So, Sup Forums i just beat RE1 for the first time, playing the HD Remaster version. As fan of the franchise...

So, Sup Forums i just beat RE1 for the first time, playing the HD Remaster version. As fan of the franchise, i really enjoyed the game. I always wanted to play it but i don't know what held me so long.

So, what's your thoughts about the game? What's your favorite part of the game? Let's discuss

The last time I played it was in 2008 on the Gamecube. It's my favorite game in the series and in my top 10 games of all time.

Jill is best girl and the PC HD version is in my backlog.

its the best resident evil game, tied with RE2, and one of the best games of all time.

maybe the best atmosphere of any game ive played.

In my top 3 fav all time games of all time

Did you burn all the bodies or end up learning too late ?

Unequivocably my favourite in the series. I love how the game can be unforgivingly brutal to someone who doesn't know the secrets, but just simple knowledge and planning can let you plough through the game.
And it has possibly the best atmosphere in the series. The Death Mask room and Lisa Tevor's areas/encounters were probably the most genuinely unnerving parts of any RE game.
I only hope REmake 2 can pull off the magic again.

Hope so played 2 to death, even did a run through as taffy.

The original trilogy will always be the best games. Don't let RE4 shills tell you otherwise.

I realize almost instantly that i must burn them, so i started early, but, i was dumb and did let some of them kill me twice or something.

I played all the REs, except for 6. My favorite was RE3, but after this one... can't stand with RE3 i think.

>tfw dodged zombies on Invisible Enemy mode
Game is in my top 10, OP.