Mario 64 just can't catch a break, huh
Mario 64 just can't catch a break, huh
Other urls found in this thread:
inb4 scuttlebug
inb4 A-press
inb4 12 hours
inb4 henry
t. """"""""""""""""Henry """"""""""""""""
This video wasn't that complicated, especially compared to his other ones. It's also almost entirely useless, except for the amusing demo desync.
It could potentially save some A presses on some levels by not needing you to jump to get back into the level but yeah it's more just a curiosity piece just like his coin limit vid.
Why did he stop narrating again?
It wasn't complicated in the slightest but, but boy this guy should never be a teacher.
What an utter autist
>some guy triggered Sup Forums so hard they made a meme out of him
hardly surprising, but still
Rainbow Ride is probably easy as fuck to do jumpsless since half of it is waiting on carpets.
or maybe all autists should be teachers
He's actually a teacher tough
Do these videos demonstrate that Mario 64 is the pinnacle of video game development, or that it was very poorly made?
I never understood that bit.
I understand why would you call him an autist for breaking the game with retarded a presses gimmick, but most of his video are mostly explanations for game mechanics. How is that more autistic than programming the game itself? I don't view these videos as glitches explanations, but rather specific overviews of game design choices
Well, he's actually a teacher.
In a thread the other day someone said he was a Computer Science student not a teacher. Which one is it?
He's a dude who loves what he studies and likes to explains shit to others, literally the best kind of teacher.
Neither. They simply demonstrate the logic behind mechanics in the game.
Why are you guys on his dick so much dont you have anything better to do?
Is it seriously that easy to do? just exit the level while on a moving platform? How come I've never seen that happen?
It's nothing special.
Videos like these could be made for 99% of video games out there.
why are you on an online image board about fucking video games? don't you have anything better to do?
-quote from your dad
was it autism?
it only works on the japanese version, ie it does not work on the english version
autism m8
Wtf is this boring shit
If it was just this one video, I'd say it could go either way. Seeing the catalogue of his other videos makes it absolutely guaranteed autism
>not knowing all the sick Sup Forums memes
>hasn't even contributed to the wiki
analysis of a bug in an engine of a video game
With all this reverse engineering of SM64 behaviour this guy has been doing, why hasn't anyone made a GNU/SuperTux64 clone?
So this is my first time seeing this video
My brain is mush
i never asked for this
can't be bothered. What would the value be anyway? The game exists and emulates well enough. You can run it on a gnu system at any time
An A press is an a press you can't say it's only half
This video is actually really fascinating, and more interesting than usual.
If you go to the 8 minute mark, he manages to make the demo fucked up because he exicted the level in a certain way.
I don't know if you've ever met any programmers, but all the best ones are definitely on the spectrum
>your favorite game will never be painstakingly analyzed and visually documented by a computer science teacher
Why live
you guys need to give the key of this meme more attention
autists make terrible teachers though, they just babble on and don't give a shit if they're being understood or not.
But user, I don't want to play as a fat plumber. I want to play as one of my GNU approves heroes!
>fourteen eceleb threads in the 200+ replies
>actual thread about ideogame 40 replies
What went wrong?
Hello my sweet summer child
this thread is not so much about video games as it is about bugs and coding, which is pretty damn uninteresting for consumers
>this thread isn't about videogames as it is about videogames
Bugs and coding IN VIDEOGAMES.
that's completely secondary to the vast majority of people. They're into games to play, not to code.
You're a special breed of retard. Please go back to the eceleb threads
yeah, I'm a coder.
You can find this interesting without knowing the first thing about code. If you play videogames an hour a day at least you will run into bugs all the time. I haven't met anyone who's played games a lot and didn't find bugs at least somewhat interesting.
>vast majority of people
i thought Sup Forums was cooler than them ;_;
Should I grab Mario 64 using my My Nintendo gold coins?
Or should I just hold onto them in the vague hope something better will go up?
>You can find this interesting without knowing the first thing about code
right. You need an interest in engines and the math behind them. I used coding as shorthand for taking apart the engine
>I haven't met anyone who's played games a lot and didn't find bugs at least somewhat interesting.
always in the "huh, odd" kind of way, and then they move on. If you actually take apart a bug with them, they'll become bored, confused or both, and move on.
Sup Forums is quite representative for normal people. Just with a shitload of trolling and memes on top of it, which is them trying to fit in
Maybe if you like sloppy, unreadable programs this is true
a lot of work for him
also hes said in some of the comments, he wont narrate the videos on his alt channel
>but most of his video are mostly explanations for game mechanics. How is that more autistic than programming the game itself?
you get paid to program
Memes and trolling are part of normality on the internet now too. Just check 9gag comments section or any other popular website for normies
yeah, although not as densely as on here. Also, I heard rumors that some people have lifes outside of the internet. Just rumors though
Someone explain the Henry thing please. I've seen most of the videos but must have missed this.
Scuttlebug jamboree?
Holy fuck, these in depth videos are great
Jesus this is pure autism.
(Skip to 1:07 if it doesn't already.)
You'll probably want to watch the entire thing, though, it's basically what started the entire meme.
He was trying to protect us.
This respawn bug is not a game design choice, it's a just an interesting thing.
He shows one potentially useful clip through the floor that lands him straight into lower castle.
At the end, he shows that there is a ton of potential for this glitch if you know which objects overwrite which.
It's probably only useful in TAS gameplay, but learning and sharing more opens up more potential glitches and discoveries.
Hi """""""""""""""Henry"""""""""""""""
This is still great the second time around. Holy shit I love it.
He's a teaching assistant in CS/Maths.
When does he say BUT FIRST?
that fucking owned
literally within the first 15 seconds of the video
get your shit together user
I think that video gave me autism
>be university student
>sometimes need to have a relatively obscure topic in my field to be explained to me
>go on to youtube, and, at best, get a khan academy video, at worst, some indian guy with a thick accent reading off a powerpoint
>can't count how many times this happened
>and here we have some guy making videos about the mechanics of an old video game and including visual representations, graphs, demonstrations and breaking it all down into simple clear language
These videos are brilliant.
If only they were about something useful
Is this loss?
5 /-\ presses, we cn do better.
>all these autism comments
Do you guys not know what autism is.
It saves A presses for TTC. Landing on the clock edge saves a jump needed to reenter the level.
>Sup Forums
>knowing anything
>they just babble on and don't give a shit if they're being understood or not.
that depends
my highschool history teacher was like that but he was actually interesting, but then again I'm into 4x and GS games so I was already interested in history.
>be intelligent
>decide to apply intelligence to some old n64 game
>be unintelligent
>decide to apply unintelligence to some old chinese cartoon image board
First fifteen seconds. The parallel universes remark is at 10:40.
>multiverse in the background
What the fuck is TJ "Henry" Yoshi even wearing on his face?
So this shit doesn't apply to most other games? Only Mario 64 gets this crazy or is it because this particuly person focuses only on Mario 64
this shit's really fascinating
That's right, I knew it was familiar. Never played Ace Attorney.
Fuck this autist for liking one of my favorite characters
Why does Godot wear that?