Give me one reason why I should pay for games when I don't have to

Give me one reason why I should pay for games when I don't have to.

So more games like the one you bought are made in the future

Make me

i only pirate on 3ds cause they make it so damn easy, pay for everything else full price so i feel like it evens out.

If you like said dev and want more in the future
If not then Do what you want!

also 3ds games are super overpriced

that said it almost feels dirty literally downloading their own games for free of their own eshop app.
but fuck paying 45 dollaridoos for a game

A dingo is eating your baby

in the future, when mandatory RIAAMPAA anti-piracy chips are installed in your brain, you will receive an electric shock every time you experience anything you have not paid for.
so better get used to being a good consumer now.

Games are a luxury, not a right, you can pirate them if you want to try them, but pirate every single day and laughing because you are "too kewl" to pay will make you an asshole. No wait, you are already an asshole.

Kant's categorical imperative.

>games are a luxury
Obviously not if you can get them for free.

money influences what kind of games get made

tfw genres best loved by pirates keep dying out

I can't give you a good reason. I just think that anti-piracy should be pressed harder. I mean, Steam made buying shit at a good price stupidly easy. PC games are already usually released at a steep discount, then further discounts are piled on later. If someone's pirating games in that event, it's just because they have the option, and don't want to spend a cent.

So you have an entire demographic of gamer that shells out thousands in PC parts per year, and not a cent on games. Then they pat themselves on the back for it and accuse everyone else of "killing videogames".

The problem here doesn't lie with anyone but the pirates. Denuvo was an excellent step but it needs to go harder.

It isn't like anime, where series often don't get localized and importing a single blu-ray can cost $80. It isn't like pirating old content that can be hard to find physically, or for sale at all. It's brand new media released at an already low rate.

i pity who pay for 3ds games or any handheld game that matters.

3ds games are literally looking like shit . no worse then flash games on web browser.

they have to pay me to play their flash games

Buying games is more convenient

If the price of the game is worth the convenience to you, then buying is better

>Open up Steam
>Click buy game

Pirating with public tracker

>Go to some shitty public tracker and try to find a clean working version
>Start the download (possibly slow)
>Do whatever work is needed to apply the crack
>Play if it works and you're lucky

Pirating with private tracker

>Go to some private tracker and try to find a working version
>Start the download
>Do whatever work is needed to apply the crack
>Seed the thing for days causing your internet to slow down meaning you can't play multi games

There isn't a good reason. People have gotten so caught up in the "capitalism is good" fad that they've brainwashed themselves into thinking that everyone has to pay. The games are getting bought, just not by pirates. So in a way, the people who are paying money are covering both you and them. Just pay it forward at some point, be it in good deeds, insightful comments, or dank trees ;)

You can take as much as you want as long as you aren't stingy with what you have. The suits will make their money, they're obsessed with it. They wouldn't be publishing if they weren't getting their money's worth. Maybe the payers will have to pay more, or they'll get less for what they pay, or get charged in microtransactions. It doesn't matter. It'll all be available for free for the non-payers.

There's nothing morally upstanding about the payers, they've just chosen to cover everyone's costs. They have no right to expect us all to feel obligated to pay because they paid. That kind of authoritarian crap, this "you have to get what you want via transaction" is what's killing the world.

People will keep paying for games. As long as they do, other people don't have to pay for games. Unless the payers stop paying, there's no reason for anything to change.

Thanks, payers :)

>new game on steam
>they want 20-40 dollars for this trash
>mfw loading up the torrent

>Buying games is more convenient

we all know this stopped years ago.

>paying for PC games when they are equally available for free

Games are getting more expensive AND worse in content at the same time.
Pirating is where its at.

>mfw shitty EA/Ubisoft/Square Enix and other games use Denuvo now so I can't steal their shitty games


wan't that shit cracked a long time ago?

They changed the values + made it stronger.

It's hasn't been cracked again

>mfw Denuvo

>Give me one reason why I should pay for games when I don't have to.
Because you've got a decent paying job and its just easier to buy and play than to find a decently compressed and seeded repack or waiting for a scene group to crack a game and block it in your firewall.
That's my reason. Cmon dude steam has a solid refund policy.

Because of this mindset ALL games will soon be "free" to play ;^)

Expect us.

Then the pirate fags will blame everyone but themselves and reminisce about the "good old days" when there were actually videogames on PC and Sup Forums was apparently good.

Are you really that stupid? By paying for games you like you're supporting devs, and in the future they'll be able to do more good shit.

But yeah, to find out if the game is good or not, you should pirate it first.