which is obviously useful, but it's not commonly used due to being a big deal.
We know from the snowden leaks that they have the power to stop spyimg programs, because we know that when obama was sworn in, the NSA had to inform him about PRISM and he had the chance to shut the program down then but did not.
All of that said this isn't an area I am an expert in. It's not even an area I'm interested in at all, so take what i'm saying with a pound of salt and i'm probably missing a ton of important shit.
>He has never said anything racist, homophobic, sexist or all the other "bigoted" shit, it literally materialized from thin air
Surely even you don't believe this shit, Sup Forums
videogames make enough money that no politician is going to touch them. Fuckin' gta5 cracked 1bil in its first week
he said none of that, but nice damage control cuck
Republican's are videogames best friends
>He has never said anything racist, homophobic, sexist or all the other "bigoted" shit, it literally materialized from thin air
i support trump but to say this is retarded
>He has never said anything racist, homophobic, sexist or all the other "bigoted" shit, it literally materialized from thin air
opinion discarded
What has he said that's racist?
Video games are a pretty shit tier hobby desu
Oh y'know things and stuff. I saw it John Oliver's show once but I can't remember what it was.
>Surely even you don't believe this shit, Sup Forums
Can you show proof to back up your claims?
Literally haven't heard him say anything about gays
Trump's not going to touch games you silly twat.
sage and report
"The urban community, or niggers as I like to call them, are the number 1 reason for worse crime, obesity and educational results, as such we should all put them in internment camps, like how my grandfather did it to those dirty conniving kikes"
Trump fucking said it was a countertterrorist plan
Miss, you have quite the rude mouth there!
Where is your mother?
>shutting down the internet areas over Syria so terrorists can't skype
And even now, no examples were forthcoming. It's almost as if you have zero evidence of your daft fucking claims parroted straight from the establishment.
>it's an "I don't like it, so it's Sup Forums/" meme