Skyrim Remasterd

Skyrim with a better engine is coming.

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Basically what mods can do for 3 years now


A remaster won't fix the awful gameplay
Or world
Or questlines
Or companions
Or its shitty soundtrack
Or anything wrong with the game

>console peasants rebuying the game instead of using PC with mods

>better engine

Will it come with dungeons worth exploring?

Add copy / pasted dungeons and bandit / giant camps to the list as well

I'd honestly be more excited for an Oblivion remaster, at least that game had some redeeming qualities.

I really don't understand why Bethesda would do this. Unless they're planning on charging for mods on the consoles..

>Skyrim with a better engine
>Better engine

It will run infinitely better than modded skyrim

Still not an amazing game in terms of replayability which kind of kills it

Well you can mod skyrim to the max, but you always have That ugly distance and bad loading
Hope they Gonna fix it

What's not to understand? Re-release an immensely popular game with next to no effort and rake in millions from desperate consolecucks

>put in effort

we already made a high res texture pack user, be happy you're getting it. It will also keep the game at a cinematic not quite stable 30 fps on PS4. be sure to download the hottest mods from bethesdanet though. 90% of all modding for our games comes from console users like yourself, our statistics prove it.

>That ugly distance and bad loading
Draw distance can be fixed with LODgen. And, care to tell use why you do not have modded Bethesda game installed on a SSD.

I am a pc gamer :)
Always played ulta Modded Skyrim..
Buyed a 1080 gtx to get stabel fps, still not stable get like 40 fps

if they make the combat more like dark souls tis' could be a good game.

So, they're going to release the same fucking game, just updated and with mod support strictly for consoles. How much will they charge for this? 20 bucks? Meanwhile PC users have the same fucking thing but better, and you can get that off Steam for pocket change. Or better yet, for free.

Isn't skyrim already remastered?
Do you really believe they make it look better than the modders?

Have it on ssd still not stable with all distance mod, first try yourself before you say something stupid

joostfag gtfo

I Just hope for it my friend, i love to see skyrim in a good engine

If someone loves that game then they have to own it on Pc or last gen. Why buy it again? If they're adding some new content then I could see it doing well. If not. Who's going to buy it?

>want to get into Skyrim because it's clear effort was put into it, but in the wrong places
Are there any mods that make the game play more like Morrowind?

is Skyrim with a good game coming?
You know, little things like...
>good dungeons
>bigger settlements
>interesting world
>interesting enemies
>Morrowind-style scaling


>A remaster won't fix the awful gameplay

At least is not as bad as The Witcher 3.

Jeh sure search it on nexus

Just make a mod that changes the damage of all weapons to 0.

>Skyrim with a better engine is coming.
Its the same engine as before you stupid fuck.

Loving this meme

Updated one with direct x 11 or 12 scumb

>"skyrim remaster! now on PS4 and Xbox One!"
>"now with the mod system!"

poor ignorant console players will spend 60$ more (+ dlc) justy to be able to load 2Gb of texture mods
it really makes me sad for them and mad at beth to abuse their players in such a way

Damn much People fell for the same engine meme..

People sold their last gen consoles for the new ones. People don't want 2 boxes hooked up to play a single old game. etc

It's the same engine a Morrowind

And it's still going to look like garbage and be locked to 30FPS

if you want Skyrim to look good you need a pretty beefy system, or at least one that significantly overpowers current gen consoles


Man if they fall for it because they are more incapable than a 10 year old to do some basic research or understand how mods work at a very basic level they deserve it.

Have a overpowerd pc, still not 60fps
Latest videocard installed.

to their defense they are conditionned to fall into this, it also doesn't help to have all the drones blabbering lies and disinformation.

Skyrim will be remastered by:
>making the dialogue more bland and short
>removing half the skills
>more simplistic dungeons
>even less "puzzles"
>less books

Thanks Bethesda. You're really looking out for us gamers. :^)

what? pic related gives me solid 60 at all times in 4K with textures and other mods out the ass

I have to agree with him. They're comparably terrible. TW3 is more intelligently designed, but it still fails on basic levels. Skyrim, however, was more ambitious. Witcher games have to be the most overrated-by-Sup Forums thing after Dark Souls.

Which CPU?

>being excited about the worst bethesda game

>people literally bought reference 1080s
Jesu Fukkan Cristu

Intel i5 skylake

>they're literally releasing Skyrim 2
>it will still sell in millions because Beth fanbase consists of total retards

How far can they go?

