Claim your raifus
And for the third time, no racism
>And for the third time, no racism
No, telling me to not be racist is being racist toward me.
whats that gun on the right called? its sexy
Jesus Christ that fucking music just gets more obnoxious and less appropriate every game
Probably a Gewehr 98.
Just for he record, I agree with you, it doesnt fit, but 7 nation army is a song about WW1.
>Man portable LMGs in WW1
LeeEnfeield is mine
No joke, I own two cats, one named Lee and the other Enfield.
fuck off shill
What's wrong marketer can't afford the 1 million likebots so you shill on v instead?
One word:
nth for >dice
Oh sorrry I meant the one in his other hand. That pistol looking gun
he didnt post an opinion, so he doesnt really fit the shill name.
So good black americans fought against the evil german empire in WW1? Ahh, that's how it was back then.
>orange and blue
>heroic black guy vs evil white German
>everyone running around with automatic weapon in WWI
I can't hype for this.
>And for the third time, no racism
Pretty sure he's a swede, so it could be a DICE employee
>its not a pair of gloves
>its a black mans hands with the mace
>an entire class will be black like bf3/4
Yeah didn't you know? The war was all about the brave Abraham Lincolns of the United States of Apartheid fighting the evil pre-fascism fascists of the 2nd Reich and their god-emperor Wilhelm "race war" McHolocaust.
People on Sup Forums are so fucking ridiculous. You hate having black/gay/transgender people in video games because "it's pandering" or "it's shoehorned". But when a black person is the protagonist for a legitimately interesting and legitimate reason you still find a way to complain about "muh reverse racism". Take a good look at yourself and ask why having a black person fighting a white person in a fucking video game upsets you so much.
>everyone running around with automatic weapons in WWI.
>"B-But it's ALTERNATE WWI so it's okay! :^)"
I just hate the fucking pop music. Everything needs to be LE BADASS MODERN. Make it stop and give me my authentic WW1 experience without being there.
>ww2 is now blacks vs whites
how about they just take a big shit on ww2 vets graves
>black guy running around with a trench club, charging guys who fire a gun
>also not wearing gloves
Are Swedes so cucked that they need to live out their black and muslim power fantasies?
>its alternate!
>no tesla guns
>no steampunk spider robots
>no giga fortress land ships
>everything is just 10 years after the war because we lack imagination :^)
>legitimately interesting
so a handful of black dudes fought in ww2. this does not mean that all the shilling for BF1 should be about black dudes. mostly whites fought for america during WW2. the others who died were mostly slavic which is mostly white. get the fuck out of here.
To be fair even Dark Souls and Bloodborne had modern music in the trailers, but it was nowhere to be seen in the actual games.
I imagine it's the same with this: They have pop music because the trailers are going to be on TV, but in game will probably be more in keeping with the era depicted.
It's ABOUT the Harlem Hellfighters. Because it's an interesting story. Of course the advertising directly reflects what the game is about.
it's ww1
>what are Indians and Africans
>Battlefield singleplayer
fuck off DICE
It's only interesting for people who masturbate to interracial cuckdom porn.
I can find at least 5 far more interesting points from my head.
I didn't say the singleplayer was interesting. I hate the singleplayer in all Battlefield games (except BC1). I said the story of the Harlem Hellfighters is interesting. Which it is.
>MUH Harlem Hellfighters
How about the serbians who were very relevant in ww1 and some other nations? Oh wait they are white and they don't fit into our multiculti agenda.
>underdog stories aren't good
That's your opinion, dude.
People who didn't fight for the USA.
>I said the story of the Harlem Hellfighters is interesting.
>Which it is.
That's just your opinion, not the fact.
>no all-class bolt-rifles
They're not American. Any game company with sense makes war games about the American side. Because those are the games that Americans buy.
Swedes participated in neither WW1 or WW2. They haven't experienced war in a long time.
Last time that happened they got cucked hard by Russia during 19th century, marking the end of their empire.
If we would really want to play underdogs we would play as slavs.
