>no cuphead thread
Discussion needs to go on
>no cuphead thread
Discussion needs to go on
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What's there to discuss? Looks like a pretty standard game, the only remarkable thing is the art style.
Which definitely earns it some points from me but the game itself looks boring.
is there a release date yet
>Boss rush: the game
Yeah, I'm excited as fuck. Day 1 pirate
There are platforming levels you egg.
Didn't they already confirm there are normal levels as well, and bosses were just being made first?
Sure let's discuss.
Well, that's fucking retarded then. Not even pirating this 2deep4you 2D artsy platformer shit
Cuphead? More like KEKhead rofl
>that sound design
>only interesting thing is the artstyle
>ruin it with chromatic aberration
You can turn it off.
Shit game for Xcucks and Pcucks
Should be called Cuckhead
Did you actually see the gameplay footage of the normal levels?
It was shit, only a step above an IOS endless runner
Trying too hard
>that strong excessive blur
There's footage of them?
>nothing to show a year later
should have just just stayed quiet until they were ready to release for everyone to laugh at them tbQH
>mickey mouse with a teacup head
Cant wait for this game. but you'll get no serious discussion here OP. Sup Forums is nothing but console wars and shit posting. This place was ruined by NeoGAF users
>"ruin" the art style with an effect that is an inherent part of the style itself
Why is the video so blurry? Did IGN stretch it to 1080 from 480?
Why are the foreground platforms done in a completley different style to the characters?
The game has chromatic aberration by default, you can turn it off
>Chromatic blurrination
accurate to the style, deal with it.
Why does the audio not match the visuals? There's no sound effect for landing when jumping, there's no sound for firing your weapon, there's no sound for dashing.
Either unfinished or, more likely, done intentionally match the game's theme of a classic cartoon.
no it's not you retard
stop spewing this misinformation
>mfw this game will flop and fail miserably because the gameplay will be 100% completely basic and boring with nothing exciting or different going on whatsoever
>mfw the devs know that the only reason anyone is even aware of this game is the artstyle
Yes it is, old-timey animation itself may not have looked like this, but the displays used to broadcast them would've made them look this way. Although if.it bothers you that much just disable it.
>i was born in the 90s
Yeah that one level they showed was basically just a straight line with a few gaps crammed with enemies. So far it's looking more basic than a NES game.
Any one could make a better level in Mario Maker.
Only slightly on the sides, not on the whole screen and only if the lenses were shit. Have you ever worked with one?
>I'm a retard
haha you fucking were born in the 90s, have you ever seen a version of popeye that wasnt a remaster, have you ever seen popeye at all? Do you even know what popeye is?
Popeye is a brand of Spinach. What does that have to do with TV?
also the fact that all it's doing in this case is making the entire thing slighty blurry and hard to look at doesn't serve it in the slightest
Was this meant to disprove me?
Yes, making something look worse for no reason is a shitty artistic choice, it's similar to CRT filters which are just as retarded.
Thankfully it can be turned off apparently, so it's okay for someone who actually cares about a less than mediocre game.
Is it even coming out at all?
Trying too hard
Old cartoons had a lot of focus on sound effects syncing with the animation and the animation syncing with the music. I'm going with the former that the sounds are not yet finished for this game.
Platforming gameplay looks a bit ropey desu senpai
Are they still running (and gunning) for the Alien Soldier number of bosses Guinness record?
>hurr Xbone exclusive
>hurr durr Windows store exclusive
>durr hurr Windows 10 exclusive
>huuuurrr boss rush only
>duuuurrr chronic absolution
>duurhruur hipster cartoon artstyle
>reeeeeee PS4 WHEEEN?!?!?
There, got all of the uninformed shitposting out of the way. Now can you faggots stop going full retard like you always do, and ATTEMPT to talk like normal people?
NeoGAF/Sonyggers really did ruin this board
it really bugs me that the game's spread gun is short range
>another pretentious 2d indie sidescroller with its only redeeming quality being the artstyle
What's there to talk about? The game looks like shit and plays like a 2000 flash game.
Way to reveal yourself by replying to his post, retard.
this shit is going to be goty without competition so far
sonyggers on suicide watch
What? Reveal myself?
Posting nonsense won't help shill your game at all.
These graphics hurt my eyes. Like, physically. I like them but I could never play it.
You know exactly what ;^)
No, I don't, and I as well as everyone else would appreciate if you stopped shitposting ITT. You are extremely transparent.
just report and hide, he's obviously trolling
>That aberration
Oh jesus christ no
I'll buy it when it's 75% off
How many levels of irony are you on right now?
