Have any of you restarted for the global replay of Dark Souls?
Just got to the Undead Parish.
>inb4 >reddit
Doesn't matter. If a great game like DaS can get a brief second wind in its online life then I'm all for it.
Have any of you restarted for the global replay of Dark Souls?
Just got to the Undead Parish.
>inb4 >reddit
Doesn't matter. If a great game like DaS can get a brief second wind in its online life then I'm all for it.
So the Forest Covenant only has two reward items?
No, I don't want to play with reddit
>bust out my SL1 twink
stab them in the fedora
please kill yourself until reddit we're not interested in playing with them
>not enjoying invading redditfags
>implying who you play with matters since there's no chat of any kind
You're trying too hard to fit in
Nobody wants to play this game with Reddit enjoy your dead thread retard
rolling go
bump for this amazing event
>been playing Dark Souls 1 for the past 3 weeks, finally got 100% after plenty of PvP dickery as well
>helping a friend get through the game
>get invaded a few times
>every time my friend stands back and I just tear through them
Most of the invaders are shit and go down like a sack of bricks. What happened to decent PvPers?
Should have done a Giant Dad build for maximum dickery
Yeah you got it newfriend, we dislike reddit. Now you can launch Dark Souls and have fun instead of complaining about everything.
SL4, anyone on pc able to help me with Artorias please?
Nigga what the fuck are you doing, that aint even a SL1 build
Also Artorias is pretty easy. Make sure you're lightrolling and its cake. Most of his attacks have predictable windows, just lightroll out of them, get a smack in, lightroll away.
put sanctus on your back and power within
Well it was pretty much a SL1 build except I chose a class that started at 4, so. I don't know man, I found him difficult last time I tried.
Guess I'll try this, thanks.
Just dodge plenty. Seriously. He is so easy to dodge, you'll only get hit if you get greedy.
Surely this whole hating reddit thing is actually a meme right? Sure its full of shit and the general gaming reddits are shit but there are plenty of good reddits and most of the time its a lot more interesting than memechan
Go back there faggot
Reddit is bad but Sup Forums is even worse nowadays.
Any other PCfags have this glitch where (usually after alt-tabbing back in) one of the D-Pad buttons won't work to switch items? It works fine to navigate in the menu, just not to switch an item (it could be shield or magic or whatever)
Keep running into this problem and it's starting to piss me off
I dont give a fuck about content, or post quality, or any anything else in this moment.
You CANNOT inb4 your own OP post, you high-flying, newfag cock gobbler.
Well then have a lovely time on reddit, fag.
did your balls drop off, boy?
having a blast with this.
trying to get summoned for gargoyles but it's going slow.
>implying anonymous shitthrowing will ever be worse than upboating hugboxes and popularity contests
I tried to be a sunbro at UD parish but didnt get a summon eventho I waited for 30 minutes.
same, taking forever.
I think there are too many people wanting to be summoned and too few doing the gargoyles.
You know I've been making fun of anyone on Sup Forums who mentions reddit for so long, but it's fucking stupid now. This community is a shit hole and has had all the fun sapped out of it. so yeah, when I'm on the shitter or at school I look at reddit instead of Sup Forums because it's nice to be open to sources. It's just not fun anymore because we don't do shit here but whine about video games.
fuck off kid.
Then leave Sup Forums instead of whining like a bitch
But whining is what entertains me now. Otherwise I wouldn't be here whining to get reactions.
fuck off reddit
> I'm just pretending to be retarded
Whatever Newfag
I haven't been seeing any Soapstone marks and I haven't been invade since I installed DSfix, so I'm guessing that's messing up the online. I'm not going to remove it since 60FPS is too much to give up, especially with how Dark Souls has a lot somewhere in the region of 20FPS, so I'm out.
get dsmc or whatever it is