New vocal collection when?

New vocal collection when?

GG thread

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this coverart is so good that I would actually go full weeb and buy it as a poster

>maximillion is playing gg rev

i dont see why he's going to drop it when he knows he can't beat people online

He just posted a video encouraging people to buy this game
If that makes the online numbers go up I would actually consider donating to his stream

So with Robo-Ky all but announced for next GG iteration or DLC, I wonder if they'll just remix Holy Orders/Magnolia Eclair or give him an actual, individual theme.

I mean really, Order Sol was closer to regular Sol than Robo-Ky was to Ky and yet Robo only got a creepy Holy Orders remix or bird noises the theme song

he did the same thing when the first game came out it would help a lot more if he played the game for more than 2 weeks,but instead he's all over it since it's the new flavor of the month

I hope so. Max may be a shill but his opinions do influence a lot of people. That combined with ceo and evo hype could make gg more mainstream.


Is the EU going to get support this time or do i need to grab a US copy again?

Post yfw Bedman fucking dies.

My favorite new character in Xrd and he fucking bites it. At least he went out scaring the shit out of Ariels

It looks like he's more determined to get better this time and he's having fun with Raven

>tfw still can't really play gg or bb well at all

this might be because i suck at fighting games in general but anime fighting game just often feel like way to much for me

Eh, Im willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, that video of his is dicksucking ASW taken to 11. Then again he knows the Max CPM game

FAB think he slick >_> >_>

He dabbin! ;))))

this is mfw

I don't really care cuz it was done by Robo-Ky who is my fav, and Bedman's power was so immense he might be back anyway. For all we know, the blue aura surrounding Robo-Ky's head in the epilogue is Bedman's spirit possessing it

Isn't that out in Japan already?

Why bother? Nothing will top Nothing Out of the Ordinary

So what's That Man planning?

Why is the netcode so godly and why don't more devs copy it?

>tfw no dub
I mean I can deal but as a Faust main it's a bit saddening considering he had a top tier dub voice

>that bit where Sol and Ky freak out over realizing they're 'related'


is it better than xrd's? i remember it being choppy in some areas

I live in some 3rd world shithole and I get 5f at most delay, which used to be 12f back Sign

Jam jam jam all night

Ive met Max. He's a nice enough guy but he takes himself too seriously IRL

ill have to pick it up soon then,also why is this game 60 bucks? i thought updates were usually like 40?

This aint Capcom. Though to be fair, alot of the new things in this game are aimed for casuals, things like minigames, new 5 hour movie, tutorials etc. I guess you can chalk it up for the new online lobby too since the netcode's been drastically improved compared to Xrd Sign. Arc's a small company to be able to shell out small updates, but I guess thats just how they do things since consoles and pc arent their primary source of income.

For me though, its been a year and a half since the previous version, and Im a huge fan of the series so I dont really mind buying it in full, though I guess for others, I cant really justify if theyre willing to shell out for it. Compared to every other fighting game out there right now though (maybe except KI), this game's a bit more consumer friendly.


thats why

Whats the best method for doing kum haehyun's reverse dp donkey kick launch mid combo? It is probably the weirdest input idea for a move ive ever seen

i'm only here for safe intoxication
where the fuck is it

Is having a stick recommended for this game or is a normal DS4 good enough?

Same, I couldnt grasp the input at all, you do 623K then back?

I play using a Hori FC4 pad, its all about preference. Some characters like Zato and Johnny are easier on stick though because of Negative Edging and Mist cancelling respectively

This is not weird.

In BB Bullet has moves that require you to do 2 and 3 circles. 2 fucking circles, what were they thinking?

623k, keep k held while you move to 4
i think its probably easier on stick

those are at least normal inputs

You never played a grapper in your life right? 2 circles is normal.

3 circles is more weird, but you have to input them during a special, so it's easy.

Xrd lobby > Rev lobby

why bother with cool lobbies when everyone jumps straight into player match that takes 10 seconds to load

Tell me about Jack-o. Why does she wear that mask?

What do the fish you catch do? I have five of them.

