After years of lashing out at people that disagree with him

>after years of lashing out at people that disagree with him
>creates a personal hugbox forum where he openly states that criticism isn't allowed
>professional PC "critic" with influence over the industry

Other urls found in this thread:

I give it a month before he shuts it down due to not being able to handle the stress of criticism that will seep through the cracks.

I enjoy his opinions on games but it's cringeworthy how bad he is at dealing with shitters on the internet.

Guy is a tool, also really bias towards games that are similar to ones he played as a child.

Shall we bet?

I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that it's because he's dying and doesn't want any more stress on top of that.

That's fair.
Except the burden of not getting stressed out each time somebody disagrees with him is kind of on him.
And he still tries to obfuscate it, like "there's some horrible people on other forums".

Did you hear he got so upset by online criticism last week that he started crying and then he skipped a chemo session?

One could call that a relief.

he is a cuck

>Guy is a tool, also really bias towards games that are similar to ones he played as a child.

And this is bad how? It's his personal opinion.

>really bias towards games that are similar to ones he played as a child
I think many people are. It's not really a bad thing.

Being biased as a critic isn't the best, that's my personal opinion.

>pc mustard race poster boy gets literal cancer
>pcucks confirmed for most cancerous shitters vidya has to offer

The dude's got cancer, you would really deal up with assholes and retards on the internet every single fucking day knowing you are going to die in a couple of years?

>it's cringeworthy how bad he is at dealing with shitters on the internet.
the thing is he's just like the 'shitters' he rails against. I've seen him making the first comment in youtube videos regarding console games or whatever, where's he's the instigator and antagonist, and then he gets butthurt when people shit on him for it.

if you can't take the heat don't dish it yourself. dude is fucking obnoxious. literal cancerous pcuck.

>I'm going to not partake in social media!
>Look, I'm going to partake in social media!
>I'm going to moderate this slice of social media!

Honestly you'd think having cancer would make you change priorities to enjoying life with friends and family instead of reading shitposts on the internet.

At this point I don't care because the man is close to death but he shut down his Youtube comments long long long ago before that cancer was even a thing and he never put them back on even though his excuse to shutting them down in the first place has been fixed long long long ago.

The dude was in agreement with paid mods, how are there still other nerds listening to whatever he has to say?

I could maybe even extract some butthurt out of him already because he said

>IF you didn't like Dark Souls 1, you won't like 3 and if you did, you will.

which is not 100% true and shows he has barely played the games.

I get it, he needs the money for his therapy and his wifes son once he's gone but if he keeps sucking that Blizzcock he's probably going to choke on it before the cancer gives his shilling cuckass justice

I wonder if it's really true that terminally ill people make all these big mental changes or if that's just a myth from movies and other media.

>couple of years

He has months left at best

>I donTt want to hurt his feelings cuz he's dying
>yelling "FUCK THE INTERNET" in every podcast

Just like 99% of people?

But anyway after he disabled comments on his yt videos he became nazi bufon who are always right if no then fuck you cunt i'm the king and are always right.

I lost any respect to him long time ago and don't even give a flying fuck about his youtube videos and jewish twitch channel where you have to pay 5 usd a month to even see his old streams.

explain this meme

not fair not fair not fair

isn't he getting better? he can beat it

>He just removed a "first 15 minutes of" video because he didn't accurately and fairly represent the game

Based John, literally no one else on youtube would do this

I hope you die cancer cuck

His cancer is inoperable. There's nothing to be done, and it's just a matter of time.

>enjoying life with friends and family
He's a literal cuckold with no friends. His meaningless internet "legacy" is all he has, and he knows deep down that it's worthless shit viewed by 12 year olds who want the funny man with the accent to get mad at things.

Literally who? I don't keep up with you kids and your e celebrities.

He basically lives on the internet. If anything, it's probably the closest thing to him. I know I'd spend my last months shitposting on Sup Forums (not this terrible shill board though).

link to the forum and the rules?

if I was TB I would have at least tried to fuck dodger instead of marrying that seacow

Will he die a hero, or has he become a villain?

Just because there are overzealous autists debating all day and night which Souls game is the best, that doesn't mean they aren't actually pretty much the same game every time, with the only things changing, being places you go and the beings you encounter.

So he actually played the game he talked about?

Or was it because of money?

Woah, that's amazing.

Except the "15 minutes of" a game where he gets super-butthurt over his inability to complete the first level is still up.

What game?


>he also hasn't played or has played with closed eyes
you really need to have a fish up your ass if you didn't notice the major changes between dark souls 1 and dark souls 3

He probably tried, but got blown off.

Would you want some obese man with bitch tits on top of you?

>inb4 ironic replies

>Would you want some obese man with bitch tits on top of you?

Jesse got lucky in that regard.


Oh I love this shit.
The core game still is exactly the same even if some mechanics have been added/fucked up in between each installment you fucking sperg.

