This is such a stupid idea. How is it better than PC now?

This is such a stupid idea. How is it better than PC now?

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It isn't.

It worked for SEGA...

>asking why peasants are peasants

Fuck the 20 year + smear campaign, the Sega CD was a legit system with the definitive ports of many 4th gen CLASSICS.

The issue is that you're thinking about it entirely wrong. Its not some mid generational update. It is a halo product that will eventually supersede the mainstream PS4, and itself will be replaced with yet a new halo product.
The same software will run on everything, but the hardware will change every couple of years if you want the latest and greatest gimmick features. They're banking on people getting a little taste of VR then switching over to the dedicated VR platform they offer.

The PS4 is still the mainstream console from Sony, and its compatible with the PSVR headset.
The upcoming console is a dedicated higher performance VR machine, and it'll be loaded with a bunch of gimmicks to boot. Fully expect Sony to have hired a legion of youtube celebs, twitch whores, and normie TV scum to talk about how incredible the system is. They made all this headway starting back at the PS4's first E3 just by riding on good press, and dominating headlines. They'll keep that trend up. The illusion of something being popular is what makes it popular.

question is how is PC better now?
sony did again, like always, baby

By having games a PC doesn't have.

that's it
for anything else get a PC.
though even then PC is getting Wii U emulated which has the best exclusives so far

It's not. This comes from a Sony supporter.

As a PS4 user, I have mixed feelings about this.

On one hand, I got cucked hard by being an early adopter and now I'll have to play games with even worse framerate and graphics for the rest of the generation.

On the other, the PS4 was so underpowered from the start that it was natural that Sony would eventually need to move on to more powerful hardware to keep games working.

So there really is no solution to this problem unless you go back in time to 2013 and upgrade the original PS4.

It's not. Longevity and exclusivity was the only thing consoles had going for them.
I was with Sony but they fucked up here. It may be just a matter of convenience and money, but they really did made consoles far less appealing now. Not only exclusives are getting rare but the longevity was a BIG thing for consoles.

When you bought a PS2 or PS3 you were set for 7+ years. This was incredibly cool and even 7 years later some games could still graphically keep up anyway due to optimization
Now your PS4 last 3 years and you pay for the devs' optimization work.

I didn't buy a PS4 yet but I'm still fucking mad, I was planning to get one back in april because there's a ton of games and now I might need to wait until the end of the year. And I have to wait for used PS4.5 to pop up too because there's no way I'll support Sony ever now.

It's their fucking loss in the end. This is a huge mistake and I'm certain they'll regret it.

You'll have to see if it's going the n3ds route.
Only a few games actually using the new hardware

The PS1 was released in 1994.
The PS2 was release in 2000.
The PS3 was released in 2006.
The only outlier is how long the PS3 lasted before being replaced, but that was due to the insane amount of money lost on the system.

We know the "Neo" or whatever its called isn't going to be at E3 this year, so it'll be out sometime in 2017, maybe early 2018. Its not like support for the PS4 is going to stop, and from the sound of things this new system isn't even a direct replacement. Its a more niche system for VR specifically.

PS4 will have been around for 4-5 years before its replaced by something that isn't even a real replacement. Not exactly a big deal.

Rumors said Neo is releasing this year with PSVR though

Just made headlines yesterday, Sony confirmed the Neo won't be at E3.

You really think they're going to launch a new system without hyping the shit out of it at the biggest gaming media event of the year? Unfuckinglikely.

I wonder how the shills at ign and gamespot are gonna damage control this ?

I agree completely.
I got my PS4 mainly for Bloodborne, FFXV, and fighting games, and that was basically it. I have a PC for everything else.
I don't casual players really care about having their games be optimized all that much, and I very highly doubt there'll be many PS4.5 exclusives.
I really don't see the point of this thing. Unless you really want Bloodborne to have a better framerate, I don't see any reason why you'd get this.

I've legitimately only heard of a single N3DS exclusive game, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. What a terrible idea that thing was.

I'm in the same boat, I was all prepared to knuckle down and buy a PS4 this summer but now it seems like it could potentially be a big waste. Kind of a bummer.

1st party exclusives
No need to wait for ports for 1+ year

They want to see Microsoft take the fall. So they can gauge a reaction .

Is they reveal their slim 4k version or whatever, Sony will follow suit the very same day. Unless there's some public outcry. Then we can expect Sony to make some memes to troll xbox and pretend ps4k never existed.

But they won't. Peoples will be pissed if they hype the machine like it's the next big thing you HAVE to buy.

Instead they'll have a "Oh you want a better PS4? Here take the Neo. Don't want to? Fine, we're still selling PS4s" approach.

They'll WILL release the console before the end of the year.

