Sup Forums, I find myself in a dilemma

Sup Forums, I find myself in a dilemma.
I have 5 consolefags who really want me to get Overwatch to play with them but I never play FPS on console.

On the otherhand, I don't really have anyone to play with on PC.

Are the controls gimped on console to the point where it is completely unenjoyable? Should I just get it on console so I can play with friends?

Help me, Sup Forums


I can relate completely

Thanks user. I'm even looking up console gameplay on Youtube. It doesn't look unbearable, I'm sure I could still enjoy it.

it's a bit slower obvs, but it's definitely a lot of fun, it doesn't burden the game at all, it's equally playable with a controller imo, minus chat functionality - but there's a set message/emote wheel for that also

Awesome, the input is much appreciated. I'll definitely be bummed out about the lack of text chat support but hopefully it's one of the few games that allows keyboard support.

I was in the same position and opted to get on PC. Its an FPS with competitive play in the future made by blizzard. Fuck your friends, PC is the right choice

you can rebind all the controls anyway, so it's as good as it can get on-console really

It's slower and the balance will be shifted with consoles in mind.
From what I've heard fast characters are a pain in the ass to deal with on consoles while the sniper characters are pretty much useless.
On PC widowmaker is OP and the fast characters are easier to deal with.

I'd say take the bullet and go with your friends in this instance senpai; it's a game that's basically tailored to be played with your friends.

PC, if you are proactive in sending friend requests to people that you liked playing with through randoms then you will end up with a big list of people to play with

Do anybody have the webms(that appeared yesterday) with the hit detection problems of overwacht.

Thanks guys, this all definitely helped put it into perspective.

One last question: Is there much of a difference between the regular edition and the Origins edition? Is it just skins and the like?

On the PC, there is greater community longevity, more reward if you take the game seriously, and is still fun if you appreciate online friends. If you play games to have fun with friends solely than console sounds more reasonable. Right now the game will probably be as fun as it will ever be. I regret not playing HALO with my friends when it was a thing. Hope this helped and good luck.

yeah just a few - albeit nice - skins for about 5 characters

Honest answer it's just skins, but if you enjoy Tracer the Origins edition comes with literally the best skin for Tracer in game. (At least in my opinion.)

Much appreciated.
It's looking like I may just go with console for now with the plan of getting it on PC in the near future if I find myself enjoying it quite a bit, I do like having better control and being free to play with more technique.

This whole thread was much more helpful than I expected, thanks anons.


I'm amazed that this is the one time the friends I usually play games with have finally all decided to pick PC thanks to the valiant effort of one other friend. Except for my best friend (who isn't connected to any of the other ones) who is debating between it and battleborn, both on ps4, because he only likes story-based games and doesn't want ps plus. I told him that neither game sounds like it's for him.

Yeah, if these friends had decent PCs they would be all over the PC release. Two of them have outdated computers, the other 3 just have your average store bought laptop / Youtube/Microsoft Word machine.

The Overwatch hit boxes are so yuge, even Trumps wall can't compete

ur mama is yuge

Overwatch is a console FPS. It's slow-paced and non-skill-based.
On the other hand, it is team-based, so having friends is a huge bonus.
You lose nothing by playing it on a console but gain a nice team.

That's a pretty good way to look at it, user. It definitely makes me feel better for preparing to place this order.

Are you as pathetic as you seem? No the fucking controls are perfect, you retard. Coming from being used to LITERALLY CLICKING AND POINTING and USING A FUCKING WORD PROCESSOR to play games will make a real GAMING CONTROLLER hard to use for a bit, but your retard brain might get adjusted eventually

The game is cancer. You'll be bored after an hour.

Cant you hook up keyboard and mouse to PS4/Bone?

Game is awful even on PC.
It hands out headshits like Halloween candy.


The game itself is acceptable on consoles. Tracer and Pharah are way stronger than Widow for example, but it's playable. The main problem is PSN. As a long-term Sonyfag since early PS1, PSN is absolute garbage and stops me playing any online game on the platform. On PC you're direct to Bliz servers without any middle man. Even just playing casually is a pain when you're getting lag and matchmaking issues outside your control. If you really must, get console OW used and if the core mechanics interest you move to PC. I chose PC over playing with friends and I've made new friends through the game so I have a consistent team I can play with. Google "overwatch the100" for a nice matchmaking site that can filter things like age, playstyle and platform. Give it a few details and it finds you 100 people to play with and lets you communicate directly.


glad I delete this shit game fucking awful. Srsly when do mods do something against the shilling here?

Damn this one is pretty bad

I want Battleborn fags to leave


Oh god it's the tribes ascend plasma gun all over again



Just a warning OP, the controls are incredibly frustrating trying to aim and fly at the same time with Pharah. Sniping is annoying too. Other than that you should be able to get used to it eventually.

>drag your cursor over people while firing
>guaranteed hits evry tiem!

>It's a your whole team leaves you to defend the payload on defense and all pick offense characters match