It's daytime

>it's daytime
>want to play a dark game
>can't because don't want to close the curtains
Who else share my pain?

I fucking hate sunlight.

Just get blackout curtains like I did.
Also close the blinds.
Sometimes thats not even though, fuck me.

Are you a woman?

Fuck dark souls

>Closing curtains
Curtains can be opened? What is this sorcery you speak of? This has to be bait.

>playing in a room with windows

I know your pain user.

I close my blinds, I taped garbage bags over the windows, I put thick curtains up, I pegged and sticky taped bedsheets to my walls, and still, fucking sunlight penetrates through in small areas.

Fuck the sun. I want to live in a house with no windows.

Then theres people who have lamps on and the windows open midday with their computer next to the window.

I wouldn't mind if the entire world was just perma over-cast weather. Or rain/tstorm.

>garbage bags over the windows
That probably looks pretty ghetto, but anything works I guess, probably not too bad if its behind the curtains.

>I want to live in a house with no windows.

Ive noticed I just don't like brightness in general, and I guess im just sensitive. My monitor is on the lowest settings, I always have F.lux on Halogen 24/7. Always have sunglasses no matter what time is is outside.
I also find it kinda hard to drive sometimes, even with sunglasses.

My curtains are always closed. Always. And I use the shutters for when I want to play horror vidya.

I have seriously considered moving to northern countries where there is only 1 hour of daylight a day, just so I can get that 23 hour nighttime.

I often try to sleep during the day just so I can be awake at night. I much prefer exploring outside at night time too. Exploring outside in the dark is beautiful, peaceful, quite and atmospheric. I don't anything against bright things though, I just hate reflections of my screen and bright things distracting me in the corners of my eyes. Got my screen on full brightness and rest of the room is pitch darkness.

>deploy blast shield
>play dark game
It can't be that hard.

>Sometimes sitting in the dark makes me feel shitty and sick
>Open the curtains
>Feel happy and enjoy life
>Wake up the next morning (today)
>As soon as I walk into my room the light hits my face
>Feel like the whole world can see me for the disgusting thing I am
>Shut them as quick as possible

What the fuck is wrong with me, this happens three times a week

me right now

wanna play metro, but I have south side windows

Close the fucking curtains you lazy ass

>It's fucked up and has open spots

just blast my shit up fem

>Got my screen on full brightness and rest of the room is pitch darkness.
enjoy that eye damage you fucking autist

Yikes, yeah that would pretty much destroy me. I wouldn't be able to look at the monitor at all, first thing I would do would be flipping though the menu looking for the fucking brightness slider.

But yeah, more nighttime doesn't sound too bad.
What about a job though? Like, if you sleep during the day already...
What are you going to do, be a Freelancer?

Security Guard? Ugh.

Working towards 3D Electronic design or possibly animation degree (Game Arts Developer), so thats pretty flexible time restraints I would assume, holding a job at a local tech repair shop fixing shit for retards who can't google in the mean time.

World revolves around LITERALLY the worst time of the day imo.
Pssh... Daylight savings time. Fuck off.

>Having your curtains open
>Especially during summer


>not keeping the curtains closed at all times so that you may whip our your dick and go to town on it whenever the urge strikes you without going to prison because the children next door saw you.

All parts stack up and cover the holes once it's fully deployed.

I do this anyway.

>really like the sun shining in during the summer
>can't play most of my games like that because the sun shines on the monitor
>closing the curtains during the day makes me feel shitty

How? It's literally the same as a movie theatre, all lights off and big bright monitor in my centre view. I have lights on my keyboard though. It's the only thing I am willing to accept.

I work sometimes then quit for a while. I did tradesman work. 24 hour gyms are great for being a fit neet, and help keep you in shape for employment when you need cash. Going to the gym at 1 in the morning means it's peaceful and you don't have to wait for other people to stop using the thing you want to use either.

Also yeah Daylight savings is the shittiest fucking thing. Night times are already short enough during the middle of summer, and loud cunts next door staying up late to like past 10 being loud since the sun only went down at 8, and then the sun rising at like 5:50. Fuck that shit so much.

Sunlight is good for you, retards

>northern countries where there is only 1 hour of daylight a day, just so I can get that 23 hour nighttime.
duuude, summer has fucking long days, and soon there is sunlight 24h a day for week or two

I have a similar problem but its more noise than light. Hearing engine "vrooms" every 5-10 minutes is extremely distracting to me and i dont know what to do about it besides try and use a fan for white noise, which isnt really that effective. I heard there are some curtains that can block out noise but i have my doubts about that.

>having windows
>not linux


This. No sunlight leads to balding.

