What went wrong?
It takes more skill than Overwatch and casuals hate skill based games
I feel kind of bad for the hardcore BB fans...
Then why do so many casuals play Rainbow six siege and CS:GO?
people play R6Siege? I thought it had a small pop
>rainbow six siege
>skill based
>not even the playerbase can save it
You probably suck at both of those games.
Its pretty high pop on console, but cheaters forced PC players out.
CS:GO is debatable, but you are retarded if you dont think R6 is skill based.
>whoever shoots first wins
It was made.
You know, kind of how it works in real life
If you're a shit shot, you'll lose. If you know that map, you get first shot. If you plan your attacks with your teamates you'll get the drop on the entire enemy team.
If you think whoever gets first shot wins, you must be really bad at the game.
You must be really bad at games if you think Rainbow Six Siege is hardcore
Didnt the dude put his wife in the game, or something?
Shit like that is why its crap.
They made a niche shooter MOBA that nobody asked for, charged full price in a historically F2P genre, and then went on to compete with Blizzard while being completely unclear to consumers about how their game worked.
The only conversations I've ever had about the game were in the tenor of, "what the fuck is Battleborn anyway?"
Name a hardcore game you play
In the case of Siege, the player that utilizes proper planning and use of gear can guarantee they have an opportunity at first shot. Just like any tactical shooter, what you do before entering a firefight can be just as important as your twitch shooting during it.
>moving the goalpost
How? Rainbow Six Siege is not a skill-based game. It's a fucking casual shooter from Ubishit.
It's like saying CoD is skill-based because it has E-SPORT
Most gamers are little fuckboys and not real men - they can't handle Battleborn.
When did I say it was hardcore? I said it was a skill-based tactical shooter.
Buzzwords aren't an opinion, friend.
Any newbie trying to play Siege is going to have a horrible time compared to games like OW or CoD. Everything about the game is about map awareness.
>comparing CoD and Rainbow
>A twitch shooter and a tactical shooter
Weak b8
This, Most CoD kids drop R6 within a day because they cant RUN N GUN
*beep*beep* high quality battleborn model coming through
At least you tried.
that can't not be cherry picked.
the fuck am I looking at here exactly? Looks like Pizza the Huts retarded son.
>how to satisfy a woman
with money, why does the retard think he's something special? also he sounds like a virgin
lowest poly setting
holly shit try harder autist
It's the model on lowest setting.
>lets post a troll post
I don't give a fuck about BB or OW but you autists are pathetic.
this is so sad.
I really want to get this game but I don't want it to die in 2 months and $60 is a no go at the moment.
Will this game come back from the grave?
With the BB community, it's hard to tell who's trolling or not.
What is this? I have no idea who that is but this hurt to read.
>his patreon is down to 86 dollars now
I feel bad
>buy to play
All these games die after 2 months. At least on PC.
He's on /v. The fuck would he know about real life...
>Its pretty high pop on console, but cheaters forced PC players out.
I'd love to see some numbers.
On PC it's a 7k average over the last months and neither on PC or PS4 have I had any trouble getting into matches, but I don't think there's any way to see the amount of players on PS4 or Xbox
A delusional comic artist whom constantly preaches his SJW ideals on Facebook and denies any form of approach to reasoning.
He had it coming.
holy shit what's going on with this tard
It's doing worse than Evolve did.
Good to know I guess. Just looked up his wiki page. Its pretty funny, you should read it.
he dug his own grave when he became a furry
ahahaha thats great
I like Battleborn, but I have a feeling, that online games (wich require fast reactions) are dead.
esports destroyed the market and a casual multiplayer with randoms is impossible.
You only need the luck, that your group has the bigger autist than the other group
One Side note:
The hit boxed in Battleborn are accurate, not like the "you can't miss anyway" hit boxes in press q to win Overwatch
Is Dobson seeing a shrink? He needs one.
which sucks, seeing as evolve is quite fun now with the addition of new hunters
And not with the inflation porn or hot video game webcomic? It's the Willis effect. He was always a sad weirdo, but public scrutiny taught him that he could achieve some level of normalcy by vomiting out socially progressive rhetoric he never really understood. It results in this spiral of depression and failure when these socially retarded manchildren accidentally trigger their fanbase and eat the brunt of the hornet's nest.