I honestly feel bad for people that bought a PS4. I mean, you did get to play Bloodborne, but Sony completely shat on you.

Is there really not gonna be some sort of trade-in system where you can give your PS4 and maybe pay 100 bucks more and get the new one? That's the most obvious thing to do. To do otherwise is just trying to jew people out.

>Sony are the good guys

But thats not it, its not just a better PS4. Its a VR system. Its probably going to have a hefty price tag, and won't be marketed towards the mainstream at all.

They'll probably announce some new PS4 bundle with a couple games, a year of PS+, and some other worthless trinkets at $300, and the new VR system will be $800 or something around there.

It's actually a good idea. All games have to be fully cross-compatible. Better hardware can address the shit framerate and resolution most PS4 games run at, and developers can go back and patch earlier games to enhance them. Being able to run games at 60fps or native 1080p is going to be the main draw here, along with support for the new HDMI standard and 4K Bluray.

Early adopters got burned, but that's just how it works with any piece of consumer electronics.

That would be nice, but those interested in VR are even more fucked then. That would mean the PS4 can't into VR

Judging from the leaked specs it will not be anywhere near powerful enough to run a head-mounted display at the necessary 90fps to not look like shit. You're off-base.

The PS4 does VR, but just barely, and it uses a ton of tricks to get things borderline passable. It'll also undoubtedly be limited in the types of titles it can tackle.
Some VR games might be Neo only, or "optimized for Neo experience." Some bullshit marketing line like that.

You're just entirely clueless. Leave the thread.

So no argument then?

It's not, but it's better than the PS4. No competition? Bring out another console that's better than your own, be your own competition.

Nobody needs to argue against stupidity.
The PS4 runs the PSVR headset. Its capable of delivering a baseline experience, and the more powerful Neo system delivers a greater experience.

You just waltzed in here and said

>shitloads of 4K TV's being sold
>Sony launched UHD blu-ray discs earlier this year.
>Sony plans to release an upgraded PS4 that can play them, as well as upscaling games to 4K.
Makes sense really.

I own a PS4 size day one, and it has been an amazing system and journey. So I payed 400€ for 3 Years, that is absolutely ok for me. And I can keep it and continue to enjoy. If the 4.5 will cost me 400€ and provide another 3 years of awesomeness, I'm in. I never going to have a PC that is capable of providing this amount of entertainment for this low cost. People how need to have the most kick ass gaming pc for 2k+€ or even 1,5k € have somehow lost in the game called “life”. But I’m not going to judge if this is what they need to have in order to enjoy gaming, that is fine with me. But I’m not going to pay this price.

1) convenience
2) exclusives
3) PS3/Vita games

GG Revelator is so fucking great mang, these lobbies, this Raven HNGGGGGG. Next week I'm getting GrandKingdom alongside OdinSphere, and then StarOcean5.

I really hope July and August will be slow as fuck months just so I have time to play all this vidya

>It is a halo product that will eventually supersede the mainstream PS4
How? Just.. how?

PS4 will forever be cheaper, my guess is by at least $100, if not $150. Most people get the cheapest thign rahter than the best thing.
PS4 will have a 60-80million headstart over PS4neo once it comes out. How will the most expensive console ever catch up to PS4 sales?

they are, though

>On the other, the PS4 was so underpowered from the start that it was natural that Sony would eventually need to move on to more powerful hardware to keep games working.

No it wasn't. PCfats tried in 2012 building a $400 pc that was equivalent to the PS4 and failed miserably.

It's not a new system. It's the same one with a slightly meatier GPU.

The PS4 uses an APU. Its everything on a single die. You can't just change a die without changing every single mask layer, its a process that along costs millions of dollars.
The Neo has an entirely new APU, it is a new system.

>12 year olds on Sup Forums in charge of understanding basic facts about consumer hardware

Yes is technically a new system. But a new system implies new services, store, online servers, games, etc

Of which PS4neo will have none, everything is shared with the base PS4. I think what that user meant to say is that it doesn't kickstart a new generation, it's not a "new system" in that sense.

You forgot the pc is also getting future microsoft games. So yea it's got a few more advantages. As for the wii u thing it's nearing completion but won't be out until 2017 most likely. Still I want to play bayo 2 an uncensored xenoblade.

Its a nice idea, a 4k bd player built in is nothing but good. I've got a 4k tv Ive not watched anything 4k on.

I won't buy one but it's good for those who haven't yet.

I also don't think there's any need for a PS5. There can be great looking 1080p, 60fps games on the current PS4. Just make games within your means and have a nice 10 year generation until top of the line parts are dirt cheap.

Make games in mind that in 10 years they'll be 4k. Give them the option to be played on the PS5 in 10 years in 4k.

Or just don't and resell us everything in 4 years.

