Age of Barbarian Extended Cut

Speaking as someone who's been playing this game almost non-stop for the last three days:
If you ever played "Barbarian" on the Amiga, or god forbid the C64 like me, you NEED to check out this game. Old-school hack-and-slash action combined with platforming challenges. Your barbarian unlocks new sword-techniques as they level-up, giving you ever more options in how to decapitate, dismember, disembowel, and otherwise dispatch your enemies in ever-more-inventive and gory ways. The sensibilities are pure, over-the-top '80s cheese: both barbarians are next-to-naked (pic related) and firmly determined to exact revenge on the Big Evil responsible for their woes, though they're happy to rescue various scantily-clad maidens from Dire Dooms along the way. The original game was in Italian; the translations are bad, the voice-acting hammier than a butcher's shop.
Now, there are some bugs, but to their credit, Crian Soft are issuing daily patches to mend them.

Other urls found in this thread:,

Rahaan, our male barbarian, is clearly inspired by the first of the Ahnuld movies.

His quest for vengeance begins with him crucified amongst the impaled corpses of the rest of his tribe.

And after escaping his cross, he takes the first step on his road to revenge by slaughtering the savages lingering to loot and rape his village.

Sheyna, our female barbarian. She began her life as the daughter of the King of Kemth.

... until the day Kemth came under threat from the Big Bad, and her father tried to forestall the conquest by selling his only child to the warlord as a slave. (Emphasis on "tried".)

When the warlord tired of her, he sold her off to a flesh-peddler.

... but while being taken to another city for sale, Sheyna made a break for freedom (or death, or both) by hurling herself into a river.

When she resurfaced, she had found her strength and a sword, and she put both to good use. The slave-trader was first to feel her wrath.

Triumphing over the first main boss of the game, Rahaan stands triumphant, with a freshly-rescued scantily-clad maiden at his elbow.

Why aren't her tits this huge in the other stills

Facing the same boss, Sheyna demonstrates one of her signature 'fatalities': gelding.
(Not even kidding. There are distinct animations for each finishing-blow by each barbarian: with this particular strike, Rahaan disembowels enemies, while Sheyna chops off their junk.)

She probably sweated off a lot of weight between then and the game's start. Fatso there was taking her, and a caravan of other slave-girls, across a desert to another market.

If you want an example of how OTT this game is, there's *this*, which happens to one of the female villains in one of the later stages. She should have listened when someone said "do not raise up that which ye cannot put down...."

I have never seen such an obvious shill for such a shit game

Well, now I know to never buy this game. This shit fucking disgusts me.

>Those stock fucking 3D models

Holy shit it's like I'm on a bad 3D porn site!

Game looks like shit, but I'm off to fap now.

Nope, I won't play your game, OP.
It doesn't look good.

Fuck this. Even a hardcore Sup Forums tard wouldn't like a game where men kill women by impaling them through the cunt, yet this shit gets a free pass from even the mainstream?

the fuck is OP doing...

Is making bog standart shill threads for games nobody would ever buy the newest funny meme on here?

I mean shit, if you are just doing your job OP I hope they don't check on you.

Amusing thread.
It reminds me of a french dude loving Barbarian so much he started porting it to a bunch of old systems.
For my fellow frenchfags:

I know you guys are saying shill but maybe OP is actually autistic?
>Playing Barbarian on the C64

I might get it since it's pretty cheap and the overall game feels like cheesy PC games of the past.

Will this satisfy my Golden Axe cravings?

>Even a hardcore Sup Forums tard wouldn't like a game where men kill women by impaling them through the cunt

Spoken like a newfag retard.

Look up gameplay
It's a fucking garbage game, the kind of shit you see on xbox live indie arcade

>le pol epic so edgy and grim tinfoilhat teenage club
Just like the typical goth kid stereotype from the 90s.

What a bunch of losers.

How about some actual gameplay examples faggot

I'm shilling for it because, speaking purely for myself, I am enjoying the SHIT out of playing it. Others might like an old-school-mentality, low-system-requirement game like this, so I bring it to Sup Forums for its consideration.
Besides, it's cheap as chips - Steam's selling it for about the price of a deluxe hamburger meal.
I invite all Sup Forums readers to check it out for themselves at, watch the trailer, and make their own, individual judgements. If someone doesn't like it, that's OK; if they do, I hope they have fun.

That's your prerogative. No skin off my nose.