How being part of late war ceremonial steamroller while fighting hungry skeletons of german soldiers is in any way "underdog"?
That's fair. But a lot of people other than me find it interesting, too.
Or the Italians that leveled entire mountains with their artillery
>Wanting a historically accurate videogame is da rasis!!!11
You realize the point you're making makes it impossible for anyone to make a story about black people ever, right? There will always be stories that are interesting that don't have black people.
I think instead of getting triggered by the SJW boogeyman, we should just judge it as it is when it comes out. The problem with these things is that shoehorning agendas into stories means it is uninspired.
B-but muh alternative history setting!! Y-you cant say that when we are alternatiev!!1!!131!
I suspect we get them, but as a starting weapon anyone will ditch for SMGs or LMGs.
The official site says only six weapon classes, and the only bolt rifles are sniper rifles.
Who made this I like NOFX :/
Why is Sup Forums buttmad about a campaign you get for pre-ordering the game?
Anyone else get banned just for typing
I got hit by a "das racis" ban a while ago. Some dumbass mod seems to think harmless memes are racis.
>Sup Forums - Video Games
>hehe cuckkk wifesson wewuzkangss xCDDD am I funny mom XD
Sorry about the late reply. Its an artilleryman's Luger P08.
You must be 18 to post on this webzone
I can feel my internet white man burden
Yo I just want to take a quick honest survey.
How many of you unironically think this game is shoehorning in a multiculturalism agenda and how many of you are just shitposting to make people mad?
I am the latter.
People waited long time for an AAA WWI game and with those leaks no wonder people get annoyed.
We can't be sure how the game will look like until beta but we can make an educated guess.
God dammit dice stop inciting a race war with shit like this. At this rate its all gonna go down any day now.
I'm doing the last untill I can see how they portray the germans and arabians.
Oh neat a BF1 thread, maybe we can speculate on what vehicles and weapons we're gunna get before the st-
>armchair historian
>Sup Forumsbait
>meme kangz
summer truly is real
am i the only one that noticed, that the mustard gas scene in the reveal trailer, is literally the same scenes as in Battlefront, on the moon of Endor?
Ethnic background don't matter mate. It is about skin color only.
>7 campaigns
>mp full of white guys
>stick nigga on the cover and everyone chimps out despite the trailer being 99% white
You will literally find ANYTHING to complain about even if it's not fucking worth it. If you wanna spam about how niggers ruined the great war, please fuck off to Sup Forums. Some of us actually like talking about video games.
The campaign also follows two white guys.
The irony is that Lawrence of Arabia and the Red Baron are pretty uninteresting as there is a lot of media that has been made about them already and they are a part of pop culture and the public consciousness.
But you don't get anyone saying they are uninteresting, undeserving, over done or pandering.
Fuck you
In last thread I made dozens of posts and I only got (You)s for arguing with retards on both sides.
You summon Sup Forums here because those are only people you like to argue with.
The recent teaser had a black guy running meele at german
>Expecting a serious discussion on Sup Forums
Hope and faith is for the retarded, user
You say this but I'm sure we will see the "noble savage" meme with desert folk.
Also german airforce is far more interesting than any current year pandering they can come up with.
The simple fact that bolt actions aren't the main weapons for every class is disgusting.
The only reason this annoys me more than the swedish cuck indoctrination is my /k/ autism.
MkIII smle for lyf, fuck this semi auto and smg bullshit.
thanks man.
>what is the Chauchat (supposed to be, anyway)
>what is the Lewis Gun (with the appropriate harness)
>maybe we can speculate on what vehicles and weapons we're gunna get
Well the Renault FT and the Mark IV/V have been confirmed by the trailers and people at the reveal, and the A7V appears in concept art (pic related). I am surprised the A7V is in - only 20 were made, and most tanks in German service were actually captured from the Allies, so I'm surprised they didn't just reskin the Allied tanks.
Guns that weighed a fuckton and would need multiple people in order to carry them in the manner the guy does in the trailer
A horrible mistake and used in practice only to haul them to next layer of trench.
