When did you stop watching them?
When did you stop watching them?
I never stopped.
I never started because I'm over the age of 18.
Now kill yourself or fuck off.
They're really not into it anymore or purposefully sabotage themselves for whatever reason. I doubt Matt even plays video games anymore, for example.
The others still seem into it. Matt is pretty obvious, just listen to him at their panels. He almost sounds tired and irritated at times.
they warned him not to marry, but he needed that financial stability
>Ask what some of their best playthroughs are so i can start watching them
>Someone recommends Resident Evil 4
>Watch 5 minutes
And no I don't care if they stopped scripting their episodes later than that
You'll want the scripting back, though. Now their LPs are basically "gotta talk all the time or dead air will get us". Not to mention it really shows how incompetent they are the more they got into games that aren't from their childhood.
>Dark Souls 3
>Patt ruins everything for everyone by spoiling himself ahead of time
>Final Fantasy 10
>Matt and Wooly can't do shit even with a strategy guide
When they started playing Souls games.
If you can stomach pro rasslin, their Rustlemania series (first one not last year's) actually shows off their (former) strengths fairly well. Also check out the early episodes on Machinima. They were funnier when their videos were brief more packed with jokes.
Resident evil 2 was good, plus their old machinima videos
They tried to focus on fighting games and mecha despite having no knowledge of either things and it was just too embarrassing to watch.
eat shit
fuck off
not video game
hang yourself
I only watch the Shitstorm and Machinima episodes. I listen to the Podcast every week though
Pretty sure Matt stopped playing games ages ago, even before he had plans to get married.
He gets passionate about old school shit, mostly Sup Forums-related stuff and comics. I don't think he was ever really a big video game guy to begin with.
I find it kinda sad only thing that interests me on the podcast these days is how far Pat has come with his Gundam watching.
Only watching their Starfox playthrough at the moment, everything else has zero appeal to me.
When Liam started showing up more
Walking Dead Season 2
Liam is fine when not being a fucking contrarian on the podcast. It's also clear he doesn't really have any chance to talk about his weird shit because no one else has any idea what he's talking about.
I only watch playthroughs that aren't completely boring or annoying trash, which isn't much.
The last 3 I watched were The Punisher, X-Com 2 and RE Zero, even though it was their worst RE playthrough.
I'm getting real tired of these long as fuck game playthroughs. Not only are they shit and not worth watching, like every Souls playthrough they've done, but they take like half a year to finally finish and move onto the chance of a not shit playthrough.
Pat is playing NieR with Liam as the wingman.
What do you expect out of this LP?
Pat being confused, Liam laughing at him and Sup Forums getting mad at them for doing something wrong.
Pat and Liam is the best combo though.
>That art
God, please don't be on the front of every episode.
I play exactly the same way
I might check out Star fox, but I am scared their nintoddlerism might come out too strong
Agreed I watch some things because I'll never play them and the souls are killing them slowly.
I don't even remember watching RE Zero, can we get that RE5 playthrough? I love that co-op for some fucking reason.
>DSP in there
Really now?
Is Pat still dating his hot girlfriend?
>What do you expect out of this LP?
Pressing the unsubscribe button. I'm literally only subbed so I know when the latest podcast is out.
He takes up so much time on the podcast to talk about shit no one cares about it's not even funny.
Last weeks podcast was 2 and a half hours long compared to the usual 3 or 4. Know the reason why?
It's even worse now that there are three LPs with him in them at the moment.
>Have to google who these people are
>It's a web series that started 3 years ago
You people in this thread are acting like this is some childhood series you fell out of watching
Just bookmark the podcast page and check back on Tuesdays then.
if you have an android phone there's a free app called Podcast Republic that'll send you a notification every time the podcast updates
better than waiting for their stupid videos a day or longer after the podcast itself is listenable
Liam is the only one of the four who plays video games though.
I don't watch them, but I hope they do at least to Ending B.
My views have dwindled. I've stopped watching videos with Matt that don't have Pat in them and Woolie/Liam without Pat are iffy.
Dude Sex has been alright
Did Woolie finish reboot? I gave it 5 seconds, saw it was going to be absolute garbage and never saw anything else
Nothing because I sure as fuck ain't watching it. Last thing they did that made me give a fuck as of late was punisher. Can't wait for them to bring out REmake due to bad LPs.
I never started
Yeah, RE5 would be great, or a full REmake. Their RE playthroughs are always at the very least decent, up to being arguably the best. Even Rev2, which I expected to suck, was surprisingly good.
