Is it worth playing this, or should I just skip to 2?
Is it worth playing this, or should I just skip to 2?
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It's better than 2, so yes.
>Story heavy series
>widely beloved
>Literally the picture you posted is plastered with awards
Yes, start the story driven vidya series with the first one
This, I'm sick of people asking this question. No reason not to at least try it. Its on sale for dirt cheap on gog right now.
>the inevitable faggots that will come to the thread and say "Nah, i skipped it, because i heard it sucked and i didn't feel like i missed anything :^)"
Same for ME threads. Why do these mouth breathers exist?
If you skip The Witcher you might as well skip video games altogether.
It's the best Witcher game, certainly better than 2, so maybe.
I've personally never understood WHY people ask these questions. Like, if a whole game series is considered to be really good, wouldn't you want to play as many good games as possible? I swear some people here view playing a games as some kind of chore.
>Do I HAVEEEE to play Metal Gear Solid 1 mum? I really don't want to. Do I have to play Yakuza 1? Ace Attorney 1? 999? I just want to skip straight to the end!
Is 2 really that bad? I bought it for 3$ last week and I haven't played it yet but I keep hearing negative stuff about it. I loved the first one.
Because you're posting where mouth-breathers converge.
It's pretty shit desu gameplay is even worse than 2 and 3.
OK, I heard witcher sucked anyways.
2 is divisive. Personally I loved it, but depending on who you ask its either the best or the worst of the series. Its rough around the edges but the story it is really good. Just try it yourself.
Obviously he's interested in what Sup Forums thinks rather than metacritic
Literally every game in the series has aspects of unmatched excellence as well as massive flaws.
what's your tolerance for sword fighting to be abstracted to a non-musical rythmn game? How much do you enjoy swamps and drowners? Oh and everyone is uglier than Oblivion NPCs
You should play it.
The graphics are terrible compared to TW2, but the story is great and it's actually a much longer game than TW2 as well.
Combat is hit and miss - some people can't stand it, but it's really not that bad (just simplistic)
Just play it. If you'll get into it you'll have hours of fun. If not, nothing of value was lost, and move on to TW2.
You can't just ask if the game is good and be done with it. Try it yourself and come up with your own opinion.
It's a step down from the original's greatest points of excellency (atmosphere, music, playing-in-character component and such like) and it has a number of other faults like being much shorter (even if you count second and third act twice), story that is too impersonal in favour of politics and an interface suffering from an apparent case of consolitis. However, the strengths of the original are still there and it's a more polished higher production value game with Batman-inspired combat (whether or not you like that is up for you to decide).
Why don't you just play it and decide for yourself instead of listening to autistic shitposters on a Chinese frogposting board?
Skip to 3, the first two games are shit
It's not bad, but imo it's the weakest of the series. It's also by far the shortest - everything feels a bit too rushed.
I liked it a lot but I have a fixiation on slavic mythology so that was a definite drive to play the game.
Try it for a bit and see if you like it.
Best ambientation in the series
Any good graphic mods for it?
It is an indie game mad by a team of 300 slavs with a small budget.
For what it is it is a very good game.
I thought the music was fine, especially the motif.
Best song coming through.
>slavic mythology
>almost every creature is from greek or germanic mythology
Well, the original was made with a budget of a milking cow and two bottles of vodka and it's longer and doesn't feel rushed, so that doesn't exactly excuse TW2 from anything.
Which ones were greek?
Germanic, due to geographical placement, has some influences on slavic and vice versa
Witcher 2's soundtrack is a mixed bag. The ambient stuff like you posed is great, but then they throw some metal riffs into the combat music and I cringe. Still its my favorite of the series for its story and choice and consequence.
>Should I play the first installment of this incredibly story focused series or can I just skip to the conclusion?
Not him, but there are Harpies, Sirens, and Cyclopes
>Which ones were greek?
Not him, but it did have cocktrices, basilisks, succubi, cemetaurs, etc
Probably not as many as Slavic or Germanic monsters though
Story wise you don't need to have played the other games. The story will be better if you do but there is nothing that links the games together story wise apart from themes and character.
People should still play all of them though.
I was disappointed they didn't put any of the graveirs in the two sequels as well.
How many fucking times do we need this shit thread?
Here's the answer for now and forever:
1 is a fucking fantastic RPG and the official ranking of the Witcher series is
3=1 > 2
3 has the best gameplay. 2 has the best story but by far the worst gameplay. 1 has the best atmosphere and fantastic UI and a decent story to boot.
Its the weakest but its still a fantastic game.