Playing TF2 just now

>playing TF2 just now
>some guy joins our game with my screen name
>starts pretending to be me, even pretending to me telling him to stop pretending
>I ignore him at first
>he creates this fake conversation for everyone to see in the chat while my game gets laggier and laggier,
>strange things start to happen, and it keeps freezing up
>Think I'm being hacked so I disconnect

W-what the fuck?

Why... Did he join and target me specifically? What was going on?

I don't talk to people online, and I don't have people I know on steam who would do that, I'm just some nobody

The way it happened really spooked me

keep us updated op

Check your steam folder, see if there is a readme there

Holy shit please let there be no updates

I would lose my god damn mind if this happened

That's weird. What could he possibly be doing?

no spook thnx

Dont worry OP,

It was probably some faggot with the epic "ddos XD" meme.

What's your name?

Maybe it was you from a parallel universe.

rich evans