Can't go wrong with RE or David Cage games as long as you have Pat and Matt.
you're so old and cool XD
Them getting confused and lost, not getting the story, jumping to conclusions (did you know Emil was gay?), talking over the music, using useless abilities while being sure it's the best, being confused by the upgrade system, playing through every single ng+ not just cutting to the final boss, doing a few boring sidequests then giving up, platinum dicksucking etc
I'll probably watch it
Nier is my favorite game ever and i know that liam loves it a lot too.
I'm happy that the game will get more following with this, it deserves much more attention than what it got.
I really think that the game is EXTREMELY better if you play it yourself, it is also kind of meta with that.
If i was liam i'd start the playthrough just saying: "if you think you'd enjoy this game, stop watching the lp right the fuck now and play it"
Of course they need the money so nobody is going to say it.
Dsp is literally retarded, him and his daughter suck so much. Only reason you watch him is for the sheer stupidity and utter incompetence.
>All those glorious how you don't plays
All I saw is he was stuck on some boss fire like 4 episodes, even going as far as to get the guy who sent him the game to come to his house and play it for him. It's kind of funny actually, dunno if they've beaten it yet.
The most recent podcast was the most telling thing about Matt's wife. He told her he was gonna watch Gods of Egypt (that movie where are the Egyptian gods are white for some reason) and she basically said like "no don't watch it. it has whitewashing" and basically tried to forbid him from watching it.
While I understand that the movie is probably one of the most guilty movies to "whitewash" things just to have big selling actors the way Matt made it sound was like Matt's wife was literally fucking [TRIGGERED] by the movie. I'm glad that Matt watched it anyway but holy shit the moment I heard that I realized what road we are slowly going down now.
Matt stopping the others joking about rape horse because it triggered someone and while it was overused as a joke Matt fucking keeps pushing tired jokes like "lucky ted" and "410 billion cops dead" most of these jokes are funny intially (except luck ted) but Matt fucking pushes them into the ground and literally had to be made fun of by the others for the fart gas and simpsons jokes all the time to get him to stop with them.
Pat is literally blind and addicted to fucking pain killers apparently and doesn't stop thinking hes right about EVERYTHING. Only thing I wish Matt luck on is that Paige is the most awesome GF for someone I have ever seen.
Woolie is blind and can't understand stuff at all even if it was explained before like 3 times he asks again for an explaination and is the slowest man playing a game that isn't a fighting game I have ever seen.
Liam is probably the most competent out of them all but my only issue is his devil's advocacy (which he seems to have cut down on) and his tendency to speedrun EVER GAME HE PLAYS. He literally would play every game he plays on the channel if he just slows down by like 30 percent. Liam please stop speedrunning everything for the love of god.
Then there is the constant late videos almost daily now and all this adds up to me possibly unsubbing from them soon
They're going to ruin that game so fast.
I'm watching the MGSV playthrough right now and it's amazing how garbage Pats opinions are. He has a retarded hatred of Paz and Miller, the best characters in the game, yet love boring ass TPP Ocelot just because he's got a boner for Troy Baker
eh, it was 2010 as far as Matt and Pat goes, but yeah, it's still not that old even by Youtube standards
I think it's less nostalgia and more distressing to see some guys who blew up almost overnight thanks to the Bear Grylls Machinima video and then decided to immediately quit their actual jobs without any thought of the future to focus on making game videos.
they've basically thrown themselves into a pit where they're not interesting enough to go unscripted, they're not funny enough to do scripted, and they're too lazy to do professional editing/LPing like the SA forum people. they don't even have the younger appeal like the massive LPers, they pretty much only appeal to bitter 20-somethings/early 30-somethings who really like Japanese shit, which isn't a very profitable market
they don't seem like bad people, either, which makes it worse. they're basically the textbook case of "being yourself is not always the right thing to do"
Around Spindash
REmake gor damn sure or anything RE1 really would get my view back imo apart from RE6.
Silent Hill 3 never ever.
>He told her he was gonna watch Gods of Egypt (that movie where are the Egyptian gods are white for some reason)
Why wouldn't a historically white country imagine their gods as white?
>Remember they played SW:Bounty Hunter during their Star Wars thing. Don't remember the details, so decide to rewatch it.
>It's the most painful thing I've seen them do.
Holy fuck were they so fucking bad and retarded in that game, holy fucking shit.
Kinda hijacking the thread so sorry about that, but you two seemed knowledgeable.
I stopped playing Nier because the combat is just so awful, it's just unfun to play. Everything else was 10/10 though, I just can't motivate myself to pick it up and go through the shitfest. Is there anything that'll make it a bit more tolerable?
I was under the impression they were at least a bit more tan than fucking Jaime Lannister showing up as a god.
Never listened to podcast but that sounds like a train wreck.
I remember these guys when they first started shilling on LUElinks. Even back then I was confused why people would watch a couple of fat idiots play games poorly.
