Stu, what are you doing?
like clockwork
>one poster
I played Sm4sh, TF2, and Rocket League today. Multiplayer games are the only games I find fun nowadays.
I played some CS:GO with my friends
I started watching Love Live
It's really fun
I'm afraid I'll go down the wormhole and start watching stuff like Precure and Yu-Gi-Oh
playing hearthstone. my janky ass decks do well at this time of day
Making chocolate pudding
I'm watching HunterXHunter
Kill yourself now while you still have the chance.
Been playing Hearts of Iron 4 and feeling like worthless garbage.
It's literally the best Saturday morning cartoon dub anime. Watch it now in English and get hype.
Playing Hyper Light Drifter.
Samurai boss is a bitch to beat.
It's so dumb user, I just can't get over how rainbow their designs are and how dramatic every single play is
also it's like a gazzillion episodes every series
dank souls 3
i slept when i got home from work
Fuck Zexal, GX, and the other one. Just watch Yugis adventures.
They're maximum hype and friendship
chocolate pud
I'm still stuck on diamond cup in Fuck Zexal GX
Started playing the Megami Tensei series recently, started with Megami Tensei I. Moved into II after beating I today.
that feel when Oda made some kind of comment about Love Live and all the nip fanboys bashed him saying things like nobody cares about One Piece and it's a dead manga and so on and so forth
Pretty lulzy. Fanboys are crazy.
Making lost control of my pudding.
Here's your life, Angelica.
>I just let my cat out at night. She's probably going to be eaten by coyotes. I texted my gf gn. >She didn't text me back. I probably can't even call her my gf she's just some chick I met 4 weeks ago.
>Apple won't approve my app because every thing I fix they find a new issue because they have some kind of vendetta against me.
It's all falling apart, bros. What do you think I should do? I was thinking of taking a costume inside a McDonalds bathroom, applying said costume (Ronald McDonald) and hanging myself there. Pls advise.
Here you go boys, I know you've been waiting for it.
>I probably can't even call her my gf she's just some chick I met 4 weeks ago.
Good, now watch all the idols if you havent yet.
What's your app user?
Where is this? I'd love to go there
The entire series is about Stu struggling. His only friends are effeminate beta males, who are equally as lost and hopeless as he is. Stus own father forced himself into his house and leeches off him on daily basis, devoting his remaining days to being a pain in his sons till his last breath. His wife is a nagging bitch who is never satisfied, Every day she sees to it that Stuis broken and worn down in everyway, a little everyday. She's also too incompetent to raise her children so she has to desperately look for answers from a Quack scam artist.
Due to his inability to create a stable environment, His children are constantly thrown into life threatening emotionally scarring situations. He struggles to make a living by making toys secluded in his basement (Away from his friends and family), similar to a little boy locking himself in his room and playing with plastic soldiers. Perhaps this is him clinging to his childhood; A time when things where much simpler and optimistic. On top of that, He has to deal with insecurities and self loathing that stem from his brother who's successful, rich, and married to a hot wife.
Rugrats is not a series about 4 energetic babies exploring the colorful world around them, It's about a neurotic depressed middle aged man struggling to keep himself from falling apart in the turbulent reality he has been thrown into.
ta prohm according to google
it's in cambodia
how bout the all grown up series?
Well how many weeks? We talk every day... I don't know about this shit.
Just some piece of shit I got paid to make, they wanted to be able to rebrand it and sell it to every company they have a website for. Not a whole lot more than a front end for some web pages. I know what they're doing they're just fucking with me because technically I'm not breaking the rules but they don't like that shit. I need to get out of this company before I'm trying to manage 100 fucking apps that are all the same but with different names/colors.
I wish someone would take the series and just cut it up to show this
>starting from the deep shit
Why don't you do it? You could go viral on reddit upboated
>22 seconds off
As who?
I feel like I've been in that exact situation.
tl;dr Talking aint growing close.
Just chill out and dont make it weird, chances are you're overplaying the hell out of simple interactions. Especially if she's a classmate or co-worker.
If you could edit parts of the show to show this, I would watch it. Should be easy enough with his neighbor as the ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? guy.
making chocolate pudding
I'd like to play something more mentally stimulating in my many hours of spare time so I was thinking about buying TIS-100, is it any good?
I met someone the other day who said his friend has an idea for an app that could be the next uber (in terms of success). I'm trying to jump on board with my basic programming skills.
I'm worried that people have "million dollar ideas" all the time and they rarely get successful. I guess there's nothing to lose but my time though, right?
It’s four o’clock in the morning, why on earth are you making chocolate pudding?
I feel like Stu was a relatively minor character in the show.
Most of the time he's just in the basement, never around for his kids, just like my dad.
