How does Vanillaware just keep winning Sup Forums?
They just dropped another masterpiece.
How does Vanillaware just keep winning Sup Forums?
They just dropped another masterpiece.
Not even gona argue, Odin Sphere is just too based.
>took ten years to fix a game instead of making something new
Well atleast Odin Sphere is playable now I guess
>Still no PC version
fuckin japs, go die
The PAL version of Odin Sphere was always playable
Fuck off
What they didn't have that I pow meter making it to where you had to stop attacking? If they still had it then it was never playable
Well I meant for the PAL release they fixed the terrible slowdown and load times.
Then I stand by my statement
Odin Sphere taught me to love videogames again.
Is it another mediocre sidescroller rpg with terrible and repetitive gameplay that no one wants to admit because they're too busy fapping to the "amazing artstyle"?
I want Muramasa to go on sale
>keep winning
>without steam release
Yeah nah. Since all japanese games land on PC except the worst weebtrash I'll believe that this is one of them. It also looks like a sidescrolling indie game for 60 bucks. Maybe they know that there's only one fanbase retarded enough to buy something like that.
>Didn't play the original ps2 game
>Listen to Sup Forums this time and get this game
Holy shit, this game is fucking glorious , easily GOTY material, I thought this genre was dead.
>he didn't get it for free on psn plus
Mark my words you fucking console losers. You hear me right now? Loud and clear? Well good, you better listen the fuck up.
I did NOT spend $600 on my GTX 980, another $300 on my overclocked i7 @ 4.10ghz, 16 gigs of ram, and deluxe cooling systems to keep this beast at proper temperatures to NOT fucking play Persona 5. You hear me you little faggots? I have spent WELL over $1000 on my gaming rig, and I WILL play Persona 5 on it one way or another. I abhor, I hate, I LOATHE the idea of even thinking of some cheap shitty console from Sony being allowed even 30 yards from my basement. If I need to make a fortress with my pizza boxes, Big Mac boxes, and liters upon liters of piss bottles to keep that shitty underpowered piece of plastic toy away from my very being and my beautiful prized possession (that's my PC in case you didn't know, fucking low IQ peasants), then so be it.
Atlus, I will ask nicely once more. You WILL port Persona 5 to the PC platform via Steam, it WILL obliterate the console version, and I WILL pirate it just to spite you dumb fucking slant eyed gooks for daring to even spite us; the proud and powerful PC master race.
Kill yourselves
Why would I sub to that shit?
>Didn't play the original ps2 game
Be glad you didn't. Original played like ass. They completely revamped the gameplay to be like Muramasa Rebirth
Why is Gwendolyn such a terrible character?
Nah fuck you. Muramasa was the biggest waste of 20 dollars. I expected something other than running and mashing square simulator
WHy dont JAPS make games on the PC?
Fucking gooks need to get their capital nuked again
Fuck off beggar
Haven't you people learned? GOTY can not be an exclusive.
It's on three platforms
/it isn't exclusive
>still relevant
You're not very smart, are you?
Clearly they're more relevant than you platform of choice since they're still getting games :3
I hate being on PC, I want this game. Or maybe I could try the PS2, but Muramasa gameplay sounds tempting. At least dump it on Steam couple of years later ;_;
>You're not very smart, are you?
Every time someone says this I pop a boner
And this game will never win goty :3
Muramasa on PS4 when
Or stop being a mustard and buy a console to support jap games you fuck
I'd buy the game if it were on PC, but I'm also content to pirate and enjoy the game on my cfw ps3
Kill yourself
How do I get good as Mercedes?
>This Thread
How's that petition coming along?
I'll wait until I have enough games I actually want to play on a console. This game is like, the second game I'm interested in.
>not just getting a Vita TV for your weeb needs
Seriously, it can play almost every Vanillaware game.
Will it sell good?
I really want this to succeed , it's not fair people like EA, current Nintendo, Con Man are getting a shit load of money for shit while good game devs are suffering for low sales
How's Black Knight this time around?
His transformation was nigh unusable on the original even after popping the power potion.
How does it feels being a dirty PC secondary?
When is port begging going to be a bannable offense?
It's basically console warring
Pretty bad desu. I'm considering a switch.
i never played that far in the original, but it seems perfectly usable in the remake
Because kamitani has a vision and doesn't compromise it to accomodate retards, faggots and sjws
>another masterpiece
>a remaster of a old game
That's a new kind of stupidity
Dc and muramasa sold just fine, so i think this will too
>I don't understand the difference between remasters and remakes
Quality shitpost
>Why don't japs make games on the PC?
>Fucking gooks need their capital nuked again
Gee, I wonder why they don't.
I want sony and nintendo to give a home tv version of their handhelds, the problem with the vita tv is that you lose compatibility.