>Will this satisfy my Golden Axe cravings?
No in-game magic, and no Gilius Thunderhead, but other than that? Almost certainly. There are even animal-riding sequences.

Official trailer: (contains gore)
Sheyna gameplay (by Pii89): (contains nakedness, gore, minor spoilers)

>Official trailer: (contains gore)
>Sheyna gameplay (by Pii89): (contains nakedness, gore, minor spoilers)

The primitive 90's aesthetic looks pretty cool actually. This looks like someone finally managed to make a functional CDi game. Obviously this is much higher res but it looks like it actually has proper gameplay that doesn't entirely suck.

Shill on me more Mr. Marketer.

OP is kind of an autist, but I checked it out and it looks pretty fun.

kek, my first thought exactly

It's a shame that the reason why nobody dares to make true barbarian games these days is grounded on one of the most important aspects of the berserker fighter class. No armor. Everyone who isn't informed on the subject thinks that a warrior topless, be it male or female is just a case of contrived badassery and/or sex appeal, when it's actually just D&D rules. You are supposed to be just the huge bastard sword, wielded by nothing but blood rage.

Are those glued to her nipples?

>hot woman
>a pathetic short beta cuck orbiter follower


Have you ever seen the Tomb Braider remakes? She gets impaled in numerous ways throughout that game in way more graphic ways then this silly sidescrolling game.

>falling for this weak bait
cmom fampais

>Others might like an old-school-mentality, low-system-requirement game like this
>it's cheap as chips, for about the price of a deluxe hamburger meal

Son you REEK of shill. But for a game this poor you're likely the developer rather then hired work. I suggest you tone down the ass-kissing in your posts and mention the occasional defect or flaw in the game, otherwise you're too transparent.

>A madman who just wants the company of a good car
>A pathetic short beta cuck mechanic follower

So does this game have porn?

I've heard of numerous /d/egenerates fapping to Lara's impalement death scenes

at the very least i love the character design of the individual on the right

Defect or flaw? Let's see:
Crian Soft pushed back release date by two weeks, and STILL the first-wave players are being used as bug-finders and beta-testers. To be fair, they're working hard and fast to fix them all, to the tune of releasing patches DAILY, but that doesn't excuse the shitload of graphics glitches and downright gameplay-breaking bugs players have found in a 'finished' game.

Keyboard controls are ungainly at best and a shit at worst, particularly on lower-end PCs. Commands can get picked up early or late or not at all, so combos and special moves can be ruined or launched almost by accident. In cases where timing really matters, like long-jumping over gaps where it's nail the timing or lose a life, and your respawn point is right back at the other end of the stage, that's frustrating as shit. And you can't remap the keys, either.

Button-mashing can have results, but at low levels, it's REALLY easy to run out of stamina when flailing away with your sword, leaving you wide open until you catch your breath.

Spotting traps is damn hard on some levels; sometimes the only way you can find them is by tripping them. Since finding a trap the hard way means an insta-kill and respawn at last checkpoint, that can get... vexing.

There are no descriptions on any of the items found in-game; players have had to work them out by trial-and-error. (Consuming food, like a haunch of meat or a stein of beer, cures 2 Health damage and Hunger; a medical herb cures 10 Health damage.)

Some of the bosses are ridiculously unfair. One in particular has three different attacks - one is a stun-lock, one an insta-kill, and one an UNBLOCKABLE insta-kill.

Semi- and totally-naked chicks a plenty, but no, Rule 34 hasn't kicked in. Yet.

>Some lazy fuck bought a pack of generic models off one of those 3D Porn artist websites
>Trying to pawn it off as a "game"

>Semi- and totally-naked chicks a plenty


I know that costume!

Hmm... I think that piercing-operated nip covers would be a perfect garment for female berserkers

wew lad


>it's 15 smackaroos

Might get it on sale, looks cheesy as fuck.

I love Conan. I've read ALL the books. Even enjoyed that PS3 game.

But you're shilling hard, fool. That puts people off. I am one of those. I also played the FUCK outta Barbarian (loved the head kicking imp) but seriously, shilling this hard does you no favors. By the way there's no hard going for old school action and simplicity, but it could look a lot better than this. The display is cringeworthy.

Okay, after watching all the footage, what is this, DAZ3D the game? Jesus.