MS is even further back with their estimated release date and they're not trying to shill vr. So no MS isn't going to announce shit.

The Sega CD was pretty good and didn't actually sell that bad.

It was the 32X that was a steaming pile of shit.

Even the Saturn had a fuckload of amazing games, though admittedly many of them didn't make it past Japan (SF Alpha 3 and SoTN among others).

After a new halo product comes out, PS4 will be discontinued and PS4 Neo will be the new cheapest system.

It will appeal towards hardcore gamers. What did he mean by this?

Unless it PHYSICALLY plays PS1, PS2, and PS3 games, it's worthless. Also with the direction they tried taking by re-releasing PS2 games for higher prices, I'm pretty skeptical at the moment.

The PS4 is a late 2013 console, and you could indeed build a 400-500 dollaritos system that destroyed the PS4 back then, nevermind today.

Sony has stated both systems will be sold throughout the generation. Stop speculating bullshit when facts have already been layed out, we are out of the rumor phase now.

A huge problem with that theory is that sega went lone wolf on that and this time around all the major console makers are doing half gen steps this time around.

>It will appeal towards hardcore gamers. What did he mean by this?
See all the "PS4 can't run 1080p60fps, its shit" posters?
Those guys.

I'd pay 800$ for a ps4 that can play, PLAY NOT EMULATE, all ps1/ps2/ps3 games without issue

I don't even care if current gen games wont run at flawless 60 (BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY LMAO) as long as I have that sweet backwards compatibility

Also I'd pay 1000+ for a ps4 that can run ps3 games at native 1080p, I'm not even kidding, I just want to replay based Vanquish at a decent resolution

This is really bad for PC gaming, so in that respect it is great for consoles.

It will make porting harder and it will reinforce the idea that you need a 1k+ pc since a pc needs to be beefier to beat a console.

I never owned a console and my budget PC gaming pc that was supposed to beat consoles didn't even get drivers for example Dark Souls 3.

You shouldn't even be playing non-free proprietary games that do not respect your freedom. Things like nonfree javascript and Lua code could run on a system that tivoizies it's operating system based off on an OS with no copyleft in it's license. It doesn't give you a chance to install a operating system that can set you free like GNU/Linux.

The PS4 and the PS4.5 is malware, and so is the devil, the XBOX One.

The best PC is always a Thinkpad X60 from 2008 with a Libreboot BIOS installed and ME removed from the system. Fuck the modern generation, freedom all the way.

So should i buy one more or wait for ps4. 5? I don't care about vr

hippie get the fuck back to

No, the Sega CD and 32x where addons.
This is a new console.

Modular, open source consoles are the future.

oh wait, they're called pc's.

My PC will always be more powerful :^)

You're scaring the children

It's going to be called the PlayStation 4 Plus, you heard it here first.

>Its a more niche system for VR specifically.
If it were just for this i wouldn't really mind. But as soon as you get a let's say for example The Last of Us 2, and it's 30fps on a PS4 and 60fps on a PS4.5 i'm going to be disappointed in Sony for allowing that.

There is something really cool about updating a box every ~5 years below 400usd/eur.

I just wish my country had trade in programs / renting as it is impossible to keep up with 70eur games

>I just wish my country had trade in programs / renting
It creates its own set of problems. In America, our version of GAME actually opens up games, guts them of contents, then sell them while claiming they are "new".

>and it will reinforce the idea that you need a 1k+ pc

When ps4 released the budget card to get was the 270 line. It seems to run das3 just fine

Although personally 1k is my suggested point. With a 1k base pc all you need is a new video card every 4 years (unless you're ok with 30 fps and lowered settings) and don't have to worry about the cpu for years and years. Zen might lower that price.

Also the nextbox is using UWP as will windows so no it won't make porting harder in that respect. There's only a set line of cards they follow either way and we'll have to see how dx12/vulkan work once devs start getting used to it.

Either way I wouldn't mind consoles so much if their operating systems just gave complete control. That limit and paid online always put me off.

As i said i went with 660 gtx and didn't even get drivers for ds3 a mid generation game.

With a pc it is litterally lottery how the ports will run, tho I will upgrade in a month or two.

Why do Sony gets so much flack when they're just reacting to NX and Scorpio. Nintendogaffers seems to alsk forget that Nintendo are the one who pioneered this short informal life cycle and this business model of supeflous revisions long before Sony entered the console business.

No, it isn't. But it is better than most PCs out there.

Considering Neo is being made so that VR isn't a slideshow, yes. I demoed a PSVR last month and they had to run it on the prototype PS4

They wouldn't make that mistake, it's too similar to their Playstation Plus service

>"With PCs, you have to upgrade your parts every 3 years. With consoles, you just buy one and you're set for an entire generation."