And I have played through DeS and DaS 1-3 multible times, thank you.

I'm not even remotely surprised. Anyone who follows TB knows he can't take criticism and treats every negative thing said about him as a personal attack.
I like his videos and the podcast, but he really needs to stay off social media forever.

>nd I have played through DeS and DaS 1-3 multible times
you can't fool anyone and you already dropped your spaghetti hard in the first post, why continue?

>tfw I like TB and Leigh Alexander and Anime Tiddies and Anita
why can't everyone get along?

I thought Jesse was madly in love with dooger and got rebuffed.

She's probably more into girls t b h

mega bait

I thought he was dying from cancer what happened

>professional at playing video games

Internet celebs crack me the fuck up

>Guy has similar opinions to Sup Forums
>Decries shitty journalists and shitty video game developers
>Openly shares his dislike of hacks like Kotaku and Polygon
>Sup Forums still """""hates"""" him

I swear you people are never happy no matter who or what you get.

but she has a boyfriend

lick your cat like a civilized person in the 20 century you degenerate

Everyone is biased one way or another. And that's totally fine as long as you declare your biases upfront and don't pretend your opinions are universal truth and no one can possible like things you personally dislike.

>Implying she isn't letting him watch but not touch as she fucks other girls

Still dying, slowly. Cancer can take years when its slowed by chemo.

Not even bait. I think they all bring up valid points. Ultimately I believe that separating softcore porn from normal games and having dedicated porn games is better for everyone. I say this as a /d/eviant who regularly plays degenerate porn games. You can like Sengoku Rance and think dressing every woman like a slut in Tera is pretty dumb.

Daily reminder that for all of the shit Dooger gets she did beat Dark Souls while TB couldn't handle it. She's a casual but a casual WITH HEART who never gives up.



Because I disagree with you? here watch this nigger.

Oh and also explain what's so different about these games that isn't hypercritical nitpicking, casuals that watch TB channel would even give a shit about.

why isn't eceleb posting a bannable offense?

8/8 b8

good for him

good luck with the memes today OP!

>why aren't things i dont like banned wah wah
feminist detected

how long is a stunden?

I really can't blame a man confronted with his own mortality for acting like a hypersensitive child and breaking down at the slightest sign of disagreement.

Hell if a giant red sign was mounted on my wall counting down the days until my inevitable soon to be (in a few months) death I'd break down and start acting like a hysterical cunt too and cling to safe spaces to generate some sort of denial about impending doom.

Death is scary especially your own. Rational decisions do not come from such a mindset.

That said though he probably should just duck out of the internet all together instead of this half assed thing he's doing now that will only make him a target.

What do you think his last video is going to be?

m8 at this r8 you're going to call everything b8

eceleb threads are not video games

The one in which he realizes he got cancer from visiting Sup Forums.

wait....why does DSII have the little TM but not the others

>That said though he probably should just duck out of the internet all together

This would be the smartest thing for a man that has a clock ticking down until his doom, just get off the PC and go look a trees and birds and shit.

1 stunde = 1 hour ...

>t. Polygon employee

>I took a screenshot from other peoples profiles
you almost got me

Yeah go forth try to google that screenshot faggot.

There is so much darkness in your library.

In his streets as well, he IS german

he is right, you need to show more proof user...

Neither is dolphin fucking, but you degenerate faggots have no problem leaving it up until bump limit.


probably happened at some point, but his current girlfriend is unfeasibly hot

Germany #btfo

Will they ever recover?

There are plenty of games about fucking dolphins.

huh? what the hell does that have to do with kiln dried clay pots?

oh look it's another Sup Forums gets mad at a youtuber

i don't really follow this guy, what happened

Easy, I'm still waiting for an answer though.

Congratulations you finally got the point after how many years of being here?

Aww you just searched your library for the word 'dark'.

I was hoping that you only bought and played games that had some version of the word 'dark' in it.

He completed the first level??

All those titles with dark, but no Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

>go to the (old) subleddit
>see this

>Things that are overly negative and personal, they'll get deleted.
Filtering out floods of "your work is shit" and "lol cancer" doesn't seem unreasonable.

He wants a way to constructively interact with his community and he isn't against people telling him that he's goofed, but doesn't want shitposting and trolling, it's how pretty much every forum.

He is, but I think everyone underestimates just how many shitters there are when we're talking about however many views he's pulling nowadays.

I have been here all summer

This guys is an hypocrite.

I remember when he sucked M$ before the Titanfall release (I think) then a few days after we learn about M$ having a lot of journalists under NDA contrats to shill their hearts out.

Good thing for him M$ managed to get the drama under control quick.

That post sums up why I love reading reddit everyday

That's right hug the dying old man. Tell him how important he was right before he disappears forever. Tell him that so he stops crying.
>inb4 eating junk won't give you cancer