Jeh with a solid distance loading?
Uhm.... No

Console people will eat it up, even when it only takes 15mins to LoDgen, enb and 4k texture everything on pc.

Beth has no fan base, it's just casuals hopping on aaa bandwagon
Real fans that have been jacking to lore for ten years and can name you every aspect of every Et'Ada hate current Beth

Yeah I see why you're having issues. Try getting 5960x i7. They dropped a bit in price and will go awesome with your 1080. Especially if you're aiming for solid 60 fps in 1080p

>Skyrim remastered
Wow thats really fucking stupid. I hope this is just some niggers rumor.

Theres nothing salvageable about Skyrim, especially not with a fuckin hd re-release, thats done hundred times before with mods, for free.

Anything else from Elderscroll line as remastered would be better. Skyrim is the worst fucking candinate for this.

Hello Todd

he talked about the loading times, not the framerate

Hi. Step into my office and we can have a nice friendly chat... Dream boy.

>best selling rpg of all time
>Theres nothing salvageable about Skyrim

>not gamebryo

ummmmm no?

Valenwood will be announced.

Nah, beth said last year we wont be seeing another elder scrolls for 4-5 years

Who said, Todd?

TESVI is coming from Obsidian, not Bethesda.


A man can dream.

Here's the problem with most games now days, they all focus on the non-gameplay aspects and the game ends up being mediocre and ends up feeling more like a movie with bumper cars in between scenes.




>good engine

>better engine
Yeah, they are going to rebuild the whole game in a new engine just for a rerelease

They'll just name gamebyro something else and tell people it's a new engine

just like they did with F4

When gamebryo actually works, I like it desu

see, thats the thing when mods what do further on a release be than a better while it should have been PS4.

>skyrim in fallout 4 version of gamebryo
>breaks all mods
>have to wait for new mod tools to be released before modding
>meanwhile bethesda released paid mods

t.odd Howard

So, never?

Will they fix the awful questlines, dull world and cringe worthy writing? I dont really care about graphics.

It felt pretty stable last time I played TTW.

>infinitely better
Are you serious? Bethesda games are renowned for being buggy unoptimized pieces of shit so much so that the modding community has to fix their fuckups for them. Why would this be any better?

I want a remastered Oblivion

jesus christ this sentence

What are you on about?

This, I can replay Morrowind with almost no mods, but Oblivion just feels unplayable and I can't replay it, even though I want to.


You cheeky cunt

What, how the hell do you not get solid 60, when I get it with a 970, modded as shit


>mfw everyone, incuding Sup Forums, will fall for the hype again and buy it.

>implying I bought any Bethesda game


If they ever gonna remade any TES at least do Morrowind or even Oblivion

>Now you can wait 5 years for mods to get as extensive as they are now for regular Skyrim!

I learned my lesson buying Fallout 4. Not just the game sucking but there are fuck all mods on par with the shit you see in Skyrim, half the good ones are WIP, most are abandoned.

Wait years before you buy Bethesda games. Hopefully then worthwhile mods will exist.


But o obsidian doesn't know lore

>or last gen

This may surprise you, but most people don't like playing games at 700p and 20 FPS, with bugs like saves bloating. They might like to try Skyrim at non-N64 tier performance.

I hate it when they remaster a single game in a franchise. They should port all of the Elder Scrolls games to the new engine and release them as a collection on one disc on the PS4/Xbone. Same with the Fallout games.

Your looking at this the wrong way.

If mods could polish the turd that was skyrim, think of what they can do for this remastered one.

I doubt Bethesda knows more than they do.

They can just read up on it a bit, play the previous games, and then make a non-important spinoff.

Yeah, but it will take months if not years for that.

Beth is just going full jew with releasing the same game twice with 5 years between them

But the biggest problems in skyrim came from things that mods cant change, graphics were never a problem.
Dont get your hopes up.

>If mods could polish the turd that was skyrim, think of what they can do for this remastered one.


It took 5 years to polish Skyrim to this level, so enjoy waiting until 2021 to see the remaster this polished.

Mods can fix a lot of things, but they cannot fix the fact that every character in Skyrim is the most boring character in Skyrim

Wrong fucking game to remaster. What the fuck.

i loathe this kind of shit but if they actually updated skyrims engine so that it can actually fucking run with mods without its crippling bugs and memory problems, that would be cool

But those didn't sell as well, and normies don't know about them.