So I played 5, thought it was alright I guess. Back when it was released for 360 anyway.

I got this and RE4 for PC through the recent Capcom Humble Bundle. RE4 still holds up, shitty PS2 cutscene resolutions and all.

I couldn't make it to 10 mins in this game. Does it get better? Because I fucking hate it so far.

Other urls found in this thread:

Not really. Stick to Ada's campaign.

don't you have to beat the other campaigns to unlock hers? i don't remember

Will we ever get something that's RE4 tier again? I hate to admit it but I think it's one of my favorite RE games.

Nemesis will always hold a special place in my heart as the real #1 but to normies I say 4 is best

What campaign did you start with? Leon's campaign is ridiculously slow but eventually picks up. Chris campaign is pretty action heavy, and Jake campaign is slightly CUH-RAYZEE

OP here. You did for RE4, and it was great.

I'm disappointed to see they didn't keep the same voice actors.

No, it's open from the start.

Leon and Ada's campaigns are pretty good thematically. Jake is good for gameplay, but plot wise it's a b-level porno. Chris' campaign is just shit.

>10 mins

it sounds like you just played the shitty tutorial and then stopped.

RE6 has incredible combat (it borders on CUHRAZEE style combat once you git gud) but it rarely gets time to shine. The campaign is ruined by shitty design decisions and terrible scripted setpieces. It's fun when you're killing shit, but then you'll get hit with a .5 second instant death QTE and you'll lose all desire to play.

Honestly, you should just stick to mercenaries, which is well worth the price of admission.

OP again. It auto started me as Leon. I had no choice. If it gets better I'll stick with it, but I still have the taste of RE4 in my mouth. I feel like this won't live up to it.

Originally you had to beat the other 3 campaigns to unlock Ada's but it was changed in a patch.

Honestly, RE6 now is a VERY different game than it was at launch. They changed a lot of it, including the AWFUL fucking camera that had a headache inducing FOV.

>I'm disappointed to see they didn't keep the same voice actors.
It's been a long time since I played RE4 but I could've sworn that Leon had the same VA for 4 , 6, and that Degeneration movie.

>shitty tutorial

gave myself a tripcode cause I'm a jerk.

If it's just a tutorial I feel like a shitlord for starting a thread. But if it stays with this tone I can't see why it would be good at all.

Google says Paul Mercier did RE4, Darkside Chronicles and Degeneration, Matter Mercer for RE6.

>OP again. It auto started me as Leon. I had no choice. If it gets better I'll stick with it, but I still have the taste of RE4 in my mouth. I feel like this won't live up to it.
I think if I remember correctly you only play through Leon's "WE WANT THE UNCHARTED AUDIENCE" intro and then you can pick any of the campaigns. First thing you probably want to do when the game picks up is change the aiming to the RE4-type laser sight because the default aiming reticle for RE6 is fucking awful.

It's commonly accepted on Sup Forums (now, at least) that the game fails as a Resident Evil game but works a lot better as a wacky action game. Once you get the hang of dodge rolling and those crazy skill shots you'll probably have a better time. Just don't expect the quality of 4

This is a depressing thing to hear. I'll give it a shot just because of you, though.

I am genuinely sad they won't ever make anything as good as 4 again. I have played it probably a dozen times at this point with all the rereleases.

Am I just really old? I...hate games now. I can't enjoy anything any more. I never thought I would be nostalgic for RE4 but at this moment I want to die.

Sorry for crowding Sup Forums with a shit thread again gents. Hope you all have a good life.

If you have a friend to play with the yes, if not drop it now.

Fuck, i need to sleep

Stop being a fag, it's vidya related. This is actually one of the most interesting RE games to discuss.



Please kill me swiftly

Mercs mode is the best part of the game. Some of the best third person shooter gameplay out there and only this mode can properly showcase it

It's not hard tp find someone online neither.
Merc mod is still pretty popular

What you RE4 fags are feeling right now is how us real fans felt when 4 came out. Welcome to the club

>I can't enjoy anything any more.
Vidya now is definitely worse but not enjoying it at all always seems like such hyperbole to me. Have you played Dead Space and The Evil Within? They're alright-ish games but they're far closer to RE4 than RE6 is. You would definitely have to lower your expectations to enjoy 6 but how much fun you have with it is really up to you

Also, RE6 Mercenaries is GOAT, goes back to what I mentioned earlier about mastering the game mechanics. Shit gets ridiculous when you get higher scores.