They know that call of duty kids won't stand for having their accurate automatic weapons knocked down from the spotlight
The Lewis Gun had a harness made for it that allowed a soldier to do that exact thing, though. Wasn't terribly useful in the open because >hip firing but it was pure bloody murder when it got into a trench.
Nah the chauchat and bar could be used for walking fire
The 'Noble Savage meme' has been around since Shakespeare, it's not a new SJW thing.
Lawrence of Arabia is basically an IRL Sup Forums power fantasy of a aristocratic white man uniting Arabic tribes to remove kebab.
The Red Baron is a 'Good German' archetype; a chivalric knight of the skies who wanted fair fights and fought with honour. He's the WW1 version of what Rommel was to WW2.
If anything BF1 is pandering to everyone, except maybe the '100% historical weapon accuracy or no buys' crowd.
And you could eat with your feet but its not an effective way of handling food.
Listen when you leave the trench yo don't go guns blazing but run&duck like a crazy dog.
A fuckheavy MG makes you slow and hard to change profile while barely able to return fire.
To who they try to pander we will see on release or at least E3.
>Allies: 2,500 Mark [X] tanks
>Germany: 20 A7Vs, 30 Mark [X] tanks
The Germans may well have had no tanks at all in WWI. Plus the A7V was notoriously shit over even mildly rough terrain, so I don't know how that's going to work unless it only features on nice, flat maps.
Pandering to everyone is one of the stupidest business decisions you can do because you can never please everybody - it's not a matter of dumbing the game down to make it for everybody, but rather trying to please everybody, the people who want ~diversity~ and the people who don't, the people who want the guns to be realistic and the ones who don't mind a bit of alternate history
Just make the fucking game instead of caring about what specific crowds of people might think, focus on making the game playable
Considering all we know about the weapons, I don't think accuracy is a consideration.
The stream's tomorrow.
Weren't the swearing in one of the interviews that they will make the game as accurate as humanly possible?
I'm not arguing that pandering to everyone is a good thing; I don't think it is at all.
What I mean is that people are failing to look beyond a black guy in the game and seeing that there are plenty of elements made for them (like the two characters I pointed out).
In my opinion, I don't even think EA/Dice are even trying to pander to SJWs or diversity. They're simply just trying to appeal to a section of the market that might not feel strongly about WW1 or Battlefield games in general: black people.
The reasoning is: people who are into WW1/history and Battlefield are going to buy this game already, so we don't have to market to them yet, but we want to draw in more buys from a market we haven't tapped into.
It's probably that simple, just a cynical business tactic. But of course people will lose their minds and say it's SJW bullshit or whatever.
I actually think that pandering is painfully obvious.
Besides, I'm buttmad that they made USA even relevant.
Now I think about it, we could do with some WW1 or 2 games about the slavs.
The reason people got tired of WW2 games in the period before CoD4 came out is because they kept retreading the same stories, due to them all being about the same side.
I'd enjoy a Finn Simulator 1939, just so I could be even more of a Simoboo
cant wait to kill evil crackas with a mace
Think they'll add a Queen Elizabeth-type Battleship lads? Probably too big to be player controlled, so maybe it could be on rails like the AC-130 and players get to control the big guns.
The problem is that games always cater to Americans because they're far and away the largest market for these things, so it was Omaha and 1944 France all the way into forever.
A game about, say, a British pre-war soldier could conceivably cover a whole ton of shit that's barely ever shown in vidya. He could fight all the way through the Fall of France, the North African campaign, D-Day (but now on the radically different British Beaches), Caen, Market Garden, the Battle of the Bulge and then finally the push through the Siegfried line (if the Siegfried line's still there) and into Germany.
And if you don't restrict yourself to one protagonist the possibilities go off the rails hardcore. Has there ever been a game where you drive a Sherman DD tank on D-Day onto one of the successful beaches, for example?
>And for the third time, no racism
Yes Mr Dice Employee thank you for setting the ground rules to a civil and productive discussion about race in video games and how they can be an artful expression to the troubles of underprivileged minorities in an apartheid society
t. self hating white devil