Is there any rivalry in video games more fierce than between these two fandoms?

Is there any rivalry in video games more fierce than between these two fandoms?

>Mention that you enjoyed one

I loved both. On release, too.

Wind Waker on reflection isn't very good and obviously padded though, although I guess its art style has ages better. TP has the better dungeons, combat and progression.

I'd say I'm more of an Ocarina fag anyway


Gen 3 fags VS Pokemon Gen 5 fags, specifically.

I didn't like either very much. I never even beat either one.

I did really like Link Between Worlds though

The Duke3D / Quake rivalry was pretty fierce.

There are gen5 fags?

This, Gen 1 fags vs everyone

Not sure about others though.

I think you mean Gen 1+2 fags vs everyone else. Feels like actual murder hangs in the air every time.

Gen 5 is best gen. For awhile, each gen had only gotten better and better, then Gen 6 happened and it was all down hill from there.

it's been 6 years already, kids who played it and were 10 are 16 now


Snes vs genesis
Quake 3 vs UT
C&C vs Warcraft II
Tiberian Sun VS Starcraft
Mario VS Sonic
Pokemon vs Digimon
Zelda 3d VS Zelda 2d

Etc etc

Zelda fans are pretty stupid in general so yeah I bet their infighting is pretty autistic. The games are pretty good but they attract a seriously cancer fanbase.

Super Metroid v Metroid Prime

More just Gen 2 fags. Their game was so pathetic and they cling to Gen 1 like an awful tagalong. "Yeah, OUR games were SO good, right Big Bro Gen 1?"

>One decent game in a sea of shitty ones, P2W games included

FFXV vs Witcher 3

Sure it was manufactured but FFXV-kun played you all like fiddles

has it anything don't attract cancerous fanbases ever?

Yes? You said Gen 4 was getting better when clearly the only game not equal to feces was PMD.

good lord what did I just read


a brain fart of someone who needs some sleep
see ya tomorrow user

Didn't TP include dungeons that were meant for WW?
I wish WW HD had realised the original vision for the game.

Majora's Mask 3D kind of showed they have no intent about "original vision"

The problem with WWfags is that they can't see how shitty their game is because they're blinded either by nostalgia or fanboyism

Literally the only good things about WW is it's artstyle and dungeon design.

>Huge barren ocean with shit-all to do but watch your boat sail
>Enemies probably added to keep you awake
>All of the islands have one point of interest with no reason whatsoever to return after
>That sail speed
>Fucking Triforce quest
>Literally press A to kill enemy

3D Zelda in general is pretty shitty but WW is one of the worse 3D Zeldas.

As soon as you mention anything they'll deflect to whatever game you like as if that game having flaws makes their game any better.

Zelda fanboys are stupid and unless you find one that has no bias, are annoying to talk to.

Most of the Zelda fanbase love both Windwaker and Twilight Princess. The autistic ones are the vocal ones, the ones you see in shit places like Sup Forums. In places where you actually talk about games instead of shitpost, you can see all Zelda games (exception of a specific few) are loved equally (maybe OOT is loved more in general due to nostalgia effect).

>Hey you know that masterpiece you toiled away at ten years ago? Do it again, but different

I'd be mad too.

>I'm going to be unbiased by only pointing out the negatives

OK. What about the artstyle that unlike any other game of its era still holds up today?

I like both games, fanboys can go fuck themselves

>OoT has been "just nostalgia" since 2002
>WW, TP and SS still aren't


I like every zelda game I've played

I don't see a reason to argue over which one is best when I like both of them

I didn't say it still held up today, I said it was good and one of the better things about the game.

sure I can one up you
Final fantasy fans.
It's not even between 2, it's between over 13.

I would argue metroid prime still looks pretty good

As does any game that uses pre rendered backgrounds, like baten kaitos or the gamecube resident evil

I didn't say WW and TP or any other Zelda game has no nostalgia effect. It's just OOT has a bigger nostalgia effect on people since it is the oldest and the first 3d Zelda.

I still think OOT is the best Zelda game and I just can't tell if I'm being biased out of nostalgia.

All in all, all Zelda games are very good imo. Well at least I enjoyed each one immensely, if that counts for anything.

VII is overrated
X is the best
XIII should be killed with fire

This, I loved every Zelda, and I'm a fucking old man who was here for the release of the first zelda. I enjoyed all of them, even Zelda 2, spirit tracks or Skyward Sword.

>bigger nostalgia effect

Or maybe it's just good? Ever consider that this whole nostalgia argument is bullshit because plenty of people hate several games they used to like?

Wind Waker is creative, tried new things and is generally unique and admirable despite its major content and pacing issues. It's not really that great in terms of the actual content and design on reflection but it had style.

Twilight Princess is just a fucking boring soulless shitfest with barely a single creative bone in its body. It has a single good dungeon in the entire game and other than that is an ugly, boring, badly designed rehash. Its two unique elements are the Wolf which was 100% shit and the Twilight Realm which was completely squandered and wasted and then got Ganonjacked.

