What character do you want in Hyrule Warriors?

What character do you want in Hyrule Warriors?

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so how does this work
do i have to buy the 3ds version to get this on the Wii U?

Holy fuck she's cute. Wonder what kind of panties she'll have.

No, all the characters and weapons will be available on the Wii U version too

You don't get any new stages, Adventure Mode, or the like.

Whats the point when they are just going to censor her anyway?



can't think of anyone else besides some NEVER EVERS like vaati or ezlo or ralph

right, thanks

Shadow cause nintendo.

Whens the new dlc coming out for the wiiu?

Nvm. Should have looked at before being a retard

>no vaati
why even get the game?

>linebeck won't get in because toon link already has a phantom sword weapon
>toon zelda gets in instead

who /mad/ here?

Nobody, since nobody likes the shitty DS games.

>has the fucking groosinator in the original game.
>doesn't even mention groose
I'm still /mad/

I want someone from the 2D games that can actually fight.

i pirated it on 3ds

Link's already in the game.

Like who? Not-ganondorf from ALBW?

Blind would be cool

>still no CD-i characters

Fucking japan

I had this huge list, but I'll pick the highlights and remove characters we've already had announced:

>Thunderbird (AoL)
Stylized version of boss. Fights with claws and lightning.
>Crazy Tracy (LA)
Similar to Capt. Rainbow version. Tosses potions and vials.
>Old Man (LoZ)
Hipster choice, still cool idea. Fights with fireballs and 8bit sword.
>Agahnim (LttP)
Tosses lightning and darkness spells. Can teleport.
>Vaati (FS/FSA/MC)
Uses wind and darkness spells. Can shrink and grow. Transforms into demonic forms.
>Deku Princess (MM)
Fights with Deku Pipes.
>Igos du Ikana (MM)
A playable Stalfos just seems fun.
>Nabooru (OoT)
Wields an Iron Knuckle Axe and/or Mirror Shield w/ scimitar.
>Twinrova (OoT)
Attacks with dual fire/ice staff. Can split into two witches.
>Saria (OoT)
Attacks with Seed Shooter from Oracle games.
>Maple (OoS/OoA)
Attacks with her witch's broom, pulls out vacuum or UFO for specials.
>Onox (OoS)
Attacks with giant ball and chain/mace. Turns into dragon.
>Veran (OoA)
Attacks by turning into fairies, bugs, etc. Uses Flames of Sorrow.
>Rosa (OoS)
Stylized to be a little more humanoid under her cloak. Attacks with a shovel.
>Ralph (OoA)
Uses variations of Link's weapons, mostly sword and shield.
>Linebeck (PH)
Attacks with whip and his steamship.
>Groose (SS)
Attacks with a bazooka, the Groosenator.
>Byrne (ST)
Attacks with claws.
>Aryll (WW)
Attacks with Bait Bag, which summons seagulls, pigs, and the animal helpers from the Oracle games (Moosh, Ricky, and Dmitri)
>Aquamentus (LoZ)
A new LARGE playable boss character like Ganon and Big Cucco. Might be cool.

>sniped a code off Gamefags because people were just giving it away
>get a copy of Legends from my friend for half price cause he just wanted the Wii U chars
>mfw I got a really fun game for dirt cheap
>mfw fuck Nintendo

My good user, I wish to see this list.

Flagship is NEVER EVER and honestly I hate most of Aonuma's trash on a subatomic level so I don't know...Ashei?

>they won't give Linebeck a mini-cannon or a flintlock & cutlass too or some shit
>we'll get a third Zelda
>Hilda will make it a fourth Zelda
Maybe I'll just skip out on this DLC.

>Toon Link Tetra

Nice one, ninty.

toon zelda is the one character i really wanted in smash.
tz or vaati with a zelda-esque moveset



I want the ultimate meme character, Rosa

with a remaster of this: youtube.com/watch?v=KXb-abzVHno


Here's everyone else from the list:
>Venus, Queen of Fairies
>Anju and Kafei
>Koloktos (boss mode)

I've got a list of bosses, regular enemies, items, stages, etc. too. My friend and I are fanatics and got really bored/drunk one night.


user who posted list above. I want Rosa fighting with a shovel and smacking flaming boulders at enemies, digging up earthquakes, discovering magma geysers, and eating ore to restore health.

Design could be squat, robed, ribboned... and something like image for her actual face/body beneath the robe.

Keep going...

>Not wanting Linebeck and Groose

Groose is actually in the realms of being in too due to the interest shown.

Cao Cao


when is wiiu getting linkle? or is that forever locked behind buying the 3ds version?

You're the reason Zelda games have hand holding.

If they ever do Agahnim they can also incorporate his clones into his attack style too. Think Skullkid's puppets but not as shitty.