Corrupt your game

It atleast gives you the chance to play with strangers. Thats usually what I do in French and the Sapporo lobbies

Not to mention when you jump on an arcade cab you don't know if the person you'll be facing is a 0-bar or not. Why couldn't the just display your connection to people like in the player rooms?

When you collect 10 of them you automatically get a new item, so you don't really have to think about them.

What's the story behind Bedman. Does he have an agenda, does it have to do with his sister?

Yeah that's retarded, pretty sure they did in P4U2

The arcade cabs only worked once for me, all the other times were connection failures

where do asians play

Japan, Beijing.

The people in Jap lobbies are monsters though as expected. Got my ass handed to me 10-0 by a Venom. Those setups, plua they can IAD combo in 5f lag fucking wow

In Asia/on Asian obbies

wait does it even matter everyone goes to player match anyway

He and his sister are these fucking powerful telepaths and reality benders; he can function by basically putting himself to 'sleep' and being 'conscious' on this weird other plane (which might be the Backyard?); a sort of dreamland world he's created.

He joined with the Universal Will (the big bad in this and -Sign-) in order to create a world where his sister can actually fucking function in the real world without being tethered by her own powers. He's doing everything for her sake. He explains to Axl later on that he plans on reversing all of the wrongs he's done (sort of like Nox from Wakfu; he believes that when the 'new world' is created, he can bring back all of those he's killed).

He gets fucking murdered by Robo-Ky and Venom due to PREP TIME and ROBO-PHILOSOPHY, and as he's laying dying the Universal Will approaches him, taunts him, tells him how he's a fucking faggot and how she never had any intention of fulfilling his dreams.

Bedman fucking rises to his feet (he's wake, but bedless) and goes all ZA WARUDO on her, practically warping reality around them, What's awesome is that he could have easily killed the main villain had he not been fucking brutalized. But having expended all of his power and been ripped to ribbons, he turns to stone and ash and fucking dies.

Then his sister approaches his corpse.

>STILL no soundtrack upload

Depends. Japs especially have this weird sense of privacy to some extent. Not a lot of them just barge in a random room unless theyre somehow acquainted so they also use the public cabs for games with random people

Since BDO is dead already I might actually go back to playing Xrd. Is the EU version of Revelator shit? Should I just buy JP again?

>Still no (full) Story Mode English upload
>The only place where anons do upload it is on youtube, where it takes Arcsys ninja police 5 seconds to take it down

>tfw got the 2014 live soundtrack with my jp limited edition
>tfw got eu pre-release code

the player rooms function like the world lobby is supposed to, i imagine.
player room cabs have instant rematches and no weird connection issues.

its probably because you're getting the avatar inputs for 50+ characters while in a world lobby. back when i was playing jap version world lobbies and there were only like 12 people, it was a lot more stable. there was still a connection error now and then though.

All matches I've played so far has been 5f lag or more, usually 10f above

when will networking technology progress enough to accommodate silky smooth netplay no matter where you're from

A couple days ago some kind user posted the first part of the Story Mode for Revelator. Has he uploaded the second part yet? Did I miss yet? Where else can I watch it? I NEED to know what happens.

Bedman vs. Slayer was a great fight

Is it just a movie again? Or are there some actual fights this time?

5 hours movie. A cute movie but still

it appears that ArcSys deleted it.

it's like a VN without choices with a few cutscenes

>tfw playing Raven

They finally did it, a setplay character for people with 0 execution and cant properly put time into Zato, Venom or Millia. This character is so braindead it hurts. The icing is he even has a command grab.

Fun to play, but fucking wow

The first part? Probably, the link was active 2+ days and posted here several times. The second part I never saw uploaded myself.

All my matches have been 1-3f, but I've less than 30 matches played so far.

>it appears that ArcSys deleted it.
But it was an MP4 uploaded on MEGA. Don't tell me...does ArcSys's copyright crusade extend out of YouTube?

Never underestimate ArcCops

Does the story address Ky's apparent Gear AIDS they revealed at the end of the last game?

