New flash games thread! Share your favorite games, sites, etc. Whether it be stick games, tower defense or whatever, lets keep it as civil as the last thread. It was chill :)
New flash games thread! Share your favorite games, sites, etc. Whether it be stick games, tower defense or whatever...
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If you did not play this hottest of shits in the year of our lord and savior m00t-2006 of the golden age pre-horsefucker era then remove yourself from this community, as you offend it.
Still wondering if anyone played this game. Loved combining gems to see what it would actually make. Feelsgoodman
George bush and Bill gates were always in those type of games
holy fucking shit i remember this, wow
who here /picosimdate/?
I remember once you got the shotgun it got ridiculously easy.
Anyone remember this shit?
>Everyone calls it Armor Games
>Almost no one remembers when it was Games of Gondor
>mfw he made a sequel.
It's shit.
still had the best music
>Tfw 10 hour version on youtube
i pretended i had stats and could improve them like style/fashion/charisma and the girl I had a crush on didnt even know I existed
Anyone? Still my fav flash game
Lego website used to have a crap to of great games. Is there a archive for that stuff?
In you and I, there's a new laaaaaaannnd
>most phone games that have made BILLIONS of dollars are all ripped off from good popular flash games from the golden age
did this come out before or after dan-ball powder game?
My guess would be way before.
who /bot arena 3/ here?
Is that the miniclip game? Hellisomething
I think its the same person, the screenshot says namekuji and the guy running DAN-BALL is japanese
okay please someone confirm.
i played a game called lemonade tycoon and you designed your lemonade receipe and location and hours to maximise money to buy ads and shit?
Heli Attack 2
my nigger
This game was the shit
Fuck does anyone remember that flash game where you played as different spider types and you had to attack an enemy nest? That was dope as hell
Holy shit I loved that game.
>bridge level
>block both sides with barrels
>throw a ton of gernades and get the highest score
Yah this game was the shit especially witht the devil
Does anyone know about these web videos that were really old. They started off with nes link going on adventure picking up more nintendo characters till they reach that nes game where its like the olympics.
Thats all i remember. If anyone can help please
i didn't know anyone else that played it at my school except for me and my best friend on pic related.
>tfw you will never again rush from lunch to play obscure flash games
Super underrated game
This game was so good that it got ported to fucking everything.
Loved that game but it become so frustrating losing all of your bubbles and then getting instantly killed by scaled enemies. Probably the best flash game mechanically.
No-one ever seems to remember foamy's videos. They were everywhere though. I never really liked them, but stuff that was plastered all over newgrounds always takes me back.
I would literally love anything that was Vidya themed, even if I hadn't played the games...
I was a lot better at the second one than the first one
probably because it wasn't until the second one I figured out you can wait until they get to your side, then just max out with the ranged fighters
bittersweet feeling having been a part of the community of geniune good shit that later got ripped off by the whole world. like being black when elvis took rock and roll
Everyone remembers Foamy. But I don't remember why I thought it was funny.
This was fucking everywhere when I was a teen, back in 2005-7. Anyone else?
Sup faggots
>that flash game where you fight the sexy aliens
>that flash game where your sister is a hot praying mantis girl
/d/ was always my fate
if only I could remember the names of those stupid games
Me and my brother would play this for hours, and I remember I always picked the pitchfork or the Nambu because "It's the cool nazi gun!"
this is my shit. this, territory war, and bowman 2, just shooting birds, sometimes getting two on the way up, often inexplicably getting more on the way down
This was on every Macintosh we had in elementary along with Cro magnon racing and that a really cool marble physics game
war is hell
>bloonsworld is dead
>myninjakiwi is dead
>they started jewing money with the TD's
Why not?
played through the first one, but never got far into the second or third which were tons harder. finished the one on steam though, it's a great TD series
Holy shit i remembered being MASSIVELY hyped for bubble tanks arenas
Anyone? This game was so good, i remember each area had the best of some weapon, and id always try to get the best bows and best hammers. good times
Anyone else play Sherwood? Never really understood the goal of it back then besides beating up skeletons.
Heliattack 3 was the shit though
oh fuck yes
>mfw Angry Birds success for a type of game that's been around forever
bumpin, love threads like this
Feudalism was my shit. 2 only made it better, yet no one I knew played it.
>kids growing up in the 2000s will have nostalgia threads about prehistoric phone games and they won't be even an ounce as meaningful to them as it was to us because it wasn't their escape for their childhood days
whats the bump limit of a thread?
>Need for madness 1 and 2
I can't remember that last time I had that much fun playing a game.
What is the modern day version of Foamy?
That was fun, one of the few "old" flash games that I feel actually aged decently
Did anyone play the Hapland series? It was hard as fuck but I spent hours experimenting.
YES. I died by spiders or something early on and closed it, never to find it again. Thanks!
I was actually just revisitting this like a week ago
Neurotically Yours still updates.
Anyone here ever play 4 second fury? I played it a few months back and noticed they changed the music or something? I first started playing it as a teenager and I remember it having different music.
fancy pants man
oh heck yeah my dude
clickbait youtube ranters who use shitty flash/mspaint drawings as an avatar like GradeAUnderA?
Less edgy though. Not cool to be edgy any more
They made a couple of those. The sequels had names like "firestorm" or "frenzy" or something. Maybe you played a different version?
Anyone remeber that "X in a blender" shit? I thought that was so funny, and there were many variations I think.
Also there was a game where you could kill Britney Spears in different ways or something
Who escape games here?
So you know how these days there's tons of indie devs trying to ape the old 16/8-bit pixel days?
Do you think that in a few more years there'll be indie games that try to copy the art style of these?
Oh wait mobile games
What was that one flash game where you had to solve your own death as a ghost? I remember something ripped it off hard around 2012/2013
The dead case? not sure
Most of my memories of flashgames come from Xgen. That fish game, stick arena, stick RPG, defend your castle, and motherload. I also remember causing a lot of trouble on the forum as a retarded 12 year old
Actually good games
What were we thinking?
Didnt it turn into an actual puzzle game into yet another puzzle defense?
my fucking nigger
that game was the shit
Crimson/Viridian/Blue/White rooms on FASCO-CS were amazing
Is there a better moment in retsupurae than this?
Fuck, this thread got me playing Line Rider now. Didnt they sell out and make a DS version?
Ye that's it. Some DeviantART faggot ripped it off in their own game and caused a ton of dramawhoring.
Viridian room had you send off your spirit by creating a shrine to it, hard as fuck but really fun. Even if you didn't play it then it's worth trying now
I loved maid marian. I recently went back to that site only to find that the community seems to be nothing but spanish speakers now.
Anyone play Karoshi?
I fucking forgot about this!