
who /hype as fuck/ here? what would you want from a new Red Dead?

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fucking hype, RDR was comfy as fuck.
if its half as good as the previous its a day 1 buy for me.

I wanted Bully 2 desu.

pc version when

...there was a 2?

Redemption was a sequel to Revolver, youngfag.

hello 13 year old piece of shit

No, no.
Read the OP's post.
He claims it's RDR 3.
Not RD 3.
user is right.

inb4 black protag

Undead nightmare

Red dead 3? Are you retarded. It's red dead 2 lol holy fuck

RDR1 is red dead revolver

Learn to reads, faggots

Autism presents : The underage thread

Red dead revolver =RDR 1
Red dead redemption= RDR 2

>black slave protag
>we wuz cowboyz

n shhiiieeett

Don't worry, he was just pretending.

I can only hope they don't fuck it up as much as they did GTA V. If they have another one of those mmo shitfests again I'm swearing off Rockstar games.

>yfw it's console exclusive again

overshadowed by GUN, no one cares.

Post yfw this is gonna be a ps4/xbox one only remaster of red dead redemption

RDR and RDR have the same acronym. autist.

Feels bad man. Haven't bothered to pick up a PS4 yet but I'd love to play a RDR remake or sequel, I loved it on PS3.

>who /hype as fuck/ here? what would you want from a new Red Dead?

A release for a platform that wont run it like shit and become outdated in 6 fucking months

I swear to fucking god if its console exclusive and star citizen doesn't achieve at least a quarter of its goals im throwing my fucking computer out the window and never playing a video game again

No one gives a shit

what the fuck are you faggots getting me all worked up for

>[Updated] Red Dead Redemption 2 To Be Unveiled At E3 – Will Come to PS4, Xbox One and PC, Details Leaked


RDR 3 was confirmed ages ago in a Reddit AMA.

fuck that brings back memories


RDR was a great game

But it didn't really need a sequel 2bh

Where the fuck is Rockstar's Agent?

2007 was 9 years ago.

Why? It's obviously a prequel.

A black cowboy at least makes more sense then a black mobster or black soldier being the focus of a WW1 game. Black Cowboys were fairly common.

>E3 2015

>MC is Landon Ricketts.
>Best game ever.
>Games stop being made after the release of RDR3.

No it wasn't user....2007 was only 5 years ago...

Bully is better. Bully should get a sequel instead.

Just fucking remaster it already.

>Post yfw multiplayer is a micro transaction, hug box like GTA V is

Bully is a game for children

Good. After the disaster that was GTA V they hopefully learned their lesson and put their game on PC immediately.

GTA V is the third best selling game of all time after Tetris and Minecraft

Why do people think they will announce it at E3? Its been ages since a Rockstar E3 announcement. They announced a port, and before that it was like GTA4 in 2007.

Rockstar puts up a countdown, and the whole internet watches.

Hahahahaha oh you sweet naive child.

Rockstar have such a massive hateboner for PC they'd never do it.

There won't be multiple protags right?

The only thing they learned from GTAV is that they can stagger the releases and gets fuckheads to triple-dip.

Expect a delayed PC release yet again.

>After the disaster that was GTA V they hopefully learned their lesson and put their game on PC immediately.
>Dual PC and console release
Oh user...

I would've agreed with you last year but the evidence keeps stacking up

Maybe now that Benzies is gone they'll do E3 regularly

>The only thing they learned from GTAV is that they can stagger the releases and gets fuckheads to triple-dip.
And that they can artificially inflate the in-game economy to make sure most people will buy cash cards.

It probably will be, they made a billion something dollars from the cash cards.


>Horse insurance will be a thing

The PS3 version still have problems?
Or the 360/PS3 is equal now?

Why would they? If anything, GTAV basically proved to them that it's profitable enough to be worth holding off on PC releases due to the amount of double (Or even triple) dippers they can snag.