Looks awesome desu.
cant wait for it to be released in 5 years on the next gen consoles.
i understand that they're going for a projector look with the abberation but its way too much. If this were an actual cartoon in the 30s the crowd would be screaming "FOCUS!"
its so bad that they had to put in an option to turn it off, you'd think that'd given them a hint or something
I was more excited when I thought it was boss rush only
What's with all the ignorant shitposting?
Do people even read threads at all anymore or do they just pile in for (You)s, even if they're intentionally making themselves look utterly retarded?
The game itself seems mediocre in non-boss levels to me, but bossfights themselves look fun and we still haven't seen that much non-boss gameplay.
>its so bad that they had to put in an option to turn it off, you'd think that'd given them a hint or something
who cares? literally just press the off switch and stop whining about it.
You, personally, dislike it. They like it. That's why they put it in, and gave you the option to turn it off. There is no issue. Shut your fucking mouth you utter shitstain. Fuck.
yes i am fully aware theres an option to turn it off as i stated in my post, im simply addressing that even so, the effect is way too strong to be considered accurate
and i do agree with you that the platforming parts look really uninspired which is what i was afraid would happen. I wasn't really hoping for a boss-rush game but i'd take a boss rush game over uninspired level design.
I don't think it's too strong considering what they were goinf for, but it's kind of a moot point to make when it can be turned off entirely - so, the only reason you posted about it was to complain it exists.
i was sold on this idea of boss only 30s style cartoon game from day one.
then they announce they're making actual 2d platformer levels
the thing is it looks well....boring. theres no variation in the 2d platforming. its just duck shoot jump duck shoot jump. you dont even get anything from killing enemies. looks like a total time filler.
now its been 2 years with several delays and i cant help but feel they delayed it so much so they can add these 2d platforming levels. which look mediocre at best.
the boss gameplay looks great though and im still really exited. just wish it would come out.
>What's with all the ignorant shitposting?
there's nothing to discuss besides screenshots. No new gameplay, announcements, anything. What do you want to discuss nigga
Why does every thread have this one guy dicksucking the game like a vacuum?
Is it one person? The developer? A hired shill?
Hey, I'm sucking the game's dick too, calm down.
I like the look of it and want a boss rush game.
>There is no issue.
as a fan of classic cartoons there is a pretty big fucking issue
The abberation is just one problem of many, they keep pushing that they wanted an accurate classical 30s look but they put in an abberation thats way too strong, they put in scanlines when color cartoons on TV werent for another twenty years, hell its not even actually cel shaded. It wouldn't be so much of an issue if they didn't make it such a big deal.
Then they go and say that they've studied and grown up with a variety of run n guns but in the gameplay department there's a lot of questionable choices. Dont get me wrong, the bosses look complex and interesting. But with shit like almost no audible feedback (hopefully just a wip thing), a ninja dash that makes you literally dissappear (something very troubling for a fast-paced run n gun), a short range spread gun, having to actually press x while touching the other player's ghost while in mid air DURING a boss fight in order to revive them, and an uninspired platforming level makes me wonder if they're truly passionate about what they're making
Of course its way too early to tell but im not optimistic
im banking on the boss fights. im not bothered by the abberation at all. the platforming looks SUPER BORING. holy shit.
Will you fucking tryhard memers kill yourself?
Why does every thread have this one guy using any excuse to shitpost and crying shill when his posts don't make sense?
I actually agree, as I already touched on in my post. Maybe other platformer levels are better as we've only seen one afaik, but yeah the bosses look leagues better
>It's a "judge the entire game based on the very first tutorial level" episode
Kill yourselves.
Because the foregrounds are waterecolored
The characters are colored digitally(though they're still hand-drawn and inked)
>Sup Forums
>ever not being prejudice
It's why Sup Forums has no taste
>less than mediocre game.
so you have footage of the other levels?
we can only hope at this point. just gotta wait till it comes out fampai
Kill yourself
calm down bucko, I'm sure someone will buy your game
It's the first level you autist
Oh right, that one level they showed off is the only platforming level in the game. Gotcha.
Ebin falseflag
>anyone interested in a game must be a shill
no they didn't
that was old footage from like 2013...it was meant as a throwback to the 16 bit days at one point in development but they got rid of it a long time ago
so you have footage of the other levels?
>the platforming
the platforming is not supposed to be the strong part/focus of the gameplay in run 'n gun game...shooting everything on screen while trying not to get hit is
>its just the first level of the game, it doesnt have to be good!
>social justice police.jpg
Well the other footage did look amazing
Fuck you
I'm tired as shit of noobs calling this game bad for no reason other than "Oh it has a great art style so it must be shallow shit"...tired of this fucking garbage here
but it is shallow shit, have you seen the gameplay? o.o