>implying anyone likes the kike
People only watch for Arin since he's actually played video games(even though he's fucking awful at them)
who else here /onlywatchjonepisodes/
I'm glad Jon left Arin before everything went to shit.
Jesus Fucking Christ
Its only kids who like screaming but are too nerdy for markiplier
I only like Brian and Barry.
If this is a grump thread then I unsubbed a while ago. They way Arin shit all over battle for bikini bottom really rustled my jimmies.
> Skips tutorial
> Bitches that the game doesn't tell him how to do a move that is a single button press
> Complains that cutscenes are cutscenes and skips them
> Dan only has nice things to say about it
He's a fucking nintendrone who thinks any game that isnt an exclusive isn't worth his time to take seriously and he goes into games hating them without giving them a try.
Now he has quality friends like h3h3 and filthy frank
i never grew up with this shit
why do you guys like this?
i mean i remember egoraptor being famous for like 3 animations
I watched for Arin and ended up staying for Jon now I hate Arin and love Jon. It's funny how life works out that way.
I'd rather hang out with dank memers than a chubby autist who thinks he knows shit about gaming and game design but has proven over years of playing them he doesn't
I watch them almost exclusively for Danny's banter at this point.
She really let herself go after marriage.
Game grumps has been shit longer than it has been good
I'm only subbed to cringe at their new thumbnails and guest stars
Let it go
No one likes him, they only like the 4 animations like you said. Losing Jon and watching Arin act like a baby all the time revealed his true colors that he is a terrible human being that is clearly a closeted tranny.
you mean his ebin le sexy sex stories?
>youtube celebrities
Danny is the only reason I ever watch an episode of that shit show at all.
When is Cr1tkal and Dunkey gonna join the Memevengers?
hey bring back jojivlogs
Did I ever tell you the stpry when a hot girl wanted to have sexnwith me and I said yes? Haha
And then my dad said danny you are having sex haha he is a jew
I totally put the penis in the thing you put penis into, with a condom, so it was totally sex
>Loved BfBB as a kid
>It holds up pretty well
>Haven't been subbed to them since Jon left but decide to watch the LP a little
People who go into games without open minds are just setting themselves up to hate what they're playing, and for Arin to do something like that is nothing short of childish. It's honestly fucking pathetic, and I'm glad that some of his more reasonable fans called him out on it.
>sexy sex
You can't pretend that Danny's stories aren't comfy as shit.
>really like Danny
>Can't for the love of god stand Arin
I swear, every time dan plays the lp is super fun and chill
Then Arin picks up the controls and screams at bullshit costantly or does his best to ruin the lp with songs and bad jokes.
Fuck arin, made me drop the channel
Cr1tikal is Tom Cruise in real life.
I've been watching them less because I swear they're getting worse at videogames
Just the most basic shit that they don't pay attention to
>A jap, two jews and an arab
>White people.jpg
danny has really gone full kike recently. pushing all sorts of degeneracy and always talking about the sluts he fucks and how cool drugs are.
She was such a catch before
I do feel like the quality has gone down substantially over time. I pretty much watch exclusively for when Dan decides to tell a comfy story and tune out the rest.
>Saw that they're doing an Ocarina of Time LP
I can only imagine how poorly it's going.
Fuck off grump
At least she wasn't fat. Think he ever double tagged the sister?
why'd jon leave
Dunno, I imagine getting your dick close to that much FAS might be contagious
>be high school drop out
>become famous as an animator
>be a lazy fuck with no motivation
>fall in love with and marry your first girlfriend
>practically beg her to take you back over a year
>work shitty retail jobs because you're a high school drop out
>don't release any new animations for years
>sign up for some stupid Playstation reality show as a joke so people will remember who you are again
>start Youtube channel with good friend replaying games from childhood
>realize you can milk this channel so you never have to animate or actually work ever again
>embarrass yourself on camera on a daily basis and reveal you never actually had any idea what you're talking about
>after original friend leaves hire some literal who with a band you can force yourself into
>sell Tshirt after tshirt and add more and more shows to your channel for more daily uploads and views
>sell video game song parody CDs the literal bottom of the barrel of entertainment
>don't animate anymore ever, just hire other people to do it
>no longer play childhood games, just play whatever shit your fans mail to you
Arin Hanson is basically the prime example of a failure who sold out. He became the exact cancer that ruined Youtube for animators or actual content creators
Don't be this man. If you have something you're passionate about keep going until you succeed.