Twilight Princess is a worthless pile of shit that failed to be half as good as the eight year old game it was copying. The series should be going forwards, not backwards.

I would much rather play a game like Wind Waker that tried and failed than a game like Twilight Princess that just didn't try at all.

>hated windwaker at release
>came to love it after playing through it again years later
>loved TP at release
>Can't bring myself to even play through the first dungeon
What happened?

>x the best
>the precursor to 13 shit fest
ok buuuudy

you judged a book by its cover

>Game that came out when I was too young to appreciate it is overrated
>First game in series I was old enough to appreciate is best
>Games that came after my locked in first fav are worst

Every time

>Wind Waker is creative, tried new things and is generally unique

You suffer from ADD and can only play games that give instant rewards. TP is a slow starter while WW is a quick starter and quick stopper.

>the precursor to 13 shit fest

X doesn't have the worst combat system in the series and a barely comprehensible super shit story.

FFX is better than VII purely because it has the better post game. VII's main story far surpasses X on just about every level.

Name a final fantasy with an easily comprehensible story.

Really, I'm curious, even FF1 was a complete clusterfuck.

I literally played those games back to back (except 13, I played that a few years later) since I discovered Final Fantasy series quite late.

Also I hope you are not in any way defending 13.

But XIII's battle system is legit and better than that of the first four games plus VIII/IX, and ten DOES have a fucking awful story.

Story of IV and X was easily followed (well except last few hours of X). Even the story of XII made more sense than the shitfest that is XIII.

>But XIII's battle system is legit

It was literaly the least fun I had doing combat in any kind of role playing game. Well I know some people don't like X's story but I kinda like it. Actually I liked the pilgrimage premise and somewhat interesting characters. It was definitely miles better than XIII

Bold and controversial new art style. Completely overhauled the way the overworld worked. Abandoned some series staples rather than including them out of obligation. Introduced a variety of brand new mechanics such as stealing enemy weapons, counter attacks, rope physics etc. Ballsy story that had an ending that could have been a fitting conclusion to the entire franchise. Success or failure notwithstanding Wind Waker unarguably tried new things and took risks.

I mean look at the mentality behind the two games. The most vocal fans wanted Ocarina of Time 2 and Nintendo did the opposite of the expectation despite the giant backlash it caused when it was announced. On the other hand Twilight Princess was just pure pandering to those people that wanted gritty adult Link OOT2 and even went to far as to recreate the OOT trailer to announce the game.

Wind Waker is the result of the team's artistic vision independent of what the fans wanted. Twilight Princess is the result of just pandering to fanboy desires to make money from them. That's what if nothing else gives Wind Waker integrity and makes Twilight Princess pathetic and shameful.

At the end of the day most of the time fans don't know what they actually want and if you just give into fan desires and do gritty remakes and rehashes you make bad games and you make the same game over and over. Fans don't have the vision to know what is exciting and innovative which is why they're fans and not creators themselves. And if you're a creative person you're not going to enjoy or do a good job of just pandering by making something you don't really want to make.

The majority people don't know what they want and they don't like change. A good creator can give the people something that they didn't know they wanted before they saw it like Wind Waker.

>Bold and controversial new art style

My favorite of all memes


I actually liked windwaker... just fuck my shit up, senpai. It was good. I enjoyed my time. What's the deal?

Oh my god you're so fucking stupid.

Holy shit a cell shaded game resembles a carton.

Were you also surprised when you saw it contained pixels which happened to be in every game possible too?

>Is there any rivalry in video games more fierce than between these two fandoms?
Yeah, it's called 3DZeldafags vs 2DZeldafags. We were duking it out way before you WWbabbies and >TP fans were even born.

Seriously though, there's a TP fandom? I thought you fags were just in it for the imp porn.

Yeah you're right that WW was more original than TP, but it still reused a ton of ideas from OoT - items, mechanics and the general structure of the game were all carried over for WW with some changes. It's not as different as MM or even SS, although I didn't like that game much.

More like Gen 1+3+6 vs Gen 2+4+5.
Mainly caused by 3 & 4 being polar opposite to each other, 6 panders to genwunners and gameplay changes in 6 affects mons from 5 the worst.

I enjoyed both

but WW is my all-time comfy GOTY

Cease your memes, literally nobody likes Gen 4, and literally nobody shits on Gen 3 more than genwunners.

The real conflict is Gen 1+6 vs Gen 2+3+5

Me too.

I admit I used to feed into the whole debate back when Twilight Princess was relatively new, but I realized that they're both amazing games in the Zelda series, and neither of them was worth the flak that the fanbase of the other game gave it. The real one both fanbases should be shitting on is Skyward Sword.