One thing i don't understand is that whitewashing thing
I never watched the movie but i heard a lot of people complaining that there's no black people in the movie.
But egyptians were a semitic people and now there are both semitic and beduins in egypt, you have to go down in Nubia to get black people.
How is it whitewashing if egyptians aren't much darker than a guy from israel?
Paige seems great, she used to help Maddox with Biggest Problem in the Universe for a while. I seem to stumble across her being active in all kinds of groups that I check up on.
>Koihime Enbu
If they don't give a shit about it, why even bother? And also is it me or their fanbase has gotten shittier and more like ironic weebs?
reminds me of this pic that gets posted here occasionally
How far did you get? I started enjoying the combat alot more after the first dungeon when you get access to magic, but before you get that the combat is pretty boring
>Pat is literally blind and addicted to fucking pain killers apparently and doesn't stop thinking hes right about EVERYTHING. Only thing I wish Matt luck on is that Paige is the most awesome GF for someone I have ever seen.
Someone post that sleeping aid picture he's using so he doesn't choke to death while sleeping anymore. Pat will seriously be the first to go. As in, fucking die. He's leading an unhealthy lifestyle AND has actual health problems already. Growing a beard and finally shaving off that balding head won't change that very much.
That was one of the least awful anime Fisticuffs ever though
They played it seriously, they used every characters, they ACTUALLY DIDN'T MAKE A SINGLE "WE'RE GONNA GET ARRESTED" JOKE
Bad misinformation and Liam not giving a shit. With "THIS IS SO ANIME LOL"
Rami Malek is so based. LITERALLY our guy.
Yeah I skipped that one until I played it myself and Miller was the true main character imo. I enjoyed mgsv BUT that cut content and lack of actual boss fights still pisses me off. Skulls and Quiet were alright. Sally was pure garbage like in PW.
>What do you expect out of this LP?
Listen here dude.
I completely understand that the gameplay is mediocre, i personally didn't mind it at all.
I recommend trying to have fun with different spells, at some point in the game the enemies will be so weak you just push trhough fast and can get more of the godly plot.
Are you aware of the ng+ stuff? That initally turned me off but in the end it was nothing bad at all, made me like the game more.
I think you should push through, it's completely worth it, exppecially for ng+ and the soundtrack.
I hate to play the contrarian but honestly I think the channel would be significantly better if it was just Liam and Pat. Woolie is pretty good sometimes but his straight up blindness and random "I can't fathom basic concepts" moments bring him down, and I don't think I really need to justify Matt going away.
I guess I don't understand history as well as I thought I did then. I was under the impression that they were at least tan like King Tut or something. The most telling thing is that they just wanted recognizable actors for the gods and stuff. Either way Gods of Egypt was a bad movie. Sorry if I came off as ignorant.
Paige is honestly the anchor that is keeping Pat from going insane at this point. If she leaves him I actually fear that it would break him.
This is what I mean by being at least kinda tan. Jaime in that movie is like so white he's see through. Though I guess it could go either way. Sorry about that guys.
More accurately, it's going to be Pat talking about how overrated the game is just because he's heard a bunch of people talk about it
It's going to be actually painful to listen to
If it was Drakengard 3 they were playing i would understand the anime stuff, Nier isn't that anime.
It's japanese sure but not anime at all.
The first thing I ever watched with them was their man vs wild tbfp
Thinking about it, I don't think they ever made anything better than that
Nothing could really recapture that
which is ironic because matt literally owns the channel and pays everyone else their salaries
They're for the most part fucking idiots who've never been anywhere outside North America and think Egypt=Africa=Black People, which is ironically actually way more racist then the movie they're complaining about.
I've actually been to Egypt, and black people are really uncommon, you probably see more white tourists then you see them.
I recall having some sort of projectile stuff last time I played. Would it be recommended to upgrade magic stuff if/when I pick it back up again?
Cool cool, seems like magic is the consensus. I'm not sure if I've heard of NG+ stuff, I just know I saved a picture of recommended quests to do; I'll post it here incase anyone's interested in the game.