>He became the exact cancer that ruined Youtube for animators or actual content creators
I wasn't aware LP'ers were holding back animators, and thought it was just the lack of demand.
LP'ers took away the attention from animators at least, and Newgrounds is irrelevant garbage.
My problem with Grumps anymore is that Dan doesn't seem all there anymore. He's a neat guy and I liked hearing his thoughts on things in the games. More than not he just seems checked out these days.
>Arin and Danny never watched Spongebob
I dunno dude, I watched it and Arin was immediately sour about the game before even playing it.
He was like Sup Forums incarnate, he went in hating the game and made himself have a bad time
So what? Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Arin's a cynical bastard who hates Uncharted 4, just like a lot of people in Sup Forums. Why are you even here?
Basically Youtube made it so that the only way for you to make a living off Youtube or any worthwhile money at all was to upload tons of daily content.
Lets Plays are perfect for this market because you can upload 2, 3 videos per day every day, raking in ad revenue and views from all of them.
Animation takes time and there could months between uploads. So basically the videos that take more time and work don't earn creators dick.
Arin was one of the first to bitch about this shit but he instead became one of the forefronts of it
They're not
Arin is literally making six figures by playing videogames in his underwear and recording the voices. Hell he doesn't even have to worry about the recording he's making so much he hired a little orphan brown boy to do it for him. He doesn't have to act, write, script, direct, or even look presentable, and he is getting paid enough to casually buy a convertible and numerous arcade cabinets.
Arin has it fucking made regardless of what you think of him, and the fact that you're some mongtard posting on a Taiwanese Finger Painting website calling him a failure is fucking hilarious. How much do you make at your, McJob user?
Probably because he realizes how soul-sucking the entire shebang is.
Honestly, Arin pretty much is Sup Forums incarnate.
>High School dropout
>Latched onto the first girl they were with
>Meme spouts on a daily basis
>Hates games that he knows nothing about
>Is extremely bias and petty
>Would suck corporate dicks if it meant they could play video games for a living
>implying jews are attractive
Nice propaganda
>catchy song comes on
I only come to these threads to jerk off to Arin's wife
to be fair, I kind of got the impression he thought it was one of those games that people send them because they are so bad, and they just want to see Arin rip on it.
That said, that game really looked bad, you nostalgia fags need to stop saying it's one of the few good license games
i wonder if they gangbanged hila
L M A O ! !
>artist giving up his craft and integrity to take the easy route
Financially he's a success but as an animator and artist he's a failure
Project somewhere else
>How much do you make at your, McJob user?
like, 540 every paycheck. I fucking hate my job, but if I were Arin, I'd save 90% of every single check and would constantly be paranoid the bubble would burst
Does Jon still believe in Middle Eastern bullshit, or is he assimilated?
Watch am episode of it. You'll understand
Arin has told Danny multiple times that he genuinely does not give a shut about him and then claim it was "just a joke" everytime. I can imagine that makes you feel like literal trash after hearing something like that while doing Lets Plays. The out of place special guests probably does not help.
Fuck off Arin.
>"That game didn't look great!"
>Plays it like someone with down syndrome to make it appear worse than it is
you made me spit my drink out fuck you
Brian = Barry > Jon >> Dan > Holly > Ross > Arin >>>>>> Suzy
her twin sister just shows how much of a effect make up can have. and not getting fat, I guess.
>cell phone on the table at dinner
she truly is the worst kind of person.
What's so fun about watching other people play video games? I'll never understand it.
what in the fuck was their mother drinking during that incubation phase? Moonshine?
>Brian = Barry > Jon
My Nigga.
Link one episode where he genuinely says that
The fuck you going on about. Youtube changed their monetizing demands, that's all, lpers have fuckall to do with it.
But I did, and the comments were full of children like you complaining about someone not liking a game they played from their childhood, to the point of him having to record new episodes just to calm you children down.
