is this the biggest flop so far this year?
Is this the biggest flop so far this year?
Boy, I hope not. I'd like to see a third one that actually continues the story.
Why does she have ooga booga face
>implying mirrors edge is big
Bless your heart.
Why do you hate female protagonists, user?
thats not battleborn
running away from law enforcement is black culture
But I love Hatsune Miku
A shame, I really loved the first one, it was a bit of a flawed gem.
No, that's Battleborn.
Nope, Battleborn is the new TORtanic.
There is virtually no way ME:C can fail as hard and fast.
Would be funny if it did.
Absolutely nothing could be more of a flop than battleborn
Absolutely nothing could be more of a flop than battleborn
seriously forgot Battleborn already?
mook is at it again
As a Mirror's Edge OG I haven't really seen enough of Catalyst to warrant me picking up the new one, but reception so far seems lukewarm at best. Pretty sure pic related is the actual biggest flop of the year with Battleborn as a runner up
You know Sup Forums probably did the most marketing for battleborn anywhere.
Literally never heard of it until all those flop threads and all the shit in the overwatch threads.
Did it come out?
Who is this semen demon?
You should ease up on the demon part.
Battleborn is a bigger flop since it was a new IP.
Nobody expected Homefront to be good after how shit the last one was.
Is this a boy or a girl? I can never tell anymore. Fucking traps are everywhere. Also flat chest so it could be a dude.
Check metacritic, in EA's eyes it's a massive flop we can say goodbye to it now.
That's bullshit, but I believe it.
>Make a shit game
>Wow no one likes this series anymore
>No sequel
It's a trap
Blizzdrones never sleep.
It's EA's specialty
>mirrors edge sold well because it featured a female protagonist and got a bunch of women to buy it, so lets make a strong jawed empowered womyn the protagonist this time!
Is EA really this retarded?
The game was no more popular with girls than any other
Fine by me, still hot.
I don't.
I love the first Mirror's Edge game.
I hate shitty games, which is what Catalyst is.
Of it weren't for Sup Forums, I would have seen battleborn on steam and thought it was an indy early access, then shuddered at the $60 price.
>tfw Sup Forums only hates it because anita was kinda involved
it's a 7/10
that being said, battleborn & Homefront are the biggest flops.
>tfw you will never have a
She was no looker int the first game, either. If anything they made her better.
Don't really care about Mirrors Edge at all, but it just looks like Sup Forums is being a bunch of failure obsessed faggots over this one. The original Mirror's Edge has a Metacritic score of 81 on PC. The new one has a 76 on PC. Counting for the fact that this isn't the first time they're seeing it anymore and how dangerously hyped up pretty much all interested parties seemed to be making themselves, I'd say Catalyst is a moderate success. Nothing to see here. I don't know how it's selling, but if it makes good money, then there'll probably be another one. Fat cats don't give a shit about critical response.
Also, does it really need to be said that it's funny how these scores only seem to matter on Sup Forums when they agree with you? Because I'm gonna go ahead and say it.
its over, randy
>She was no looker int the first game, either
I thought she was modestly attractive in the first game without trying too hard. New Faith looks too much like my ex
People joke about dead on arrival but i think evolve accomplished what other games cant
lol is that angela vanity, I didn't expect to see her on Sup Forums
It's amazing how badly they managed to fuck up that box-art picture considering all of the other promotional material and even the in-game model manage to make her look way fucking better.
good. fuck EA and their muh diversity muh progressiveness cancer.
>Origin only
>Open world
>Downgraded Faith
>Moves locked behind xp wall
>4 hours long
>Sequel to a game that came out almost a decade ago
Did it sell over 50K. Then congrats! because untill then it will always objectively be #FE
>Sequel to a game
Prequel, actually. Which is plain retarded since it comes with a downgraded heroine instead of an improved one that would naturally come with a sequel. They tried to reboot the series to sell it to people who didn't buy the first one, but losing all the fans of the first one in the process. Dead series.
I watched some gameplay on twitch. Looks like they took the Assasins Creed approach of boring open world with side missions which are effectively chores.
I guess they thought parkour means it needs to be open world rather than carefully crafting individual levels with lots of routes to discover.
it dat boi
/thread killer
...It came out?
what game had the worst failure to launch and no marketing, ME2 or battleborn?
This was my reaction too
A coalburner
It's okay. 7/10 but only because I never played Mirror's Edge and I got it with EA access
Battleborn was worse.
haha, randy pander feeling the burn.
Can someone give me a name for her please
Thanks based denuvo for keeping these shit games in obscurity.
>sex objects posing with inanimate objects
I don't know about the game but that girl is cute.
Fucken' A