And you probably played Bully on your nintendo wii too you little shit

oops Im talking out my ass it was half a billion, still they have a taste for microtransactions they have nothing to lose by putting them in RD

His story continues

Post yfw RD3 is confirmed for PC. With Denuvo.

>implying anybody called Redeption RDR
This just won't be RDR3

>His story continues
How? RDR was pretty fucking clear that the wild west was over and fucking dead due to civilization finally catching up.
There's literally no western frontier left to be explored with Jack senpai

so where the fuck is the source of this new shit, and where does it say its not coming to PC

The only niggers I want to see in rdr3 are ones hanging from trees

I haven't looked forward to a game this much since TPP desu.

My dad works at Nintendo and he says it's never ever coming to PC no matter how much you beg.

>Expect a delayed PC release yet again.

lol i dont give a fuck as long as it comes within a year or two of console release

i still havent finished read dead redemption because i was too spoiled for 30fps 720p even years ago

can you adjust the resolution in a playstation emulator?

that shit looked and ran like fucking crap for me, dolphin is amazing for nintendo games but i can not seem to get shit right with that pscxe shit

What does the PS3 version have problems with?

If there's one thing rockstar knows is nailing a certain setting. Jack won't be a character since RDR marks the very end of the period.

This. Recently replayed RDR and god, the visuals are hot garbage and the game would be infinitely smoother with mouse aiming and 60fps.

>Another overrated shitfest with terrible gameplay but praised for a story ripped off from a better film

A sad day. I wanted RD3 to never ever happen.

>inb4 le mad PCuck

I have consoles. RDR is still a shit game.

No more bug everywhere
No more retarded horse
No more buggy controls
No more repetitive side mission
No more long to reach place you have to go to all the time

Terrible frame rate

i have a gaming PC and cant stand 30fps and i almost exclusively use a controller

>come home from sitting in a desk all day just to go sit in a desk and play video games

do people actually do this?

I don'w see why you care about some ultra-casual, console babby bullshit game. You have your perfectly crafted, folded 10000 times PC masterrace games that we can never play.

You don't want it, it's shit. Trust me. So awful. You'd never be able to enjoy it.


This is me btw, forgot to add the image.

best western game

Nah man, as much as I love RDR, it's just his opinion. Not liking a game it's cool, even if it is a good game.

PC version would be good

And no sharkcards or other bullshit from GTAV coming across


>Rockstar have such a massive hateboner for PC
That's why GTA V is well optimized on PC?

Remember the GTA IV port?
But ever since Max payne 3 happened, and rockstar actually made a team which only purpose was PC port. I think we're gonna be alright.

>Remember the GTA IV port?
Yes, but GTA V is fine.

If it was the other way around you'd be right.


Does anyone seriously believe this won't be released on PC?

>Red Dead Retribution 1%

Congratualtions, you're a pedantic faggot

RDR sucked. You just rid around on horses and shoot people. It sucked ass.

>Red Dead Revolver
>Red Dead Redemption
>Red Dead Reeeeeee

I haven't played RDR yet, so I have no interest in this. Maybe if they port it to a superior platform I'll give it a try. I have an Xbox, but if rather not play it for the first time at 23 FPS/630p

I don't see any arguments.

Thank you, you are literally the only RDR I've ever come across that wasn't a massive fucking tool. If you like a game it's fine, but RDR has been turned into a meme for console vs PC shitposting and the fanbase is almost entirely cancer.


All games suck when reduced to their core actions.
DS sucks because it's just rolling around and hacking at mobs. Mario sucks cause it's just jumping around on stuff.

just fucking play it you faggot

>I don't see any arguments.
You didn't give any, why would they?

Reasons R* hates PC: Red dead redemtion, GTA IV port.
Reasons R* loves PC: GTA V, Max payne 3.

>the fanbase is almost entirely cancer.
This game has a fanbase?
>console vs PC shitposting
Lel, PCuck.

I remember reading that the ps3 version had very noticable less foliage in the world than the 360 version had.

You're not alone mate

GTA V should be on the hate list since the game came to PC like 2 years after the original release.

You first dipshit.