>Stop being a fag

I say sorry because I'm a shitlord Canadian. Not going to kill myself. Also drunk so most of my posts will sound more depressing than usual.

If it's interesting I'll stick with it, itr seems to be a turning point for many RE fans I'd say. So I've seen anyway. 5 was where it started to turn sour but 6 just turned people off.

I was around for RE1 2 and 3 and 0. I liked 4 because it felt like a fresh entry. IMO I liked the first areas up until the basement of the castle actually felt like a real progression of RE. 5 felt dumb to me.

Yes, Dead Space 1 and 2 upon release. I loved 2, pinnacle of the series I think. Evil Within...not yet. Hope to some day. I've only seen the first gameplay trailer for it, so not sure how it turned out.

I'll try lowering my expectations. I just couldn't at first because I played RE4 a few hours ago.

>I was around for RE1 2 and 3 and 0.
If you like four I doubt it. I am just glad you four fags are suffering with the rest of us now

That's some nice gunslinging but
>gifs for ants

It's definitely a turning point. RE6 lacks direction because it literally tries to please everyone
>classic REfags with a zombie outbreak during the early Leon's campaign, RE4fags with everything else from Leon's campaign
>Gears of War fags with Chris' campaign
>Nemesisfags with part of Jake's campaign
>waifufags with Ada and Jake's campaign they put Sherry in a hospital gown, for Christ's (and my boner's) sake.
Capcom have said that the negative reception has definitely been a wake-up call for them, but on the other hand the game was ridiculously successful so the next RE game could go either way.

I didn't make the gif and I have no clue where the source video is

So you didnt even finish the tutorial? gg (good grief)

>I am just glad you four fags are suffering with the rest of us now
RE2 was the first PS game I ever played and it's my favorite for this reason, but I get so tired of you idiots who actually imply that RE4 isn't an amazing game

Do you blame him? It's fucking awful for an introductory level. Barely explains the gameplay mechanics and throws you into EPIC EXPLOSIONS, BRUH! while you drag your half dead partner around

It was fucking garbage. If you can beat the game on the hardest difficulty with knife only then it is a failure of a survival game.
Not this but it has worse enemy designs, worse villain and shitty movie so cool one liners for no reason. It's trash made for the generic shooter loving faggots that you are. I hope they continue to shit all over 4's "legacy"

I liked Nemesis best as stated earlier in the thread. Take that as you will.

I have no idea who Jake is. Should I? Still haven't played since I got to the copter, I like talking to Sup Forums too much to play it right now. It's more enjoyable than the tutorial, anyway.

lmao 10/10 I am shit This bit is non-ironic

>It's commonly accepted on Sup Forums (now, at least) that the game fails as a Resident Evil game but works a lot better as a wacky action game.
That's literally what RE4 and 5 are as well.


Aren't there as many RE4 style RE games as there are original RE games now? Not saying that the new ones are as good or anything as ridiculous as that

>I have no idea who Jake is. Should I?
Not necessarily, he's a new character but he still has ties to the older games.

>That's literally what RE4 and 5 are as well.
4 not so much as 5, though.

Jake his hands are mother fucking weapons Muller

If that's Jake, he looks like Wesker.

Is he a Wesker clone, but on the good side? I could see the writers doing that.

>4 not so much as 5, though.
Nigga 4 is full of action, especially considering how it popularised QTEs.

I don't honestly give a shit whether they're Survival Horror or more actiony, as long as they're enjoyable.

After all, Dino Crisis 2 was so much better than 1.

Play the game faggot. If you like RE just play the fucking game

Is RE5/6 a good two player game? I am not fond of horror games but the thought of going through one with someone else never crossed my mind.


>If you can beat the game on the hardest difficulty with knife only then it is a failure of a survival game.

5 is a legit great coop game. 6 is good too in that regard, but doesnt have the same level of player interaction.

> popularised QTEs
Personally I hated these. Felt like shit. The ones during boss battles felt okay, but I think that was because without them they would be cheap as fuck moves bosses could use. I like to use Saddler from the Ada story mode as an example, fuck those QTEs in particular.

>Dino Crisis 2

MY FUCKING NIGGER. Been thinking of Emulating that shit for the last few days.