PS4 owners are assblasted that Persona 5 is also coming to PS3

and awful highschool story romance

Why though? Shouldn't they just be happy that it ain't coming out on PC so they can call the PC owners PCucks some more? The PS3 is still a Sony console, so there's no reason they would care it's not PS4 exclusive.

>At the end of the day most of the time fans don't know what they actually want
Fuck you, queer. Both Nintendo and the fans knew exactly what we wanted. There's literally nothing wrong with the original TP teaser. Both WW and TP wish they could be half the game TP was promised to be. Nintendo thought they could get away with resizing the scope of their promises since hype for the new Zelda was at an all time high, and ended up shitting out a half baked OoT clone instead. Yes, fans wanted OoT2, but contrary to popular belief, we never got it. Sequel =/=half assed clone.

SS will never get the flak WW or TP got (or even MM back then) because it came out during a time where the idea that Zelda was never going to be good again was widely accepted as a fact.

>zelda fans shitting on a less-than-average game like an abomination
>meanwhile metroid fans have gotten abominations

Other M was fun you big baby.

except it shat on samus character

Who cares. Proves that's worse than SS or get out.

I highly doubt this is actually your favorite meme

>running through linear corridors that lock you out of exploring
>combat with auto-aim, infinite dodge, regenerating missiles, and cinematic finishers
>awkward as hell first person transitions where you have to flip the wii remote and stand still
>horridly slow and boring "investigation mode" segments
>incredibly stupid "look at the single pixel we want you to look at" pixel hunt segments

I'm not that user, just responding to that specific post on other m being good.

No, you got it alright. The thing it you didn't actually want it, you just wanted to feel the way you did when you were 8 years old and playing Ocarina of Time again. But a rehash will never recreate that feeling because you're a different person in a different time with different views and values. You don't want an OOT sequel you just want to go back to your childhood and no remake or rehash will ever do that which is why they shouldn't bother.

They only way they can ever make you feel something like what you felt when you played OOT is with something totally new and different that you didn't expect that impresses and surprises you just as much.

You just don't understand your own feelings properly.
1. OOT made you really happy when you were a kid.
2. You want to feel like that again, so you think that you need a new OOT.
3. You get a new OOT but it doesn't make you feel as happy as when you played the original OOT.
4. But instead of realising that you didn't actually need a new OOT you just interpret your disappointment as thinking that they just didn't do it good enough.

That's the reality of it.

>nobody likes Gen 4
I really liked platinum and hg.


People generally aren't talking about the remakes when they say that type of thing.

DPP are to me the worst games in the franchise and outright bad games. I hate nearly everything about them and it turned me off Pokemon so hard that I didn't play Gen 5 until late 2013.

HGSS are among the best games in the franchise though.

>high-quality emulator screenshot for TWW
>composite trash screenshot straight from Youtube for TP

you trying to tell me something here?

Speechless at how right I am I see.

Kill yourself.

>My first Final Fantasy was 13, the image

>At the end of the day most of the time fans don't know what they actually want

Oh fuck off with your bullshit. We "wanted OoT" in the sense that we specifically didn't want another game with tedious as fuck mechanics that make exploration a bitch and would prefer a game that doesn't shove this nonsense in our face. The retroactive forgiveness of WW's faults could be more surprising, as you remember the truly great things it did do over the pile of crap that most of the game was.

OoT worked because so much went right and so little wrong. People naturally wanted an extension of that. Not something 'the same', but something that did what OoT couldn't manage to do, which the TP trailers strongly hinted at. Damn straight I want to go back to 9 year old me's experience, but nobody was ever delusional enough to actually demand TP change from the sufficiently original appearing thing it was into what it became.

Final Fantasy fans. Pretty much every game after the NES ones have a cancerous fanbase that is far more concerned with arguing over which is the worst/most overrated game in the series instead of which is the best/most underrated.

Final Fantasy in general
MGS2 vs MGS3
Classicvania vs Metroidvania
Super Metroid vs Prime

Zelda is definitely up there though.

Forgot to mention Smash Bros Melee vs everything after Melee.

I don't understand why people relentlessly hate on gen 4. Genuinely curious as to why you think everything is bad. I understand the battle scene was incredibly slow but that's the only answer I get from anyone.

That's not really a rivalry, that's just meleefags vs every other living being on the planet

Pretty sure the people who shit on TP aren't always WWfags.

I'm sure the majority of people who shit on WW are fags though.

there's no twilight princess fandom. most agree it's below average for a zelda game. some hate ww for how different it was and unfinished

>Game 2 is shit therefore game 1 retrospectively becomes shit

>But XIII's battle system is legit and better than that of the first four games plus VIII/IX

Is that the remake on 3ds on the right?

You have got to be joking if so.

Easily one of the worst "remakes" ever. The only thing they changed was the textures and they completely fucked that up.

>there will never be a complete version of WW ever in history

Same thing pretty much.

Stop posting these please.

This is awful seriously. I had no idea it was this bad.