>Literally my mom's dog and my mom's koala
Has GF run out of ideas?
>Literally my mom's dog and my mom's koala
Has GF run out of ideas?
>Has GF run out of ideas?
Ever since Black and White.
>not wanting a bongo koala
These are pretty high-tier.
They look like they came straight from Unova desu
My mom's son.
>My moms koala
Do Aussies really keep koalas as pets?
>pokemon are too overdesigned!
>fucking inanimate objects!
>lolol this is just my mom's dog
>if it's too simple it's "literally my mom's X"
>it it's detailed in anyway it's "an over designed piece of shit"
Real fuckin' tired of this shit.
>Pokemon comes with a log
I hate this. It was stupid when Kadabra did it and it's stupid now.
it's a log you turbotard
I still don't see how the dog is a fucking rock type.
>Literally my mom's rat
They've run out of ideas since gen 1.
The internet, especially Sup Forums and Sup Forums and /vp/, contain a lot of people. Like, a fucking lot. A whole fucking lot. I don't need to tell you this.
Look, there are two constants in this world. One: People love to shitpost; it's fun, it's nice to rile people up. You don't even have to be shitposting about something you care about or want to make a genuine point about; if you see a thread that you know is a-callin for a roundabout, you'll jump right in there and spew the one opinion or statement that you're sure will get everyone else caught in a shitstorm. Now, two: For any possible opinion you could have over Pokemon designs, whether you hated them after gen 1, or like gen 5 best, whatever, someone has it. People have all kinds of opinions dictated by their tastes, standards, nostalgia, etc.
These two constants work together with the high volume of people here, ensuring that not only will there always be a shitposter or five, but that there will be one to fifty people ready to either go on the defensive or join in the shitpost jamboree.
tl;dr people just like to meme to make you mad
>Literally my wife's son
I assume the "collar" will factor into it's evolution somehow.
Forgot pic.
Maybe it's because both types look like shit? Simple pokemon all have the same fucking faces with the same soulless eyes and are basically traces of animals
The complicated pokemon look like Digimon with all the spikes and other garbage
Gamefreak just decides a type they need and shoves one of their designs into it. Pokemon has been dead for a number of generations now.
But only my opinions are correct.
Look how simple design is compared to
Whoa... nice.. perfect memage
>asking an anonymous imageboard what they want
They're actually oddly simple compared to the garbage GF usually shits out.
Only three colors and no tumors.
The dog looks alright, I don't know about the one with the log though.
>a purple rat
>a chocolate dog
>a log humping koala
i don't get it
Hey! Fuck you that dogs adorable
But thats how its always been.
>they look like digimon
Can someone explain to me why this is a bad thing?
The same way a purple dino rabbit and a yellow hedgehog are "ground".
Digimon is waifu pandering garbage. It's everything that's wrong with modern anime designs.
>that's how it's always been
No, you're fucking retarded
And you don't see a problem with Digimon designs? Fucking hell
The dog's pretty cute, I'll be using it.
Aw, these are great. Much better than Bunnelby
australia here
I really like them and the koala has potential with that ability
Ground is just literally "Stuff that lives in the ground" the type, hence why it's mortal enemy is Flying.
It's only sometimes it encompasses clay like that Claydol and Golurk or whatever it's called.
Looks less like a normal dog than this.
How about Ice? Even Articuno always stood out to me because aesthetically it was the only one of the three that didn't express its typing.
It's going to be Pangoro 2.0, aka shit in battle
what? Pangoro is fine really. if Koala gets some bulk behind him he should be a perfect counter to ghosts
>yet ANOTHER dog pokemon
>implying wolves are dogs
Jynx is obviously ice if you actually know any Japanese culture
>Vulpix and Ninetales are dogs
>eevee line are dogs
>Raikou isn't a dog
>Zigzagoon is a dog
why is this picture so shit
Fox, dog, pseudo-cat-dog-rabbit, dog, dog, goat, lion looking dog, dog, hyena, racoon, dog, ???, dog, ????, my mom's dog, fox
Anyway dogs have like a shitload of different breeds, you could make a pokémon game made out just of dog breeds and you could still manage to make everything look different.
Canine =/= Dogs
Also Zigazoon evolves into a ferret for some reason.
>b-but you have to know this random mountain youkai from japanese culture
Huh, ok.
it's not even a dog to start with its a raccoon/tanuki
Raikou is literally a Legendary Dog
More dog breeds is just fucking boring though, especially when they are just cartoons of dogs with little or nothing changed or added. I mean fuck, at least ratatta and raticate have their own unique features like the extremely large and long teeth, the curled tail and big ears on atta and the round body, stubby legs like a mouse but rat like ears and head on cate
>sabertooth tiger is a dog
isn't it Legendary Beasts
it's literally not
>All these "literally" posts
Half of those are foxes and one is a racoon
>Kangaroos are still labeled as """"""""prey"""""""" even though they can fuck up anything that trys to harm them
Calling it now
You need to have a Phantump in your party to evolve the Koala
I hit one with a truck by accident when I lived over there for a couple years. seemed like prey to me
They don't have to justify why they made each individual choice, it's just something you can look into if you're curious.
You fucked up. Now you'll be haunted by its ghost.
Now THAT is my mom's dog
Did you put a jacket on it?
God damn you aussies are ugly but you are ripped as fuck
Yea yea v never change blahbitty blahbitty boo memes. On an actual note, loving the designs so far. They look to be the new starter field mons. If they ran out of ideas, you wouldn't have posted that picture
For these pokemon to exist in 1996.
That's the only way people wouldn't complain about new pokemon.
People were happy to imagine and invent new pokemon then, until they actually made new pokemon.
they're bastards man. overgrown rats who never skipped leg day.
if I had a dollar for every time that was the response to that story
Which city's Rose living now?
iwa = rock
wanko = puppy (made of wan = bark + ko = baby)
That's it, that's the reason, op.
Nintenyearolds will defend anything.
Please tell me there's more
They're based on tanukis, and they're a canid species oddly enough. They just LOOK like raccons much like actual tanukis.
Do you even pokemon? I fixed your list for you.
Mind = Blown
Mightyena is a hyena
>struggling artist
fucking kek
>"Remember when Pokemon used to be based on animals? What's this Sword and Lantern shit?"
>"These Pokemon are literally animals. GameFreak is running out of ideas!"
Zigzagoon shares more in common with actual raccoons, and its official classification is "Tiny Raccoon Pokemon" not "Tiny Tanuki Pokemon"
In addition, the Japanese name uses "アライグマ" which refers to actual raccoons and not tanukis "たぬき"
Just go and play SMT
Funfact: Hyenas are more related to cats than dogs.
A rock type dog couldn't make me happier.
With the exception of the shitty seal, the designs so far are exactly what I want. Just some dumb animals.
I'm worried about the koala though. Pokemon with silly props usually turn to shit when they evolve.
its a zigzag racoon moron
>Transforming fox demon
Pick fucking one, dingbat.
Oh shit I remember that website!
Nobody cares about your shit taste
>taking a joke this seriously
I actually think there is another layer to it
>Zigzag = Spikes on its body
>Goon = face looks like it's wearing a mask
>Zigzagoon = Racoon
It's a baboon
Mark my words, the seal grows up to be a total badass.
Not taste, those are facts.
Kind of funny how genwunners forget how over the line our fakemon were back then.
Just like the penguin, right?
at least they were fake though
>Disliking my mom's bricklayer
Otters are trash anyway.
Samurott looks great desu
Actually pretty decent designs
Why do you think they're skipping Z?
They know that piece of shit was a mistake, and are thankfully keeping it anime only.