You make a good point, sorry bro. Spoilers don't personally bug me though. If anything it makes me more interested to understand the context of the story. In any case. I avoided Mass Effect until the indoctrination theory came out, which made me play the series and introduced me to one of the biggest disappointments in my fucking life

>Woman giving Toys-R-Us mascot a blowie.jpg
This image is seriously ruined (improved?) for me until the end of time. I don't foresee ever forgetting this.

>Nigga 4 is full of action, especially considering how it popularised QTEs.
It also has tank controls, level design beyond checkpoint corridors like 5 and 6, and manages to have situations that are actually tense (where RE5 drops the ball because tensions are significantly lowered when you're playing with someone else, or with that idiot AI).

It's his son, since he's got Wesker blood in him he has unique controls that allow him to do shit like this I'm going to have to agree with this guy and say that it's probably best for you to just play the game

Forgot my fagcode because I posted in another thread. Forgive me Sup Forums.

RE5 is both fun multiplayer, and the only game I can ever think of off the top of my head where you make a boulder your bitch.

But I thought those were called Iron Maidens

>Meat of post
Yeah, I am feeling that. I just enjoy talking to RE fans who aren't complete turds. I'll stick with it since it's still installed.


As a side note I want to say that the first time I played 5 I couldn't finish this part for a good hour because I was laughing so fucking hard

Melee attacks in RE5 were fucking awesome. Too bad they never did as well as any other entry of the series since.

>I couldn't finish this part for a good hour because I was laughing so fucking hard

Okay maybe it wasn't an hour. Sorry Ramis, RIP.

also as a minor correction, Jake's Hand to Hand in 6 makes for a good thing to make up for it along with 6's maneuverability compared to any other Resident Evil game, but it didn't have as many options in animations in my opinion

6 is better mechanically but 4 had perfect pacing/polish

>generic shooter

I liked the way 4 worked mechanically. Slow aiming and shitty QTEs and all.

Yeah I prefer 4's combat too, the tension was lost in 6 because of all the flashy special moves they gave the characters. I just meant that 6 has more depth with the expanded melee system, quickshot/special abilities etc

So far I hate the aiming in 6, there's no recoil in shots or anything and that brings no sense of slight panic as enemies get closer.

>There are actual people that play RE past Code: Veronica

literally underage faggots kys

>ctrl + f "giraffe"
>0 results

Come on. That's all I can see.

I got that too, I thinks it was rebalanced to focus more on melee attacks although I only finished one campaign so I'm not an expert on the game or anything - it's based around stunning enemies and then following up with the more powerful melee so don't just rely on guns. You could tell that 4's team spent so much time and effort on perfecting how the guns would feel

Nigger I've been here since 2004 so you can eat a dick. C:V was great. On par with Nemesis IMO.

lmao, I see giraffe related to vidya and I think the PS1 game based on the Evil Dead franchise. What game you talking, user?

I like you user. We are kindred spirits when it comes to the feel of RE4.

I'm talking about Resident Evil 6, m8.

Sorry bro. I mean no harm at all. I should play this. Gotta puke now though, then probably pass the fuck out.

Why is a giraffe getting a blowjob from a woman?

The effects of the T virus are unpredictable

Why would a gril suck a giraffe's front legs?

This is a really forced meme, the only way you see it with that pic you made.

> 10 min
What a shitlord you are. The game is great, anyone tells you otherwise - they're a shitlord too.
Rev 2 > 6 > 5 > rev 1 >> 4 >>>>>> 1,2,3,0,cv

I got Rev 2 (ep:1) as part of the bundle. I was going to start it if i was able to make it through 6, you all are making it sound like I should.

im' honestly not too sure why all these faggots are saying 6 is a good game. it really isn't. the camera fucking sucks and the story is a god damn mess. it's literally call of duty w/ RE mod.

Rev 2 is the best re to date. Responsive characters, tight controls, amazing atmosphere, Claire thighs are out of this world, Barry is back!

Item management is nice, but you're never out of ammo, which is true for all previous games to anyway.

Story is kinda shit, but you're not paying re for the story are you?

There were absolutely no issues with camera. Why I like re 6:
* Amazing value, 4 distinct campaigns in one game
* Different characters/campaigns play kinda differently, and are not just skins
* It actually is FUN, there's plenty of replay value and mercenaries mode is good
* I liked Leon's campaign pacing a lot, although Simmons was tedious at the end
* Ada is top notch waifu

Just off the top of my head

Jake >>> Leon >>> Chris >>> Ada

>That faggot who keeps messing up the QTEs

That picture is adorable.