I'm not going to totally trash whatever Slavic 3 man team knocked this together because, hey, they made a fucking game and that's more than most around here. The mechanics need an overhaul, hard. the the graphics. Then the script.

Also, read the source material more. Crazy woman with a sword wanting to murder everyone? Would have worn a lot more than that. That's just sad.

I saw broteam play this piece of shit
it's not even worth pirating

this is all you need to know

ignore the shill

So basically it's Barbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax?

Looks gorgeous. Shame the graphics demands would melt my PC.

>I'm not going to totally trash whatever Slavic 3 man team knocked this together
Italian, actually - Crian Soft. Hence some of the translation issues.

>Also, read the source material more. Crazy woman with a sword wanting to murder everyone? Would have worn a lot more than that. That's just sad.
I think they were going for the Dejah Thoriss 'wearing only gold ornaments' schtick, like the old pulps that were Howard's contemporaries.

Those clips are taken from the old version. The new "Extended Cut" release has much-upgraded graphics (as seen in ).
Granted, the script hasn't been rewritten any, much as it needs it. Maybe they couldn't afford to re-do the voice-acting?

Pretty much!

>>Pretty much!

Well that game wasn't what I'd call great. But I did enjoy it. I watched the Extended Cut Trailer and I'm amused. It might be a game I'll enjoy.

Might buy.

>Maybe they couldn't afford to re-do the voice-acting?

we know you couldn't

>Crazy woman with a sword wanting to murder everyone? Would have worn a lot more than that.

The barbarian/berserk class in many classic role playing games gets a huge attack buff from wearing no armor. They're not supposed to be able to protect themselves from damage. They're supposed to destroy everything without mercy before they can even have a chance to fight back. A berserker is the simplest concentrated form of a glass cannon.

I don't think i've seen a more obvious shill

>this blatant shilling

Geeze guy, take a class in marketing. This shit is cringe as fuck

your payment has been sent

It looks like a Lesson of Passion game

If you're going to shill for a game, why not shill for one that's actually worth playing and not this fucking awful piece of shit?

Are you trying to make up for the complete lack of effort you put into actually making the game by putting maximum effort into shilling it?

>But you're shilling hard, fool.
Not OP but I sometimes try to make threads for unknown games I like and have no idea how to explain what the game is or its quality without looking like a shill.

> sometimes try to make threads for unknown games

name the most recent one you've done this for

Atlas Reactor.

Looks like a porn game without the porn. I would play it if it was porn.

Why do you talk about D&D rules when you obviously have no clue what those rules actually are? D&D barbarians can't wear plate armour (at least not by default), but they can wear most other types like leather, hide, or chainmail.

But isn't the whole idea of not wearing armor to have as little hindrance to movement and attack as possible? The closest thing to D&D rules that I've played is the roguelike ADoM, and in it the barbarian class gets a buff from light armor, and a mega berserk buff from no armor.

or for millenials who only know about modern terms: glasscannon build for big dps crits but squishy.

It's fucking terrible. But charmingly so.

>most light armor
>hindrance to movement
This meme again...

So uh, why'd you ask, user?

Start by simply explaining what the game is like, instead of shilling it like a desperate telemarketer from the get-go. It makes it clear that he's not some fan looking to talk about a game he likes, but a kike trying to make money.

OPs game looks like cheap garbage I wouldn't even play for free, but he's acting like his family will starve if he doesn't trick enough people into buying it. That's not only super suspicious, but also turns people off from wanting to play it, while a more modest thread might actually pique people's curiosity.

Laws of physics m8. Which weighs more? A sword, or a suit of light armor and a sword? And what takes less energy to move or to change direction? More weight, or less?

Being naked isn't really "less restrictive" than wearing actual armour. Especially for women, because having your titties flop around while fighting is a serious handicap.

Good point there. I guess the optimal barbarian attire would then be topless for men and bottomless for women.

There is not really that much hinderance in movement:

Guy in plate armor takes many hits.

Guy in no armor takes 1 hit.

The level of energy you're talking about saving is minimal, having armor vs. not having armor is living vs. not living often times.

A guy in full plate can just move through your sword strike and fuck you up.

this game needs more nudity

And that's why the Conan of Cimmeria type of barbarians are not meant to be taken seriously, even if their chosen battle attire or lack thereof tries to have an in-lore explanation. Conan in no armor takes no hits, and a guy in plate mail attacking conan gets his plate mail torn apart because le mighty blow crit if 2d6 > 6