Imagine being told to enjoy a generic looking platformer of a modern cartoon you're not watching or never got into.
I still wouldn't fuck her
Basically to watch personalities perform. If it's a particularly good gamer, you might learn a few cool insights of a game you've never considered.
Problem is, Arin is abrasive and unfunny without a script and shit at video games.
Brian, Barry
Danny, Ross
>doesn't know how to use his shield
>wears the hover boots at all times
>can't defeat the easiest of enemies
>goes into mini boss battles and main boss battles with two hearts, dies straight away, screams at the game for being bad while he dies and has to go all the way through the area to get back to the battle - 20 times
>acts like he knows everything yet can't do the simplest things
Pretty much sums it up.
I think they just have some Eskimo blood or something in them.
I'd rather watch an idiot attempt to play video games than watch someone who's more experienced with the game complete it.
In the latest episode, he dies 3 times to Twinrova. TWINROVA.
Looked like Jon was wearing a bandana in the thumbnail.
he just died about 4 times in one episode to the twinrova, so there was a 12 minute episode with no progress.
the quality of the channel has been down real bad lately. they've got two series that are both approaching 80 episodes, i don't understand how anyone can keep up with that. i enjoyed the one offs and the different games cause it keeps it fresh and its easier to not hate on arin for fucking constantly.
he can't do a simple thing like aim the beam at the proper witch in the first half of the fight, he insists on wearing the hover boots for the half second of extra roll it gives him, he continually runs into the room with three hearts and makes no effort to get fairies.
in dark souls 3, he refuses to do bosses with out summoning, but yet can't even realize he set up a password so he won't see any summon signs. he misses bonfires, he insisted on using wolnir's sword even though its not that great. when he finally switched to the dark sword, he accidentally upgraded the storm ruler.
and on top of that they just started dead rising 2. its gonna be a rough year for them.
>Game Grumps is four years old
>less than one of those years had Jon
>being introduced to a new, obscure, or unfamiliar game through the eye's of another person's experience
>opening the possibility for new dialogue about a game by sharing said experience
>watching to see how other's played through the same game you already played in a different way (with a different build or playstyle)
>the spectacle of speedrunning
>using LP as a platform to educate the audience about things they might have not known about the game (from mechanics to design)
>schadenfraude at some stupid faggot messing up and feeling superior about it
>friend simulator
Gamegrumps is dogshit at all these things except the last one however.
It's not about the games, it's just improv comedy using the game as material.
It's pretty mediocre most of the time, so it's best to just watch the compilations.
Read up on this once. Ever heard of mirror neurons? Basically, when you see something happening, your brain sympathizes with it, and reacts as if it was happening to you. This is why people generally wince when they see a video of someone getting their shit kicked in. When people watch a video of someone playing videogames, the brain activates the same reward system that it would access if you had done the work yourself. Something like that.
He's Persian, moron
Why not just cut the failures out?
because, that requires actual work.
I can't tell which one is a twin or which is wearing the "correct" make-up because they both look like fucking ayylmaos.
I got the video for you then.
Because they just want to record as much content as possible to do as little work as possible. Back in the jon days they would cut shit, fast forward, and let episodes run long all the time, now Danny will usually beg arin to keep going if no progress was made.
You should have seen how painful gerudo fortress was, people are making a big deal about twinrova
Because money. If they edited the show to be "only the good parts" they wouldn't fill shit.
>but as an animator and artist he's a failure
Here's the thing though, he's financially secure enough to do whatever he wants. Hell, he could theoretically "retire" from Gamegrumps and still pull in revenue, allowing him to pursue whatever passion he wants.
He hasn't "failed" so much as he stopped trying, but he's in a better position to pick up any creative pursuit he wants than 99% of artists out there. Most people don't follow their dreams because it's impractical, but Arin can follow nearly any dream he wants. It's an enviable position and to call him a "failure" just makes it seem like you're trying to feel better about your own pathetic achievements by putting someone else's down.
I don't get it. They're called the GAME GRUMPS but one of them never ever play video games, even when asked by the other, and the other's DSP-tier insufferable retard when it comes to playing games.