I honestly thought that the idea behind the vitatv was the best thing in this industry since 3d. The issue is that it's an afterthought and implemented like shit. Hopefully both companies are ready for the next generation.
>Vita TV instead of just an Vita, plskys.
Redpill me on the Wii version of Muramasa.
I don't want a Vita.
There's a rule against it already. Shame the mods don't give a fuck.
Shit compared to vita and doesn't have the amazing dlc expansions.
>the problem with the vita tv is that you lose compatibility.
it plays most worthwhile games
like all the vanillaware games
Shitty translation and no DLC. And the DLC is really really good. Vita version also has slightly better graphics and controls, but nothing too major.
They selectively care about platform war shitflinging; people have gotten banned for posting fake announcement links and whatever. Some mod got completely bootyblasted and nailed a guy with a 3 day ban only a few weeks ago when he posted a fake link to an announcement of a Star Ocean 5 port, which is direct response to the standard /r/pcmasterrace shitposting.
Is there any Vanillaware game for the PS4 or am I completely fucked on that front? I sure as hell ain't buying a Shita or a PS3 just for Dragon's Crown.
They still make their games around an oldschool philosophy of quality first. They don't need to pander to every fucktard on the planet to break even so they can just focus on what they like instead.
>the problem with the vita tv is that you lose compatibility.
There's an exploit that lets you bypass that. At that point, any games that still don't work aren't really worth pining over
So is there an exploit out for the vita or vitatv yet?
I'm not buying one until there is.
The game this thread is about, you donkey.
I only recommend it for the lower price. I'd definitely say get a Vita wholesale but let's be honest, people prefer spending $40-50 instead of $100-120
much better translation, the wii translation is shit
544p resolution instead of 480p on wii
can map jump to a separate button, on wii jump is up on the dpad
4 dlc characters with their own stories
Not for pirating Vita games
The main problem is just how fast the board is. When you're on the second fastest board on the site and half of it is shitposting, by the time a mod notices a report you already have a 450 posts thread of nothing but golden faces.
Oh. Is it any good? What's it about?
Norse mythology I guess?
It's got Muramasa combat, more or less. You can go ahead and download the Odin Sphere demo if you're interested.
Alright, thanks user.
Filling your cookbook.
Shit, they really should to make Muramasa for PS4.
>60$ pricetag for a PS2-era game but with prettier visuals
More like they fixed that terrible system from 2007 and made it better.
Thing is, it wasn't the guy making the topic or anything, it was in direct response to a bunch of PC WHEN, FUCK SONY etc. posters in a thread that already existed. The moodyrator must've been one of the port beggars, since it happened pretty quickly.
Something wrong with PS2 era games?
>I'm an illiterate neanderthal who can't understand context
I wish it was on PS3 actually, Odin Sphere works fine on there and so does Dragon's Crown.
When can I get more PS2-era games? 6th gen was awesome.
>prettier visuals
Does it?
I'd rather pay that for a remake of a PS2 game than modern AAA games that cost 100 million dollars to make and are so shallow and shit that even your brain dead cousin can play it.
Not to shitpost, but they really should be on PC for the sake of preservation.
About people cought up in an end of the world war. Kinda like ragnarok
>my storybook will be delivered on june 16
So fucking HYPE, I am tempted to buy a standard version and sell it after my CE comes.
"Visuals" and sound are 90% of the cost of a videogame, outside of marketing, which vanilla games have little of.
Especially 2d games. You need to remake them from scratch to "upscale" them.
There's the major difference between the original RE remake and any upscaled 3d game.
My cartridges aren't going anywhere.
Vita version got a physical release?
Yeah, they are eventually. And so is your console.
Only in the US and Japan. Europe/Australia & New Zealand got stuck with digital-only.
>tfw VW and vitafag
Can't wait for 13 sentinels
To be fair, what you said does not apply to OS Leifthrasir. Vanillaware always draws their art at a far higher resolution than whatever the console's output is limited to. In this case as well they had all the assets ready for use after just a few touch ups.
It's region-free
Why does anyone care about this
>had to wait a month to get EU release because they need to put in muslim speak
kill me
Can't buy DLC
I'm in Cornelius story right now and darn it Mercedes just can't catch a break.
I want to stop beating Mercedes up.
Sure you can. It's just a bit more of a hassle.
says who
Because it makes the DLC thing a total hassle.
So what i'm getting from this thread is "It's GOTY because it looks pretty".
Graphics fags are the cancer killing videogames.
Is this game worth it? I'm having fun with the demo at the moment, but it doesn't quite feel like a 60$ purchase, is the story at least good? It plays a little better than Muramasa because I ended up dropping that game after a while.
Any chance of this price dropping soon? like 2-3 months?