No qt Halo 5 for the PC

Guess they don't want my money
windows 10 only should prevent that from happening. I don't understand why Microsoft continues to hold back titles we want, and instead give us shit we never asked for(halo wars 2)

Not saying Halo Wars 2 won't be a good title, but the majority are wanting MCC, H3 or H5. Instead we're given a lazy, mobile port of Spartan, which wouldn't be so bad if it had included co-op and feature that are found on the console version.

We didn't want it anyway

Give it time. After all, suckers might still buy for XBone.


halo3 on PC, fine.

Halo 5?
Fuck off.

I doubt the two of you have even played 5.

You don't want it. Campaign is garbage. Big team multiplayer and warzones are garbage. 4v4 stuff is okay, but there's already pleanty of team shooters on PC.

Don't believe their bullshit, it's coming and we'll hear about it Monday

How lucky are PC gamers, it seems all the games that dont come to PC are ones they "Didnt want anyway"

>anyone wanting Halo 5
Halo 4 was a bad joke; only good thing was Cortana's perfectly-rendered ass. If that's the quality of the franchise these days, they can keep it.

I played it and its shit

I don't want any games, i just play flight sims.

The game was fucking awful anyway, why would you want it?

Well it only makes sense, we don't want casual trash or else we'd have bought consoles.

how lucky are you, that, whenever you claim something outrageously gerneralising, it turns out to be the unadulterated, factual truth.

They need exclusives, otherwise plebs won't buy their console

Check out this kid guys. Hes part of some elite gaming community. He is not a "normie" he is unique, all those other guys are just "playing" at gaming, he is the real deal!

He's right though, if we wanted these games we'd buy them

Yeah, who needs those games when you have the amazing DOTA etc

You come across as sounding really upset at having bought an Xbone, you realise.

>multiplats dont exist

>titles we want
>implying anyone cares about Halo at this point

b-b-but that stuff is all casual trash according to this guy?

Contradicting yourself now guys.

Fuck dota.

DCS and BMS m8.

How about Halo 3 with Cortana model from Halo 4 ? I'll definitely buy it

At least more people care about Halo than Killzone

Did anyone even ask for it?

Everyone wants to MCC on PC but Halo5 got nothing but shit on even by XBONEers

>with Cortana model from Halo 4

the only thing they did right with that game senpai

nobody is hyped for halo on PC anyway.
quantum break and rise of the tomb raider both had a lot of problems, so has their whole win10 store. MS either doesn't care or is just incompetent.

I dont think anyone really wanted it anyway. Unlike consoles, PC has much better fps games to choose from already.

Why should I worry? Why should I care?

That I can't play some shitty game on my hardware?


>implying any PC owner gives a shit about halo
I prefer my FPS games without aim assist and damage regeneration, thanks.


Makes me kek tremendously when PC gamers cry for Halo 3. You're never getting it, cucks, should've got a console :^)

>playing halo
need to be over 18 to post here m8

Why do you want Halo 5 on the PC, of all things? You find plenty of better FPS there.

This is my favorite meme because 18 year olds would have been 2 when CE came out.


Like clockwork.

Someone always says this. I wasn't even halfway into the "10% Master Chief" -campaign when I was already sick of it. The thing I hated most was the lack of split-screen 2 player mode, and difficulty that was balanced for 4 human players, not 1 human and 3 terrible AI players.

I say that if you don't like Halo Multiplayer, then a Halo singleplayer without co-op is a big steaming pile of nothing. The only good thing about it is the music.

Read the statement closely and keep in mind this is Microsoft you're talking about here, and how far they have their heads up their asses in terms of terminology and PR speak (e.g. the attempted "ban" on saying "xbone" because they wanted the moniker to be "the one").

They said that there are no plans to "port it to PC". With xbone and win10 they are all about this "unified experience" bullshit, so I wouldn't put it past them that their language guidelines define "Win10" as "It's not a PC!" to push the notion that Win10 is something better, something distinct, a new era or something like that.

So, don't be surprised when they announce Halo5 on Win10 exclusive ("It's not a port! Xbox One and Win10 are The One Experience™!" or something) when they feel the need to push Win10 adoption after the free upgrade period ends and the numbers aren't to their liking.

It will always be an entry level game.