that was the one that sent them to the top for a short while
I'd have IRL friends asking if I'd seen it because it was so damn funny
Several of their Machinima episodes come close but they are GOD AWFUL LPers because they refuse to fucking edit anything
then again, I'm spoiled on LPs because even post Voidburger ChipCheezum is still the GOAT
Yeah of course he can't leave, I just think it's a pretty common opinion that he runs jokes into the ground, isn't that funny in general, and is WHIPPED AS FUCK. (His wife forbade him from seeing a fucking movie, and he was ok with this)
Yeah its pretty weeb around now but I'm not sure if I should be ashamed that I checked out JoJo becuase of them. Though I mantain the greatest thing theyve ever done is that toliet stand discussion
*smacks lips*
From what I've seen from Pat, if it has a little girl, a beautiful trap and a talking object as a mascot. Pat would just go "IT'S SO JAPANESE LOL", so you guys are right it won't be anime
seriously though
>Run a channel and podcast about entertainment media
>Have a wife who isn't into your hobbies but tries to control the media who consume and transitively could potentially used for material
It's a huge recipe for disaster
also humorous anecdote
>get bored one day and try to track down mr. highspirits-hoodvibes
>find a profile with header text saying "im not the rami malek guy"
>give him the benefit of the doubt and search a different route
>find where someone reblogged the conversation and follow the chain back to... a deleted page on the same mr. hoodvibes' page
>dude got so butthurt he deleted his comment and permanently has a lie about it in the header of his profile
i guess i'll have to tell you the ng+ stuff
When you finish the game one time, you'll get ending A
There are 4 endings in the game, you have to finish the game 4 times.
I know this sounds like absolute shit but it's not bad at all.
in the first ng+ the plot and characters change a bit, it's the best part of the entire game. Also you keep your upgrades so enemies just explode and you can finish the game really quickly.
ALSO, and this is important, you don't start the game from the start, in the middle of NG there's an obvious time skip, when you start all the Ng+ you start a little bit later than that time skip so you don't have a lot to play through more than once.
I am also mad in love with the game and did every single sidequest but yeah, you should follow that picture if you're not enjoying the gameplay.
Friendly advice: stop it.
You think you can get a read on a person's mind and life through their videos and podcasts, but you seriously can't.
This bit right here:
>While I understand that the movie is probably one of the most guilty movies to "whitewash" things just to have big selling actors the way Matt made it sound was like Matt's wife was literally fucking [TRIGGERED] by the movie. I'm glad that Matt watched it anyway but holy shit the moment I heard that I realized what road we are slowly going down now.
This is just pathetic. You have no idea how much Matt exaggerated the fact that his wife mentioned the whitewashing (or that she "forbade" him from watching it), and it's even possible that he just implied that the reason why she was trying to convince him not to watch it.
It's not a fucking analytical essay, it's a casual conversation about a stupid subject. You're not meant to read this much about it, or use it as fucking "evidence" to profile people.
Is he still on Watch Dogs? I love some of his older LPs but I've got no interest in that shit
That's fucking dumb
I love those guys but fucking hell how can the school system in america and canada be so fucked up that people don't even know basic shit like this.
Oh it's going to be so much worse. He's going to fawn on Kaine because he knows if he doesn't their SJW fanbase is going to eat him alive. He's going to complain about how Emil is a "shit kid" with no real provocation just because the man has an actual documented psychotic hatred of children,
He'll probably say one bad thing about Yonah but if he goes much farther Liam might become violent because occasionally LIam is the best.
I ain't got no problem with the weeb, but it's pretty painful hearing their powerlevel but at least it's not as bad as their wrestling discussion. I wonder about what Great Black Otaku think of this marks.
I truly believe the channel would be better if it went back to just being Pat and Matt. Matt might be the worst but it's the best combo.
LISA playthrough when
They did Undertale already
No, he's doing ZOE now and it's great
I prefer the manic cynicism of Pat with the crazy optimism of Liam, but yeah Pat and Matt is really good as well.
I also think that Matt & Pat stuff was better when they were playing characters on the Machima videos (Dumb America Fag and Crazy Asshole) instead of actually being them.
I bet he doesn't really care about them in reality but he's been ensconced into their shit clique so he's forced to be brought up at times
Plus, Woolie is on a literal level black, so the "i hate you but you black so we cool" thing is in full effect
Actually falling asleep during videos from lack of anything on screen like 7 times has happened to me. Most recent was FFX I hope they never touch another long rpg again.
What is the point of their site again? I haven't checked it in about 2-3 years it feels like and I don't feel like I'm missing any lps/lets watch last thing on there exclusive was Samurai Cop.
No site exclusive lps like xfiles game that looked cool as fuck and did they ever finish mgs4 let's watch?
Oh I know man. I ran out the chracter limit on that post because of all the autism I pumped into that. I still maintain all that other stuff I said after that though. Matt runs jokes into the ground, Pat is blind and too into himself and his theories, Woolie is blind and can't understand things unless they're explained in anime/fighting game terms, and Liam speed runs everything. I apologize for the sperg out but I actually needed that out of my system.
It was a lot more consistant when they played characters. When they just be themselves it's either the best stuff they've ever done (like RE2 in my opinion) or it's complete and utter shit that makes you question why you are even watching them.
Unfortunately most of the time it's shit.