I have question for who pays Gold/ps plus

how do you justify it?
really not trying shitpost or anything.

Recently found a ps4 for pretty cheap but this shit stopped me from buying.

I really find situation ridiculous.I wanted this thing for overwatch since my laptop couldnt handle game. I am going to pay more price for game itself , then $50 more for playing online.

how did people not hated this? really i dont get this shit.

Seems so bizarre to me.

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Don't play FPS on consoles please

I'm guessing most console players haven't got any other choice.
They're not suddenly gonna buy a gaming PC. It's just one of those things you curse loudly, then you shrug and pay because you have little other choice.

Her mouth looks like a p00ssy lmao

Why did your English drop so fucking hard halfway through?

>how do you justify it?

You don't.

When you get older you stop trying to justify having to do little, shitty things. It's a waste of time to get hung up on shit that doesn't matter. You'll lose your mind if you let shit like that stop you from doing what you want.

i can play online and i get games "for free"
what is it now? 12bucks a month?
if thats a problem, that might not be the problem you need to look at

Well i guess if laptops were a little cheaper and had good performance then consoles would fuck up badly?

I heard nvidia putting 1080 and 1070 to laptops real versions and in much smaller case.If performance is really good , price will go down .

I hope gaming laptops take off cause its much better option then consoles.

I just dont get whole thing. An a person buys overwatch on PC.
You buy on PS4.

you also have to pay for Plus . But pc person just plays it.

if all 3 platforms had paywalls i would gladly understand concept, but one doesnt having it make this thing so stupid.

I've had Plus since they launched it. $50/year is $4.66 a month. I get 6 games a month for $4.66. Sure, some games I already have, or am not interested in, or are garbage. But it's worked out well for me in the long run that I've gotten games I would have bought anyway and been spending more than $50/year on them.

I don't like that they tied the online to Plus.

It's only 6$ a month, I get like 6-8 games a month, it's not rocket science.

I can't really justify it if you only own a single sony console, but I have ps3/ps4/psTV

granted they might not be great, this month's ps4 choices are nba and gone home, but honestly it's not expensive enough for me to notice and I just add them to my library at the beginning of the month and play the ones that seem interesting.

Consoles have had to put up with these hidden costs for years.

I got a ton of years back when they had a big sale of them years ago.
I just can not justify resubbing now that my subscription is finally ending, I almost never play mp games and the "free" games went to shit the moment plus became a requirement for mp with the ps4.
It was awesome back during it's heyday on the ps3.

>if thats a problem, that might not be the problem you need to look at

yeah but if its 4.5$ for a month then why they dont sell monthly subs? .

i stand by my statement
well, i got the price wrong, but i stand by it
its a VERY small issue in the life of a not-child

Usually, i would justify it by saying for that money, you get a couple of good games a month. That hasn't been the case for a while on PS Plus though

They do

but most of PS4 users are child(people underage of 18).

Isnt that big problem for them?

>3 different people vs other 3 different people
>everyone says the same

You have autism?

I got it to play Online, only to discover I don't like to play games online, and I haven't liked any of the PS+ games since I started in January. I'm not getting PS+ again. It was a mistake.

Parents pay for it

It's the same as with internet for phones. People get ripped off so hard compared to local internet at home. It's just a few big companies having complete control and do whatever they want

>$10 for month
yeah i stand correct.

I wouldn't have considered it if I didn't get those "free" games every month. Sometimes they can be pretty good.

It works out to $4.66 if you buy $50/year. You can buy 6 months for $18 I think. Or $10 for one month.

I always buy the yearly renewal. I've gotten it on sale most times for $40-ish.

Not really, since their parents are financially stable enough to have kids in the first place.

I pay for Plus but only for the japanese PSN, mostly because of the free uncensored games that will never make it over here, plus the weird ass games they sometimes offer with it or discount for being a member.

No way I'm paying for the US one though.

Oops, 3 months for $18.

>implying sony didn't just steal microsofts moneymaking idea.
>implying ps+ was going to be pay for online on ps4 if microsoft had never done such a thing.

>50$ for a year

They just ask parents for an annual sub every time christmas or the birthday comes around

Just buy a 1070 instead fuckboi

why would i ? R480 would open every game at 1080p 60fps for 200$. Why need 1070 if you arent gaming 4k

So you don't need to buy a new card in 9 months when games are designed for 1070 30fps and your card already struggles

7850 still plays this so called next gen games at 30fps. why would you need new card

>Sup Forums has actually become neogaf

On low. I have a 7950 and it sucks. Most games now force me to play on low or a mix of low and medium to get an acceptable framerate. Anyway, why would you willingly aim for 30? 45+ should be minimum

Just buy a console then if you like wasting money

I share accounts with my friend and get PS+ benefits for free.

I play games on my PS4 to keep in touch with my friends. My best friend plays on a PS4 so I got one as well so we could play together, since we live on the opposite side of the country nowadays.

because those giant watercooling bricks they've come out with are so trendy and convienient

>laptop gaming

This. I don't care I set it to auto pay and never think about it again.

i pay for plus, for the past 4 years my family has given me money for my birthday or whatever holiday it is. usually totals up to over $60 so i say fuck it why not
>inb4 underage b&
i'm 18 ya cocks i know how shit works here

Is that Dante Hicks as a burrito?

I've paid for plus since the start for the monthly games.

Netted myself something like 350+ games, with probably 1/3 of those being at least 7/10 on my enjoyment scale.

Well worth it imo, even though plus has been shit for offerings recently it only takes a few good games to justify the price - styx, rocket league, binding if Isaac (with expansions) and ground zeroes all would have cost more than a whole year of plus if I bought them individually

I pay for a full year at once. I think it's stil l 60 total which evens out to 5 bucks a month. Less than Netflix is a pretty good price