Chances are it won't be successful, first of all it needs to look good. People will delete it instantly if it looks like shit. Second, does it provide a real service that people actually want to use? If so you're half way there. There are probably countless apps that do the same thing they could choose from. So you need to make yours look the most professional out of them. If you did all that you might have a chance of becoming a popular app and then you need to hire some real people that know what they're doing so you have something you can actually sell.
because I've lost control of my life
In 1 month I'll have some sort of exam that will define my entire future if I pass it with a good grade
If I start studying from today I might still have a chance to pass it but I'm sitting here shitposting on Sup Forums and playing fallout
I want to stop myself from playing vidya and doing nothing but I can't, no matter how hard I try I go back to vidya and shitpost, I've been doing this for the past 2 months and I hate myself for this
Every time I realize that I'm literally playing my future I get disgusted from myself for being so weak that I can't even stop myself from playing vidya and somehow writing about this on here makes me feel better
Just fuck my shit up
Okay, I think I'll take some time to really examine some of the more popular apps and what makes their layout attractive. Thanks for the advice
But I really can't speak to more than that without knowing what it does. Chances are it does something a ton of apps already do, which in that case you just need to make it faster than the other and or have nicer graphics/animations.
>that feel when part-time shitscum abortion reject of a father
I'm forced to live within close proximity to him for the next two months, and the past several, and every time I see him, I wish to pick up the closest heaviest object and bludgeon him until he becomes a stain on the ground.
Just forget about him, user.
My dad contacts me maybe once a year.
He's really not important.
I wish I could but I can't. Tl;dr: he is purchasing (making payments) on this lot of land since being released from prison and the lot has two trailers on it; I live in one and my mom stays with him in the other. She regrets the decision but she still made the decision to move over here with him so we're reliant on him for bills and whatnot.
I would give anything to be able to snuff him and get away with it.
Been sitting at home all day for a month playing vidya when I should have been studying. I think I'm actually fucked.
Holy shit one of these threads survived? Incredible
I saw Warcraft tonight, I thought it was pretty good!, and I really hope it does well enough for sequels cause DAMN I want 3-4 Warcraft III movies.
I was thinking the first one could cover the Human and Undead campaigns following Arthas, the second one could cover the Orc and NE campaigns following Thrall and Tyrande.
Then you could have two Frozen Throne movies, the first one focusing on Illidan (NE and Blood Elf campaigns) and the second on Arthas (with the Sylvanas stuff in there too)
Is this a pipe dream?
Why can't I stop playing FFXIV it's so shitty but I keep coming back why
fucking kill me
Been playing the new Kirby game. It's pretty fun and comfy as fuck
How is it in terms of story/lore? And how does CGI and real people look together?
>And how does CGI and real people look together?
I didn't save it but there's a webm of an orc using the magical powers of noclip to crush the head of a dirty 'umie, while a fellow 'umie soldier does a jig in the foreground.
Different user here btw, the webms in a thread several hours ago looked godawful despite the 160mil budget.
I'm currently at the chunker area and holy crap, mines are op
I've discovered that if you alt+f4 when you die, the game resets back to the latest room-checkpoint
>tfw had dinner with a group of friends for the first time
things are looking up
Darn. I'm going to watch it with some friends and I'm really fearing how bad it's going to be
How far in are you?
I just started Blood and Wine
The city makes me want to travel to Europe
I actually am although I'm probably going to head to bed soon.
I don't exactly know what you mean by chunker area. I'm in the Greenhouse myself and I've explored the full area with exception of the boss room so I reckon I'm gonna do that tomorrow.
Do you need to alt-f4 AS you're dying, or does it work if you're dead but don't "res"?
It legitimately looks like fucking trash, user.
>Let your cats outside
Die in fire, faggot. I hope yours gets ran over.
>Be Britfag
>The only times I see these threads is when I stay up all night on Sup Forums until 9 AM
I have no friends that play games it hurts user
I already put my peenus weenus inside her so now it's just kind of sad because she works at a hospital when I'm off and is free when I'm working. And every blue moon when the stars align and we both have off some other bullshit happens. Oh well.
It looked amazing in the theater, I watched it in 3D and it was quite nice looking, especially the orcs. Don't trust the screenshots and webms posted here, it looks way better on the big screen.
There are some differences from how things originally went down in the First War accoridng to established canon, but the changes made make it work better as a movie for the most part.
>It legitimately looks like fucking trash
Man. Atleast the bar is set low now. It will probably be hard to disappoint me then
Be the Burger King and hang yourself
Yeah, the scene where Garona talks to the king looks like a fucking porn set, low-texture background and everything. And you have the goofy-looking xboxhuge pauldrons, and terrible CGI/greenscreen.
Enjoy your wasted time at the theatre, user.
>found a new group of friends who are super nice
>they play EU4 most evenings
>decide to fork out the dosh to play it with them, as I like them
>git gud in SP
>really excited to play it with them
>HOI4 comes out
>they now just play that
>don't have another £40 for another game
It doesn't matter how good anything looks, the story and acting is garbage.
>Let's show Ironforge for no fucking reason at all
>CGI Dwarf
>This is called a boom stick
>he says in an English accent
was looking through the thread for this, good job
I feel like being the King would be more solemn though. Ronald McDonald though...
Making pudding chocolate.
>tfw I have a shitload of other stuff I want to get on with
>tfw I keep wasting all my time on this dumb site
welcome to hell