Used to be a NEET with closed curtains 24/7 for a year and now my hairline receded from the sides creating a triangle.

FUCK, now my windows are getting proper sunlight support

enjoy your skin cancer

You don't need to be a normie and go outside everyday for hours, just don't close curtains everytime

Damn that sucks.

Is there any place I can go to escape the sun? Do I have to chase it around the globe.

Ay this, outside noise is just as bad as sunlight peaking through the curtains.

Trying to play a game like Thief when your dickhead neighbor is mowing his lawn is unbearable.

I doubt that, probably genes or low test is a better explanation.


>Sunlight is good for you
Nice try sun, I won't fall for your tricks again

>4 am
>Birds start chirping


clever girl

>comfy as fuck
sing more lil bros, that's a comfy ass tune

>enjoy your skin cancer

Tfw don't have to deal with vehicles but have construction sites and fireworks going off all year

>Is there any place I can go to escape the sun?
dig a hole

Even basements have windows are you playing in a bunker or something?

>tfw snownigger skin in Australia
>tfw even bet burned in Winter


>le hurr sun is bad XD
I fucking hate moon faggot

fuck those niggers

>have blackout curtains
>have blinds
>only 1 window can even get direct sunlight
>blackout cutrains arent made for my particular shit
>cracks of light
>skin cancer runs in the family
>vitamin D deficiency
>just going outside burns me in 10 minutes (i actually timed this shit multiple times)
>have to go out with full coverage and black clothes to stop light from hitting skin
>awake at night
>sleep during the day
>construction has been going on for 4 months next door
>cant sleep
>i have no idea what the fuck day it is
>i wake up and dont even know what the fuck my plans are
>all my friends are busy
everything is okay as long as i stay comfy for life
im also looking for a job but all the night shift ones are somewhere 20+ miles away

Im going to start chucking rocks into this guys lawn to fuck up his mower, he mows his fucking lawn every 3 days its retarded. So fucking annoying, although I live next to a highway and dont mind cars/trucks passimg by....

Literally the worst, I want to shoot the fuckers. Fuck birds.

4AM is also especially early, I feel for you user, usually the fuckers don't start till around 5:20 for me.

Your hair line receded because of genes, not sunlight.

t. 32 year old turbonerd with fuller and thicker hair than his dudebro "let's go to the beach" half-brother.

I don't law mowns but I hear every 4 days is "le best."

Are you not?

>want to get engrossed in a video game
>neighbor starts mowing his lawn
>neighbors dogs wont stop barking
>kids are loudly playing outside
>noisy vehicles keep driving by and sometimes a car will be blaring rap music

this this this this this

sometimes I wish I had a gun solely for the purpose of scaring them all away with the sound

Get some good over ear headphones.

Buy some decent headphones.

its hebrew

haha thats what you get for living with neighbors and being allowed to live near kids

>sometimes I wish I had a gun solely for the purpose of scaring them all away with the sound

Same here

>tfw live in Australia where guns are banned
>literally no way to get rid of birds
>daylight savings for fucking months every year
>sun glares down at you with it's caner rays
>hot and humid as fuck all day
>loud as fuck retards all day and cars every where in suburbia
>dickhead tradies building everywhere always construction going on causing shitloads of noise pollution
>fucking lawnmowers all the time
>shit internet
>$120 retail games
>only nation in the world cucked enough to have our Steam store set to US dollers
>gotta pay conversion fees for every fucking game
>Aussie doller is worth less than fucking Canada's, even on a steam sale you gotta be careful with getting tricked
>Something $10 or just over is actually gonna cost you almost $20 AUD.
>online games either have no servers, no fucking playerbase, or absolutely shit ping and are laggy as fuck
>commonly have to wait multiple hours to download and install anything from steam
>every second game is banned or censored anyways

Is there a worse country to be in?

>get some urge to play VTMB
>do it
>have a blast

You'll forget about the sun anyway if you're really engrossed in the game.

>ITT: shut in pale turbovirgins

Writing this from the comfyness of my room with every window completely open because I'm not a faggot

See how long you could last in FL, ignorant underage piece of shit. Your tiny slice of the world is not the same as everywhere else.

What do you mean? Are you afraid of methheads or the heat? If it's the heat I assure you that where I live it's way hotter and more humid. In fact my windows are open like that because I would literally suffocate if they were closed.

OP here, playing a dark game in such a condition is just not fun.

You mean high test, right?

Boy you guys sure are edgy

>tfw its too cold to open the windows

>Work third shift
>Never get any sun
>want to play vidya when I get home in the morning
>I have to close my black out curtains to see shit, as the morning sun peirces my apartment
>If I do , I will NEVER get sun

I guess I'll never finish Killer7 until the winter months.