See also: Jeph Jacques' hand.
How delusional are you?
>battleborn's steam forums are locked so only people who own the game can post there
>criticize the game
>get banned
How is this legal?
released a direct competitor of one of the most marketed Blizzard games in the same timeframe
it would be like if someone released a multiplayer shooter based on ww1 in the same month battlefield 1 comes out, you need to be a special kind of person to not see what could go wrong
>have shit map awareness
>fail to use tools designed to spot the enemy first
Dobson is a huge, huge nintendrone.
Much like Moviebob.
Seeing a pattern here?
Did something even worse than that lesbian comic he was drawing happen? How can one man fall this far?
we're not quite there yet
your opinion didn't offer any insightful comments about your playing experience. You're a piece of shit.
Evolve did deserve it though with that shitey dlc platform.
Spooky Spider best monster.
>It's doing good on consoles!
>#73 most played one Xbone
>#107 most bought in the last 7 days on Xbone
Is this a joke, because 10/10 if so.
I remember seeing his annoying comics every now and then here. What happened to him?
Did his followers abandon him or how big was his patreon during his 'glory days'?
>Jan 26, 2015
>Evolve: 27,403
>Feb 23, 2015
>Evolve: 6,992
>Mar 30, 2015
>Evolve: 4,044
>Apr 27, 2015
>Evolve: 1,694
>May 2, 2016
>Battleborn: 12,070
>May 30, 2016
>Battleborn: 3,446
>It's doing worse than Evolve did.
Did you even look at the picture?
well I mean if you get two guys that have the same attributes, weapons and are aiming at the same spot on each other. It would kind of be absurd if whoever shot first didn't win, perhaps you just need to git gud
Yeah. Just wondered whether 123$ a month was his high point or just a screenshot about his declining patreon payments.
What exactly did Evolve do? Was it in their E3 pitch of DLC? Or they surprised the fans last minute? I cant seem to find why exactly it died.
>Thanks to the person who pointed out that my stuff was set to everyone but you really didn't need to call my work "horrible" in the process
Every single time I read this I can't help but smile.
That's unreal, holy shit. Thanks for the laugh.
>Action FPS
nah, it was just a one trick pony that came out a few short weeks before other games did, on a brand new console.
died of natural causes.
Doubt he can afford it.
It didn't have much to go on, and announcing DLC before announcing the game was just a glimpse into what this game was going to become.
Has Turtle Rock actually done something since Evolve?
Hell, has Gearbox even acknowledged the major drop-off for Battleborn?
Unfunny, try-hard shit.
Sup Forums is just 14 year old boys now isn't it?
It was a shitty game. For all the talk about DLC and business practices, the fact of the matter is that tens of thousands of people stopped playing it within its first month. Those are people who bought the game, accepted the bad business model and then simply did not want the product they had in hand.
Every time I hear body positive they mean fat. As if I can't be positive about my body just because I'm fit.
The reddit shills need to accept the game is dead.
Because right now anyone who buys it is buying a game that isn't enjoyable purely because the community is so small.
The members who are trying to push it onto others are helping Gearbox scam every penny they can before announcing it a failure and leaving it to die.
The responsible thing is to let people know that Brittlebone is dead.
>game is dead
Wrong. It's 5 vs 5, so as long as there are 10 people playing, it isn't dead.
Yep. Overwatch is incredibly body positive, every character has an aesthetically pleasing human body hat they are comfortable in and are apparently happy with. The reason why this person would say it's not body positive is because they negatively react to the character's bodies, which is judgemental and insulting to people who have those body types. Furthermore the poster is saying that if you have a body like that, then your character ends at your sexual objectivity. 'They are attractive so they must only be objects', funny, that.
So that poster is both body negative and is saying neither people nor the characters should look like that. Furthermore if you want to talk about body positivity then I would bring up how many amputees are in the game and none of them are held back by that.
From this image, hardcore Battleborn fans seem to be sweaty, try hard faggots
Ur mom
He's probably only joking
>>can't not
>can not not
You can't English today
Can't we agree that both games are utter shit and will likely be forgotten soon enough?
Are you illiterate or just retarded?