Nah, the user is pulling it out of his ass (probably to discourage people from uploading the rest by making them think - even if I do it, it'll be taken down fast. Might be secret Arcsys policeman).

Here is the link. First half from what I know.!Vdl1WAgJ!SWEPYgXveombIvxvNo8z8Vd7jDbw8eUbLLSgwdFRMf8

Now the only thing that remains is for someone to use mega to upload the remaining part (chapters 6-8+epilogue) instead of goddamn youtube, where it'll take der ewige Arcsys 5 secs to take it down.

What a fucking waste of resources.
Game's been released since 4 days. Let people upload a fucking video.
It's no longer a selling point.

Thanks but I already have the 1st part.

GAH! I really need that kind user to post the 2nd one. There are a couple of newly-posted ones on YouTube, but all of them have terrible quality.

Nah. I really thought that the second part was deleted for ArcSys, becuase nobody upload it. But hey, thats not my problem. I already watched it.

The only place you can't upload it is youtube because their removal process is very fast and obedient to companies, file uploaders don't really seem to care and Arcsys has seemingly no influence on mega.

What? Story mode didn't show anything like that for me, it just ended with That Man appearing with "Time for the truth" cliffhanger.

Did you download the update for the game? It unlocks the second half of the story mode (and dlc characters probably)?

Is teh second part of the story. In the japanese release, that was the end until the new patch comes.
In the English version, it was direct. Just search for Episode 6 in the Story mode.

Ah, not yet. I just got the game yesterday and mostly powered through story mode to get the points for Raven.

I'm gonna miss Faust, Axl's and Slayers dub.


$10 says they'll just record Ky's theme played on an old Victrola again

You're likely:

1) Under garbage internet, you're not using wireless are you?
2) Playing people from way too far
3) Not letting the intro animation play out in order to let things catch up
4) All of the above

>Bedman had a hard life..
I really liked his antics and his interaction with the cast. Will Bedman's sister live up to the banter?

So as someone who can't get Revelator for the next month or two because reasons:

1) Does the online have a training mode you can do with friends?
2) Does your -Sign- save file affect Revelator's in any way? Music unlocks, information...?

fuck arcsys got my 10 year old youtube account deleted just because i had uploaded a few blazblue songs right around the time the first game releas


Keep your goddamn shekels in your goddamn pocket, but I hope if they MUST go low effort with a character that definitely deserves his own theme like Robo-Ky, at least they remix some Isuka track instead. Out of World/Rift in the Clouds mixed together would fit well.

Or hell, just take Vortex Infinitum from Korean soundtrack and remix it.

But I'd even take just an outright rip of Holy Orders? instead of BIRD NOISES

I bought EU version digitally on release, have the latest version and I cant see any sixth chapter, so I guess we got fucked over

So Arcsys did it again?

afaik you have to download the last chapter

and no, it's free

I am in the PSN store right now and there's no story downloadable. We also dont get any free characters on release week or however long that promotion was for US

Best waifu when?

They're going to release the patch next week like in JP version

I hope it adds free unblockable Kum like they promised

i only played the jp version thus far
i had to download Kum via code and the missing story chapter already on it or came with the update, i don't know exactly

That means unless some American posts it here, no European will see what happens further in the story mode until much later. I bet they'll delay it a few weeks.

That sucks.


>want to play a fighting game that isn't Street Fighter
>live in Australia


Raven is so Fun

Why isn't there a dub for Relevator like the previous one?

Any EU folks want to play? I mainly play BB but want to give GG a chance


The first one's way more important anyway

Thanks for answering the question

Probably ended up being an unwise investment


The game was rushed for console release.
>Dizzy isnt out yet despite being advertised heavily
>Story mode has lots of bugs like mouths not moving and character just spazzing out in the background
>half of the story mode had to be patched in because the second half wasnt finished at release

>Does your -Sign- save file affect Revelator's in any way?
It never works that way with Arcsys games, I'll be surprised if they gave any sort of loyalty bonus or discount to -Sign- owners let alone doing that ever