What is the point of the Poison type? I't easily the worst type

What is the point of the Poison type? I't easily the worst type.

to cuck fairies and cuck stall with toxic

Its a good defensive type.

Steel type attacks are pretty much universally shit besides meteor mash.

>cuck cuck cuck
Stop posting.

To give me boners.


>fairyfag/stallfag mad he got cucked by poison
continue posting for my amusement

Like many things in gen 1, I think Poison was just an idea that never got thought through all the way. Kind of like the Dragon type only having one Dragon type move with set damage, or pretty much everything about Beedrill back in Red/Blue.

In future gens it became a bit more viable thanks to having an actually useful niche with status effects like Toxic and the right tools to support it. Kind of like what happened to Bug type except not as obvious.


It's just shit for attacking

It's not too bad when combined with other things, but yeah, I'd say it's towards the bottom of the type tier list.

Nowhere near as bad as ice though.

>Effective against a third of the types

Slapped one Ice beam on my Blastoise in gen 1 and never looked back. Hi Venusaur, bye Venusaur

6 generations, and STILL no poison type legendary
I hope gen7 finally fixes this

>if gamefreak ever decides to buff poison more, it will probably be SE against bug

>I't easily the worst type.
Grass is.

>fuck bug over even more

To represent Poisonous animals, radioactive mutants (Like Muk) and other trash?

Uh, no? Poison is a good type in theory. It's mediocre in attack but good in defense, it's immune to its own status condition and even clears the field of poison spikes.
However the reason it's a bad type is because a good 90% of the Pokemon that compose it have really shitty stats, no moves or bad stat distribution.

To have the best looking Pokemon, and (now) to counter Fairy.

>It's a good type, its pokemon just all suck

Yeah, that's why it's the shittiest type.

Best Poison type reporting in

>or pretty much everything about Beedrill back in Red/Blue

I always found it interesting how they designed the shitty bug Pokemon in Gen 1 - 4. I'm pretty sure they're designed as "early game" Pokemon that you're supposed to use since they get a tier 3 evolution much quicker than other Pokemon. Unfortunately this usually means you have to drop them mid game since they just become fucking useless once actual tier 3 and even tier 2 evolutions start to show up. It's a shame that Gamefreak has only recently tried to give some love to Bug types.

To poison you and annoy you. That is all tehy were for. So npcs can fuck with you.


My nigga

well there are 12 good poison types out of 25 fully evolved ones so it's more like half

Sheer Force is my favorite ability in the game.

Scizor, heracross, scyther and pinsir existed in gen 2. I guess the last two are a bit more debatable but I'd still say they're pretty strong.

I'm not super into the meta of gen 1/2, but was pinsir/scyther even worth a damn? I know scizor was probably good, but didn't get top tier until technician/bullet punch. And I know forretress was just there for spikes, but I feel like those two and heracross were the only big bug types

I know those are obviously good but I'm mainly talking about the bug Pokemon you find in the first or second areas of the games (Weedle, Wurmple, Ledyba etc.)

No, but only because gen 2 was all about stalling. Scizor and especially Heracross could clean house pretty hard against normal foes.

>tfw trained a Beedrill in Red from lv 3 to lv 100 in the hopes of finally getting a counter to psychics in Stadium

Being underage is prohibited here young man!

Thanks to fairies, it's good now. In fact most Gengars will carry a poison move over Shadow Ball.


I bet you think Bug is awful too, because you think of Weedle and Venonat instead of Scizor, Heracross and Volcarona

Poison is a detriment to all those types and so is Bug.

>Real Bug

At least pick someone like Parasect with that amazing Spore.

Beedrill was shit even compared to shit, though. Sure Butterfree lost its worth eventually, but Beedrill hardly has anything going for it to begin with.

Butterfree learns Confusion on evolution (I believe?) which makes it great for raising to fight Brock if you chose Charmander. It also learns Sleep Powder to extend its use to at least Cerulean and possibly beyond.

Beedrill on the other hand learns Fury Attack, which is good for nothing compared to what other options you must have available from just your starter alone. Its level up moveset is also plagued by shit like (gen 1) Focus Energy and Rage. At level 20 - by which point most people will have probably stopped using Beedrill unless they specifically like him for reasons outside of usefulness - he learns what is probably his best move... which is just shitty Twineedle. Probably the best Bug move in gen 1 now that I think about it. Damn that's sad.

Poison type could easily be made good. It was one of the keys to fixing the type chart in Gen 5. Just remove Fairy and make Poison SE against Water instead (polluting the sea, mercury in fish and whatnot). Have Rock and Ice resist Dragon. Bam, type chart fixed.

Now the type chart is BEYOND fucked.

Leech life had lots of utility, as did Butterfree's many powders. How are you going to put an Abra to sleep otherwise, Sing?

With hyperbeam.